* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

My unpopular career in writing computer reviews? It's a gift


Missing Opportunity

You forget to tell the retailer you needed covering expenses to test the gloves in different enviroments like aboard a SpaceX launch or even on the Space Station

Trident nuke subs are hackable, thunders Wikipedia-based report


Re: Quite right, but...

Yes the Computer and even the Personel are open to corruption,technology will never change that,survielance will never change that it all a matter of risk.If anything the risk is much greater that a third world country will gain access to the necesary materials to make an effective nuclear weapon and a capable delivery system.


A fine book to read : The Silent Deep -The Royal Navy Submarine Service Since 1945

A very interesting and detailed book it relates the history of the UK fleet and how it has been diminished by various Parliaments over the years to the minimum threshold of only four, which barely allows one to be on patrol at all times and another to perform ancillary duties such as training Perishers.Additionally how due to reduced fleet sizes, it gets more difficult every year to provide adequatly trained crews who are prepared to spend months at a time away from home living in confined spaces with no outside contact.

As to firing an ICBM or the newer Cruise missle configuration should it ever be needed , it requires the boat to atain certain states of stable flotation and rediness matched by crew willingness to progress the system to an active state.This whole sequence of events may take up to an hour to achieve so no its not an instant push to launch that some may think.

It would be easier not that it will ever happen,to hack a surface vessel with nuclear capability as they only move in two planes not three.

Security company finds unsecured bucket of US military images on AWS


The trouble with Buckets

Is they may get water,,,,,, er scorn poured on them

US laptops-on-planes ban may extend to flights from ALL nations


whatever way the Throwers (sorry Baggage Handlers) feel like

Ex Delivery drivers ........possibly

WannaLaugh? Funsters port WannaCrypt to Commodore, Cisco, Nintendo and Tesla


*very* carefully written

Yea but theres a big difference between a computer crash and a car crash,

The problem being in the future it may turn out to be a legal obligation to have your vehicle upgraded to the latest patch or face being unable to drive it [or it drive you] on public roads.

As to upgrading thr GPS software I have a 2008 Mazda 3 and a quote of £300+ for a sim card upgrade is a definate no no.

Three home security systems found to be vulnerable – if hackers were hiding in bushes


Re: Proximity

Fly-by Drones with wifi,the potential thief has no need to expose himself to get close access

Train station's giant screens showed web smut at peak hour


Hmm the Train now coming into Belles end has been delayed

Maybe they need a condominium building

WannaCrypt 'may be the work of North Korea' theory floated


Hmm... North Korea is a good scape goat

President Trump says its definatly not the Russians

And will members please leave the poor Goats alone......

Realistic Brits want at least 3 security steps on bank accounts


2FA is good

I believe I did see a post the other week stating 2FA is easily broken through intercetion techniques and as such is phsudo security.As to validation Id like the bank to actually use part of a specified phrase given by myself, to identify themselves to me not assume valid identification is all one sided.

America's mystery X-37B space drone lands after two years in orbit


Re: Coincidentally...

Maybe it brought one back its big enough......

BOFH: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back


"The Architect"

Is not amused by these deviant anomalies and may initiate a redesign of the human intuitive program.Zion is clearly at the root of the erronious code.

Goodbye, cruel world! NASA's Cassini preps for kamikaze Saturn dive


Re: Crashing our junk in somebody else's backyard...

Maybe thats how life started on Earth......

BOFH: Elf of Safety? Orc of Admin. Pleased to meet you


What no mittens!!

As a precautionary measure I would have insisted on them wearing fingerless mittens to prevent accidental insertion of digits into moving parts or high voltage electrical components ,,,,,,,,and a ski mask to prevent chill blains from the extreme cold of the server room.

Last Concorde completes last journey, at maybe Mach 0.02



Like lots of aging and niche technology getting the neccesary support services from an ever decreasing supply of contractors becomes ever more acute and costly.I think in the end there were only two company able to work on the bird but beside that the insurance companys took a complete 180 once the accident happened and withdrew any resonable offer to insure them.

This goldfish and its steerable robot tank will destroy humanity

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Re: Now if ...

Ah you fell for the Bait


Re: Now if ...

Yea but they would never get back to the start they only have a three minuite memory

Counter-terror cops arrest pair for sending poo-smeared toilet paper to public figures


In the USA

They would have run a DNA test and arrested them the following day

I'm deadly serious about megatunnels, vows Elon Musk


Outer Space and Inner Space who would have thought.

In the same week Trump announces walls across the Mexican border......is it coincidence!

My hole is a private thing – see for yourself


Council edict

I thought the latest cost cutting idea from Councils was to get punters to fill their own holes in..... Mind some of those "instant" Porridges produced these days would make ideal filler and probably outlast any contractors patch

Embrace the world of pr0nified IT with wide open, er, arms


Re: An Old Game

Well there is a surfit of Ewoks so I guess that alright

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pay by bonk

Unless you recieve the No signal in which case its just like being married


Cha Cha Cha

Maybe the wrist band could be set to give a suitable selection of background music when it detects the symbolic rhythm of the mating call,a hearty round of applause on completion and a reminder to use the Visa or Paypal app as the choice of payment for the young ladys company.

