Google maps is just like Google search in that unless you tell it the item is locally related it will use its worldwide data base to search for the results.
Posts by Arachnoid
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
BT gets postcode knickers in twist, plants Shoreditch on Mount Everest
Australian tabloid decides to fight trolls ... with trolls
ICO sets cookie-law flouters deadline - to open an HTML editor blacklists Fujitsu from future contracts - report
NASA reports first sighting of dry ice Martian snowfalls
Google's Nexus 7 tabs 'can't perform' if flash RAM crammed

In case you forgot the Nexus 7 is a cloud computer,its designed to use the internet storage services hence why it had no memory card slot and to moan about not getting your full 16/32GB you paid for is just purile.The OS itself needs room as does the swap and temp files but of course you dont care about the little things like how the operating system actually works in real life.
With regard to harddrive it depends how you or the suppler format them as to what space is available so you clearly cant be blaming the drive manufacturer for what is in essence a software issue.Read the small print for a change and stop just looking at the headlines for inspiration.
Google skids car insurance comparison engine onto rivals' lawn
Never had an issue with price comparison websites and as for the phone number 0101010101 or similar works for me.What I do have an issue with is getting an insurance reminder in the UK then using the insurers own website for a quote check only to find its actually cheaper there than they have quoted for the renewel.
Zombie PC herders issue commands from Tor hideout
Dredd movie review
Hmm where to start,,,,,, The 3D was lost on me even though it was the first type of this Ive seen it was not really a plus for the film and lacked punch,it could have played just the same in 2D.Having the script placed mainly in a concrete multiplex reduced the need for much imagination on the special effects used to give a futuristic flavour to the film and it showed,it could have been any overgrown 60s tenament buikding relocated to a US city of your choice.
Dredd was OK but stilted and lacked much of the punch and drive of the comic character as to Anderson you see her grow during the film but to be honest she wasnt played very well be it the acting or direction at fault here I cant say.
Outside the block I suppose it was meant to show a dreary overcrowded city which I suppose it did well to a point, but it really lacked any of the multi cultertal Eastern aspect that drives flavour into many such films.
The bike was a big disapointment, I would have been hard put to see it coming given its poor road pressence you really need something bigger than life for such a character.
All in all Id say given the time of year and the low budget threashhold mentioned plus the expected low returns on investment Id give it a 6/10 with a caution for good behaviour requiring a reapperaence in court within the next twelve months.
iPad no flight risk says Federal Aviation Authority

Tablets are fine and it just goes to prove that passengers have been right all along about interference to inflight electronics.On the other hand if they get damaged or go flat are the airlines going to stop the pilot taking the next flight up or even land early at another destination because he has an equipment failure?..........
AVG kicks out new touchy-feely UI to grab smartphone-fondlers
First Irish-speaking virus holds bloke's computer to ransom
Voyager's 35th birthday gift: One-way INTERSTELLAR ticket
'Nutjob' serves half-baked Raspberry PI scam
Samsung puts Police on trail of AWOL OLEDs
Microsoft awards itself Google-esque power over Hotmail, SkyDrive etc
Curiosity parks for a day, looks back in wonder
Apple drones reject American drone-strike tracker app
Have you not considered the fact that it may only be a matter of time before the enemy of the US has mobile devices capable of remotely attacking its troops.These may not be as technically superior as those used already and may be ground based rather than ariel but they will still kill just as many people should they make an appearence.
Pret-a-porter: LG boffins' bendy battery can be worn as PANTS
Space Jam: stripped bolt bugs spacewalkers
NASA funds sexy, stealthy, sideways supersonic flying wing
Mars rover 'cast: A depressing day for space and technology
The problem as I see it is keeping the public interested in the project, which much like the vaunted Apollo missions people soon began to lose interest in the mundane live broadcasts.Yes it was a bit naff but it hooks public interest not just in this robot which which to all intense and purposes is trundling around firing lasers at rock after rock for the next year or so.Hardly headline hitting news of interest to the masses now is it?
DOCTOR WHO world, or Magrathea, SPOTTED* orbiting twin suns
Mars rover harangues empty landscape with loudhailer
Watchdog probes rules for naughty mobe fondling on flights

In all the years we have had electronic personal devices I have never ,I repeat never seen a report of a crash or mishap happening in the air due to these devices being able to broadcast and recieve.I have not seen any definitive tests being done by authorised bodies to prove the devices of any kind interfere with aviation equipment of any kind.
UKNova drops torrents after threats from FACT

Isnt it odd that a well used, ethically ran website with a well known production team can be shut down by lawyers merely by threats.Whereas were the same site run on a server in a certain foriegn coutry popular for daffodills and drugs by avater laden keyboard hacks the place would still be open for buisness......
Hotel keycard firm issues fixes after Black Hat hacker breaks locks

Standard door locks provided by installers on double glazed UPVC conservatory and patio doors are vulnerable to a break in with a hammer and screw driver, any teenager could do it [see youtube].Does it stop them being sold to customers NO,does it make householders throughout the UK ask for new improved locks for free NO.
Always there are compromises and weaknesses on security systems both hardware and software its the nature of the game.One side inovates a new system the other inovates a solution to get round it.
Mr Bank Manager, help yourself to my smartphone contents

Hum...... just to point ot the lead/foil lined wallets are useless at protecting your contactless cards.To work they require not just to encompase the card but also to be grounded to the Earth so unless you have a conductive wire going down your pants to the ground they are about as useful as those sticky wire ariels they used to sell to increase mobile phone reception.
If you want a better understanding of the risks watch the video its quite revealing on the lack of security with the service
British Minister likens Anonymous to fascists and racists

Its strange how people and more often Politicians will more often than not tend to refer the "group anonymous" as if it were part of a close nit goverment department that met ,made decisions and acted up on them in unison.
Whilst there may be a hard core of people whos online activity is in their name the whole point of the group as I see it is that it could be anybody anywhere, acting in a way they consider to be correct against the oppressive actions of others.A whole different ball of wool to that being broadcast by the Guberment.
As for the Assage matter, its a sotarical farce from the 60s Carry on era with many actors all playing a part in making bad decisions with undercurrents of subdefuge and skull duggery.They should make a film about the story it woulkd make a bomb at the cinema.
China could penetrate US with new huge missile
Red hot chilli peppers floor Bristol shoplifter
Facebook facepalm: US judge tosses out 'sponsored stories' deal
Curiosity's laser turns Mars rocks to 'glowing plasma'
NASA picks the target for Curiosity's first road trip
Best Buy, Target, Walmart, others to take on Google Wallet
Theres never been co-operation on any system be it from running buses with several companys competing on routes,the beta max and vhs video war,gas and electric services and on to the best way to screw a customer [Sales].Shops at least the big ones, want in on the 2 1/2% [ish] that visa take from their cream pie.
Judge begs Apple, Samsung to get a room, or trial will end in tears
Bitcoinica sued for $460,000 by 'out-of-pocket' punters
Well they havent lost anything really,they started out with a virtual currency now thay have virtually nothing to show for it.Id say thats a good 50% and worth at least a ruble of anyones currency.
Funny really as several people on a forum I use have recently been trying to say how safe and stable the BitCoin market is.......There but for the lack of funds go I
Can YOU crack the Gauss uber-virus encryption?
The problem I see from the approach being suggested is that it may not be a commonly found file or even set of files and thus would not exist on standard home/office systems.Given the sophistication of the virus its more likely to be a specialist i.e. a secure file system thats its looking for so this approach would be a fruitless time wasting action.