Missing Opportunity
You forget to tell the retailer you needed covering expenses to test the gloves in different enviroments like aboard a SpaceX launch or even on the Space Station
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
Yes the Computer and even the Personel are open to corruption,technology will never change that,survielance will never change that it all a matter of risk.If anything the risk is much greater that a third world country will gain access to the necesary materials to make an effective nuclear weapon and a capable delivery system.
A very interesting and detailed book it relates the history of the UK fleet and how it has been diminished by various Parliaments over the years to the minimum threshold of only four, which barely allows one to be on patrol at all times and another to perform ancillary duties such as training Perishers.Additionally how due to reduced fleet sizes, it gets more difficult every year to provide adequatly trained crews who are prepared to spend months at a time away from home living in confined spaces with no outside contact.
As to firing an ICBM or the newer Cruise missle configuration should it ever be needed , it requires the boat to atain certain states of stable flotation and rediness matched by crew willingness to progress the system to an active state.This whole sequence of events may take up to an hour to achieve so no its not an instant push to launch that some may think.
It would be easier not that it will ever happen,to hack a surface vessel with nuclear capability as they only move in two planes not three.
Yea but theres a big difference between a computer crash and a car crash,
The problem being in the future it may turn out to be a legal obligation to have your vehicle upgraded to the latest patch or face being unable to drive it [or it drive you] on public roads.
As to upgrading thr GPS software I have a 2008 Mazda 3 and a quote of £300+ for a sim card upgrade is a definate no no.
I believe I did see a post the other week stating 2FA is easily broken through intercetion techniques and as such is phsudo security.As to validation Id like the bank to actually use part of a specified phrase given by myself, to identify themselves to me not assume valid identification is all one sided.
Like lots of aging and niche technology getting the neccesary support services from an ever decreasing supply of contractors becomes ever more acute and costly.I think in the end there were only two company able to work on the bird but beside that the insurance companys took a complete 180 once the accident happened and withdrew any resonable offer to insure them.
See the Iraq war did teach them something.This is just a prelude the U.S. are going to trial the system taking over Canada by virtually moving its borders upwards and go on from there.Thus in one stroke eliminating the need to send out an expensive invasion force to the country of their choice.
All your bases are ours!
" A hidden, recurring fault is often the most difficult to diagnose and cure – and may be indicative of a deeper problem."
Get in their first with a new line in Phsycology you could even name it after yourself.........