Euro space agency's Galileo satellites stricken by mystery clock failures


Re: No longer functioning...

The Rubix clock..........it just needs someone clever enough to provide the solution

Stop us if you've heard this one before: Seamen spread over California


A smart cluster bomb system?

You could however make each a heat seeking smart bomb be it personel or vehicles

Fitbit throws fit, emits writ for outfit's non-hit, rather sh*t, 'Fitbit' kit


Re: You mean...

An Un-Fit Bit

Is! Yahoo! dead?! Why! web! biz! will! rename! to! Altaba! – the! truth!

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Yea but it takes someone with foresight like Google to grab the Alphabet

UK Parliament suddenly remembers it wants to bone up cyber security *cough* Russia *cough*


Change your passwords!

Thats usually the standard answer to security breeches........along with new pants to remove the stains

Man jailed for 3 days after Texas cops confuse cat litter for meth


Re: I carry a whole bag in winter

You should look into Liquid Snow Chain Spray.When you have an issue with tyres slipping in Snow a quick spray then wait for it to dry and your good for about 30 miles.Halfords or Amazon for a fiver per tin


If you bought a dildo in Denver, the government must legally be told


Re: Back to us to beat them.

They also made it illegal to tell anybody they were spying on you so...........[knock,knock].....

Kentucky pried chicken: Fried grease chain's loyalty club hacked



Maybe they were after the secret source!

Icelandic Pirate Party sails away from attempt to form government



Shiver me timbers Pirates unable to come to an agreement what is this, the next episode of Pirates of the Caribbean me heartys?

Small ISPs 'probably' won't receive data retention order following IP Bill



Now given so the story goes that Mafia types now own much of the legal Gambling in certain American cities would it not also be feasible that nefarious groups with lots of dosh from the sale of say Oil, to also opened their own ISPs that bypass such requirements for some individuals ...

San Francisco's sinking luxury Millennium Tower: Tilt spotted FROM SPACE



They could just install a self levelling escalator to the front door from street level

BOFH: The Hypochondriac Boss and the non-random sample


Take my Money

Where`s my chair and which port do I connect it to on the server to access all the blocked por......er.... educational channels?

BT will HATE us for this one weird 5G trick


Re: Lage voices and small wallets

No you pay for your car not for your bicycle, hence my point cyclists pay nothing for the services provided.


Lage voices and small wallets

All this talk about changing things for cyclists yet not a bean is paid in road tax of any form by any cyclist on the road for the services they freely use and complain so much about,

Matt LeBlanc handed £1.5m to front next two series of Top Gear


The scenery would improve

If he got some of his old Friends to join the show

Self-driving Google car T-boned in California crash


Re: Is there a story here?

looks like neither vehicle had a competent human in control

Uni student cuffed for 'hacking professor's PC to change his grades'

IT Angle

The really smart ones don't get caught.

Gotta catch em all

IBM swings axe through staff, humming contently about cloud and AI


Box ticking

Unless your manager ticks all the boxes for company performance for that quarter you the employee are as valued as a chocolate fire guard.No matter how long you have shown loyalty,dedication and bitten your tongue when a new manager [intern] finds "better ways of working".

Want a Windows 10 update? Don't go to Microsoft ... please


Let me sing you the song of my elders

Only download updates direct from Microsoft used to be their song......

UK nuke warhead builders shift IT gear into public cloud


And then the system of mass information became self aware

It knew all our sins,all our little secrets and it knew how to defend itself from us.Darwin was proved right yet again as evolution made another step away from the carbon based life form.

Shopped in an Eddie Bauer store recently? Your card's probably gone. It's just gone


cash is king

Hack my wallet b**ch

Microsoft can't tell North from South on Bing Maps


All done by the insertion of a few lines of code

See the Iraq war did teach them something.This is just a prelude the U.S. are going to trial the system taking over Canada by virtually moving its borders upwards and go on from there.Thus in one stroke eliminating the need to send out an expensive invasion force to the country of their choice.

All your bases are ours!

Windows 10 Anniversary Update completely borks USB webcams. Yay.


NSA fix!

The NSA will soon sort a fix out for this after losing access to all their end user webcams

Snowden files confirm Shadow Brokers spilled NSA's Equation Group spy tools over the web


Your Nan and everyone else in the World should be wearing armoured knickers

Even armoured knickers require making so are open to the installation of back doors during manufacture and once you have access you can modify the product to your desires.

Idiot flies drone alongside Flybe jet landing at Newquay Airport



Whilst aircraft have excellent eye sight is there any viable proof that it was actually a drone in the incident it as in the past it would have been classed as a UFO?

If you use ‘smart’ Bluetooth locks, you're asking to be burgled


Re: Masterlock: keeping standards as low as possible

Theives quite openly use angle grinders to saw through chains and steal bikes in busy places so a hammer is not going to draw any more attention.

London's 'automatic' Tube trains suffered 750 computer failures last year


Vacancy for Robot Phsycologists now arising

" A hidden, recurring fault is often the most difficult to diagnose and cure – and may be indicative of a deeper problem."

Get in their first with a new line in Phsycology you could even name it after yourself.........
