* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

Cupertino GIVES IN to Taylor Swift, will pay Apple Music royalties


Apple gets a Swift kick in the rear

Good well done, now we just need to set her on a few Politicians and the economy would soon recover

GCHQ didn't illegally spy on Brit NGOs, tribunal rules


"No determination in favour of complainant"

That could also be read as "no reasonable level of proof could be found against the defendant"......so like the Daz advert they're technically whiter than white as the case was unproven

Oi, UK.gov, your Verify system looks like a MASS SPY NETWORK


In any post regarding security issues

Its funny [or is it alarming?] to see so many AC posts...........

Police robot duo storm Colorado house, end four-day siege


Sounds very much like the Police going after a record of how much damage they can do getting one perp

see the damage on this one


Taylor Swift boycotts Apple Music over no-pay-for-plays shocker


The free trial is a loss leader for apple and the artists.

Im giving away food for free for the next three months, I expect all manufacturers to provide me with all goods for nothing as its a loss leader.................right thats going to happen [NOT}

Are ALIENS hiding on Jupiter's Europa? Let's find out, cry NASA bods


I`ll leave this here


British banks consider emoji as password replacement


Hmm young and emoticons

Erm,,,,,,,,,weed leaf,weed leaf,weed leaf,spliff ........cool man no one will guess that

Driverless cars deal death to Detroit, says Barclays


Re: Missing destination ?.........

So what happens to all the local transport availability when the vehicles are mostly out of town?


Missing destination ?.........

I see lots of comments about going to work,school etc of predetermined destinations but none about actually going out for a drive just for the enjoyment of it all.Say I want to go out there...... Oh for a drive to some random place in the country enjoying the view then decide to go to the beach for a few hours and maybe stop off on the way back at a nice restaurant or visit a friend I haven't seen in years.how the hell does that fit in with a self drive shared vehicles agenda?

Manchester car park lock hack leads to horn-blare hoo-ha


Re: I once owned a Vauxhall Tigra...

Thats OK Jeremy we will forgive you this time

Here's why the Pentagon is publishing its cyber-warfare rulebook – if China hasn't already hacked in and read it


US Cyberwarefare ability

Is much like the Russian nuclear ability during the cold ware lots of bravado over empty silos

Stuff your RFID card, just let me through the damn door!


We have magneticly written cards

For access to equipment, which all works fine till you accidently put it in your pocket with a more secure form of "door key" that contains a magnet as part of its features.....

SEX: Naughty female stegosauruses offered it on a PLATE


without the modern style reversing sound obviously

Maybe they lifted their tails and backed up to one another

BEND OVER, boy! Twitter lockdown to give trolls and bullies a good LICKING


The take-off-your-hat

Really how inane I guess they dont get that there are as many disposable anonymous sims as there are anonymous shill accounts

ALIENS ARE COMING: Chief NASA boffin in shock warning


Re: Have you considered that we may be looking for life, but they aren't looking for us?

If the "A1iens" are in a somewhat similar evolution cycle to ourselves and are as we are, only looking for signs of life thus only traversing the great expanses in the same way then the first indications we may see is a probe of a very similar construction to our own.It will probably be a very basic data collection device looking at topography and soil samples with regard to discovering signs of life.

Lets hope they dont take out half our satellites in the process of getting some planetary images.

HP Stream x360: Flippable and stylish Chromebook killer



In essence a larger version of the now defunct netbook era

Digital pathology and the big Cs (that’s ‘cancer’ and ‘cloud’)


Put it another way

How much personal data is presently included on the system [slides?] that is used at the moment for diagnosis

You want disruption? Try this: Uber office raided again, staff cuffed


Just a timely reminder

Being arrested is not a significant sign of guilt nor does it mean one will be charged one can be arrested for merely standing up for ones rights if your an inconvenient nuisance

PayPal settles over WMD sanction-breaking transaction claims


I would have thought

It easier to track criminals that used Paypal now I guess they'll have to use western union.On a serious note 7K isnt going to but you much in the grand scheme of things.

Half of Android devices open to silent hijack


Re: Upgrade Now!

Should the lock manufacturer keep providing upgrades to purchasers because the lock they bought with a one off payment many years ago has been proven to be easily defeated of course not.As per other software vendors like MS upgrades are only provided for a short term.



Re: Cheap flexible version

The judicious use of electric shock dog collars would ensure the interns compliance.......one shock left, two to go right.........

Sounds like more time for the boss to do Facebook and eBay or as per the film Enemy of the State quote "whos going to monitor the monitors of the monitors?"

Drug drone not high enough: Brit lags' copter snared on prison wire


Remote control

Theres nothing to say that the drone was not being controlled by one of the inmates and his PAYG smart phone ran out of battery power at the critical moment.

Taylor Swift snaps up EVEN MORE pr0n domain names

Thumb Down

Carpet Baggers

Didn't this used to be disallowed to own a domain and not use it?

Easy money for the domain name makers though.........lets make one called .xxx and see who we can blackmail money out of to prevent their name being used with it

WinPhone? PAH! If you want Microsoft's mobe apps, grab an Android


Windows Phone devices, where the apps are arguably better integrated.

Bo*****s if its designed and installed properly then the operating system has little to do with poor integration.

As to integrating MS software it brings back shades of Blackberrys failed attempts to buy into a busy market place.

Respect mah privacy! EU delegation begs US to play nice with data


Only one word for this...........


