* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012


Wish you were here? NASA rover beams postcard from Mars

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Actually the swirling winds on Mars have been suprisingly adequate and clearing most of the dust from the cells.Now if they could onlt get Earth bound tech to last as long!

California clears way for Steve Jobs' 'private Apple spaceship'


,,,,,,,,,,,They are building a gigantic space ship based on Area 51 tech to escape the planet once the gigantic meteor is spotted entering Earths trajectory.

Trekkie pays £45,000 for rusty shuttle


When you waiting for an Earth destroying meteor to arrive its just good preparedness to have an escape shuttle to hand

Facebook: Our phone app DID seize your email


User feedback is always welcome in regard to Facebook new features at recyclebin@facebook.com

London cops order Julian Assange to turn himself in


Just to point out he could leave the embassy as a diplomatic package [be it wrapped in brown paper or not] and transend to the nearest local international airport for transport to a country of his choice.

Bluetooth gizmo lets you take card payments via smartphone


An interesting video about the lack of security on touchless payment cards


Mighty ROBOT achieves total SUPREMACY over feeble humans

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"Would you trust it not to mangle your man-hood in the event of an error..."

The Big Bang Theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb627xDlqBs

Of course the robot is actually cheating,if you watch the last slow mo decision in the video its waiting till the human finishes making a gesture before performing its own and even I can do that.

Office printers spew reams of garbage as 2-year-old Trojan runs wild


Whatever happened to the paperless office Tommorows World promised us so many years ago?


Major London problem hits BT broadband across southeast


Unrelated as it wasnt the same guy who tripped over the server power lead in London and Sheffield?

Ex-Soviet space gunboats to be FOUND ON MOON

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Oh and the Outer Space Treaty does not prohibit the fitting of conventional weapons so the cannons can stay



Maybe we should set up a fund and compile a lst of Euro-ticians to send up on the first flight

China fingered as lappie disappears from Taiwanese boat

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[quote]Structurally, 'laptop' may have the same number of syllables as 'lappie', but the double consonant 'pt' is more difficult to say since it requires a more complex lip and tongue movement at the transition. For casual speech (and casual writing), this is the reason I prefer to use 'lappie', 'deskie', 'tabbie' and 'mobbie'.[/quote]

Sorry for some reason I was expecting the word Barbie to appear in the same sentence.Just a small correction we are reading this, not speaking it out loud like a three year old.

Raspberry Pi IN THE SKY: Wallet-sized PC is disaster drone brain


Any particular reason for the design to built into a plane and not a hovering device ?

NASA's Curiosity rover will try risky landing near Mount Sharp


Planning to fail is not allowed these days......I guess that makes back ups out of the question.

New UK curriculum ramps up lessons in SPAAAACE


Evolution............wait till the New Earth Order and the Religious clans get a hold of that one like they have in America boy the ciriculum will be in turmoil.

Source code smoking gun links Stuxnet AND Flame


On the other hand if a certain agency discovered one or other of the devices and incorporated part of it in their own device as a quick fix then that could be misconstrued could it not?

Trekkie wants to build USS Enterprise … in twenty years


In simplistic terms given todays technoiogy yes you could build a small "bolt together" craft in space up at the present international space station.It would however consume great amounts of resources in both materials and funds to get the thing even off the ground ,much like the international space station itself.

Id think even if it were viable you would be talking at the moment of a one way trip for astronauts, as resources and payload would negate the ability for a return ticket.........so whos up for volunteering?

People-powered Olympic shopping mall: A sign of utter tech illiteracy


Oh and I forgot to mention on US installations the inclusion of a defibrilation unit at the end of the walkway would become a statutory requirement to defer insurance claims.


"So we'd be working harder to walk along the level "

Yes but just think of all the possible health benefits in reducing waste lines,excersing the heart muscles and the extra sales at the burger bars......

Barclays Online Offline again


Even the Barclays payment authentication is having issues.It wouldnt authenticate my debit card payment for my Council Tax payment the other day and today it took two further attempts before it eventuially worked.

WTF is... Li-Fi?


Seems to be a one way stream to me as theres nothing a bulb can do to recieve data

US space programme in shock metric conversion


Oh and lets not foget the Gallon which Americans still havent got right

The imperial (UK) gallon, defined as 4.54609 L, is used in some Commonwealth countries and was originally based on the volume of 10 pounds of water at 62 °F (17 °C). (A US liquid gallon of water weighs about 8.33 pounds at the same temperature.) The imperial fluid ounce is defined as 1⁄160 of an imperial gallon.


Maybe we shoud divide the day into periods of 20 hours/day,100 minuites/hour for those who find mathamatics hard to do without a calculator.

UK prosecutions for hacking appear to be be dropping

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The figures mean zilch or diddly squat because all you have to do is stop prosecuting for a while and the figures drop then you announce in a fan fare that the counter measures are working backed up by a significant drop in figures.

More political mutton dressed as lamb.

Pints under attack as Lord Howe demands metric-only UK


Maybe we should join the Euro curency too..........NOT.

Dear Jeffrey do you realise the cost to industry and the economy it would be to change over the the European metric unit.....it would be billions of pounds down the drain and al to please a political whim............now thats sounds famiiar doesnt it.

