Apple Droids are difficult to reprogram once the initial factory settings are input.
On the less frivilous side, any surge of jobs whatever the market is a good sign given the state of world economy.
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
Given that many PC world and Dixons shops have merged in many places and reduced their floor space already then the shrinking footfall market is nothing to be cheering at.Its going to be a hard cold winter of discontent in the electrical goods market now the chill of the shrinking spare change in the pocket has hit consumers badly.
Strange how some peeps are somehow in defence over the lack of market apps for Windows new toy yet I will see the same argument used against the Blackberry market stall as a justification to use Android systems.
Just to clarifty a little,whilst the Playbook can now port some but not all Android apps even there some Blackberry die hards are complaining its capability should be removed because the lack of quality control in the Android market is having a negative effect on the quality of the Blackberry marketplace.
"El Reg is a truly wondrous resource. Up until now I had thought that Hestia was an acronym* used by an antipodean maker of Bulgarian airbags holders and 'ladies' foundation garments'."
And here was I thinking it was just another font set DOH!
Seems a lot of guess work wrapped up in another end user license fee paid for by the tax payer to me