Aged 18-24? Don't care about voting? Got a phone? Oh dear...



So just how do you recount a phone vote when it all goes tits up?

Curiosity rover's broken arm heals, exploration-as-normal resumes


Watch out theyre coming...............

So 7 of 9 used her Borg nano probes to fix the Rover

W*nkers of the world unite to save the planet one jerk-off at a time


Re: Does it generate power from torque or frequency?

The use of differing viscosity fliuds might help

Free WiFi coming to UK trains ... in two years


Accoring to a BBC Radio 4 "expert"

"The WiFi will be provided through roof mounted routers running from a 3G or 4G service".To put it in laymans terms if you have a poor mobile signal on your service right now then your simply going to have a poor WiFi connection through this service too.

Anyhow why are the Governemnt in an economic recession throwing tax payers money at private companys in the first place?

Windows 7 MARKED for DEATH by Microsoft as of NOW


Re: What's with the numbering, guys?

They missed out windows NIEN!

Tesco tosses loss-making Blinkbox into TalkTalk's basket


I wonder

If the deal included the Blinkbox Books service as having the same name but by different venders is going to cause confusion to the market

UK.gov prompt payment promise is POPPYCOCK - NAO


Its nothing new

It seems the bigger the company the longer they seem to keep small suppliers who may live of proceeds month to month,waiting for their invoice to be paid .Complaints will usually be met with the if you dont like it we will get someone else to supply us.

Reg man confesses: I took my wife out to choose a laptop for Xmas. NOOOO


Would those Tablets you recommend

be Valium or laxatives?


Your mistake

Was asking a none techie person to choose a device based on hardware and software specifications and not style.What you needed to do was ask her what she wanted then purchased one based on your experience this way she would be happy with the device you purchased not unhappy you didnt get what she requested.

Solar-powered bra maker suffers 20,000 TITSUPs all at once


I hope women

Are not falling out over this lack of attire

BT takes broadband to NEW PLACES. That's right: CITIES



The recent issues with getting services to present customers Im suprised their backbone can take the strain

Norks' internet goes TITSUP in possible DDoS attack


North Korea admits they have a fibre problem

Kim Jong Un orders all residents to eat more cereal

US Navy's LASER CANNON WARSHIP: USS Ponce sent to Gulf


Given the limited range of one mile

Its letting what ever its shooting at well within a safe distance of the ship i.e. an aircraft would have already launched several weapons by then many miles away and scooted after all its no longer WWII and ground engagement with this weapon in unlikely as any commander taking his ship in that close to shore certainly has a death wish if only from canon fire.

Besides those small inconveniences it only shoots in direct line of sight so no overhead attacks or explosive decompression about the target then and whatever is behind the target be it friendly or not is likely to get some of the overspill too.

Yes I know its in beta phase but height seems to be the main advantage point for this weapon.

EU law bods: New eCall crash system WON'T TRACK YOU. Really



Im sure insurance companys and the highways agencys would be interested in such devices which give live vehicle meta data and actual vehicle usage.Its too tempting a target to be ignored and abused much the same as a Govermentally controlled central databse.

Globe-spanning SEA-ME-WE 3 sea cable feared cut, broken or ...



Thats what you get for having reductions in the Naval defense budget a complete lack of suitable submarines and trained personnel to make competent splices.

MEPs want 'unbiased search', whatever that is – they're not sure either


Amazon Fire

So basically they have two versions of Google search one with adverts [unpaid] and one without [Paid] Happy now?

Japan pauses asteroid BOMBING raid – still no word from Bruce Willis?


Looks to me........

Like a peeled Apple so maybe it should broadcast well known brand advertising for the next millennium or so until the Sun swallows it up


UK.gov mulls three-point turn on three-point turn thanks to satnav. Weeeeeeee. THUD


Re: Really?

Nearby here that would be followed by : pass the vehicle/s parked on the near side using the opposite side of the road,continue forward at speed heading towards the closly approaching vehicles until they slow to let you pass.

Any use of the horn by these vehicles is to be responded to with a wave of the fing.......er... hand


Elf and safety

Im suprised no one suggested doing all the training and the test on a simulator yet to further cut the risk of learner drivers on the road to other road users, oh and reduce congestion of course.

Holy sh*t! Amsterdam man in pop-up public toilet shock horror



From reading other articles it seems to me the loud bang was produced by the motor cycle which was parked over it ,falling of the rising toilet so I'm assuming at this point it fell onto a pedestrian.BBC reports he was only slightly injured.

TalkTalk email goes titsup FOR DAYS. Cheapo telco warns: Changing password WON'T fix it


So this a week after the Yahoo email failure

Which on and off lasted several days taking out other services like BT who still use them for email.

Bond villains lament as Wicked Lasers withdraw death ray



If you have two or more don't cross the streams

PHONDLESLAB-ULOUS: Motorola Moto X Android phablet


So I have to ask

Did someone vomit on the home screen?

Mystery Russian satellite: orbital weapon? Sat gobbler? What?


Given its alleged manuverability

It could be used to latch on to other objects to either capture and nullify them[ i.e. explosion,interference or hack] or alternately move them off their own preprogrammed routes at strategic moments in history.

The Nokia ENIGMA THING and its SECRET, TERRIBLE purpose



Well it would have to be something to sell.....er compliment Microsoft products so maybe a networkable box for cloud based services like storage and software applications like online Office and gaming that only requires a mouse, keyboard and HDTV to operate rather than a conventional PC based system.