Apple gets a Swift kick in the rear
Good well done, now we just need to set her on a few Politicians and the economy would soon recover
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
Sounds very much like the Police going after a record of how much damage they can do getting one perp
see the damage on this one
I see lots of comments about going to work,school etc of predetermined destinations but none about actually going out for a drive just for the enjoyment of it all.Say I want to go out there...... Oh for a drive to some random place in the country enjoying the view then decide to go to the beach for a few hours and maybe stop off on the way back at a nice restaurant or visit a friend I haven't seen in the hell does that fit in with a self drive shared vehicles agenda?
If the "A1iens" are in a somewhat similar evolution cycle to ourselves and are as we are, only looking for signs of life thus only traversing the great expanses in the same way then the first indications we may see is a probe of a very similar construction to our own.It will probably be a very basic data collection device looking at topography and soil samples with regard to discovering signs of life.
Lets hope they dont take out half our satellites in the process of getting some planetary images.
The judicious use of electric shock dog collars would ensure the interns shock left, two to go right.........
Sounds like more time for the boss to do Facebook and eBay or as per the film Enemy of the State quote "whos going to monitor the monitors of the monitors?"
Bo*****s if its designed and installed properly then the operating system has little to do with poor integration.
As to integrating MS software it brings back shades of Blackberrys failed attempts to buy into a busy market place.
"The WiFi will be provided through roof mounted routers running from a 3G or 4G service".To put it in laymans terms if you have a poor mobile signal on your service right now then your simply going to have a poor WiFi connection through this service too.
Anyhow why are the Governemnt in an economic recession throwing tax payers money at private companys in the first place?
Was asking a none techie person to choose a device based on hardware and software specifications and not style.What you needed to do was ask her what she wanted then purchased one based on your experience this way she would be happy with the device you purchased not unhappy you didnt get what she requested.
Its letting what ever its shooting at well within a safe distance of the ship i.e. an aircraft would have already launched several weapons by then many miles away and scooted after all its no longer WWII and ground engagement with this weapon in unlikely as any commander taking his ship in that close to shore certainly has a death wish if only from canon fire.
Besides those small inconveniences it only shoots in direct line of sight so no overhead attacks or explosive decompression about the target then and whatever is behind the target be it friendly or not is likely to get some of the overspill too.
Yes I know its in beta phase but height seems to be the main advantage point for this weapon.
Nearby here that would be followed by : pass the vehicle/s parked on the near side using the opposite side of the road,continue forward at speed heading towards the closly approaching vehicles until they slow to let you pass.
Any use of the horn by these vehicles is to be responded to with a wave of the hand
Well it would have to be something to compliment Microsoft products so maybe a networkable box for cloud based services like storage and software applications like online Office and gaming that only requires a mouse, keyboard and HDTV to operate rather than a conventional PC based system.