* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

I, for one, would like to welcome our Android overlord


Apple Droids are difficult to reprogram once the initial factory settings are input.

On the less frivilous side, any surge of jobs whatever the market is a good sign given the state of world economy.

New trend: Trojan which steals your pics instead of your text


Help! someone stole my Adult p..........er,,,,,, company`s image folder

007 hardware: Gadgetry, spyware and things that make you go Boom


Bond needs to change his weapon of choice given the opposition it looks rather wimpy at times against their automatic weapons and rocket launchers.

Mystery robot-bringing UFOs sighted by Indian troops on Tibet border


Maybe the monks have a living god who strides round the mountains at night before flying off into the heavens

Windows Phone 8 has a secret feature which may activate at any time

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Seems a good way of nefarious people setting up a WiFi connection and collecting data from passing Apple droids....on second thoughts maybe thats not a bad idea after all :D

Astronauts in the US election: No, NOBODY is voting from space


Given the reports that the electoral machines are possibly hackable just maybe two votes isn't really going to make a difference after all and I'm sure whomever wins the other side is likely to shout foul anyway.

Accidental discounts land Apple in NZ's Disputes Tribunal


Until its in you hands you are undoubtedly not the owner even if the money has been taken from your account.No ifs no buts and no cool points for trying to pull a fast one.

Files aren’t property, says US government


So if Im reading the responses correctly any file stored in the cloud is not owned by the original producer ,if so how can one be prosecuted for file sharing ?

Daily Telegraph punishes expats with paywall

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Telewho...... does it have a page 3 picture?

Comet confesses: The receivers are among us even now

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Given that many PC world and Dixons shops have merged in many places and reduced their floor space already then the shrinking footfall market is nothing to be cheering at.Its going to be a hard cold winter of discontent in the electrical goods market now the chill of the shrinking spare change in the pocket has hit consumers badly.

We don’t talk any more... on the commute

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Geez some of you guys need to lighten up,you only make friends by talking to strangers .......

Light ties itself in knots - spontaneously


So does this mean that light is attracted to itself and it so does it affects more often in places like Brighton

Boeing zaps PCs using CHAMP missile microwave attacks


This would make a good offensive weapon for someone should they take it upon themselves to assault say .........oh a foriegn neuclear powered reactor supposidly used to supply material for weapons research and it were surrounded by early warning radar systems.

Iffy image said to signify incoming 10in Google tablet


Its probably the new Playbook 10" in disguise

Four in ten Brits have had to change all their passwords to foil crooks


Im alright I changed it to drowssap

Naughty Siri breaks law by listing Chinese escorts


"If brothels were legal and licensed, then they could be policed easier, and illegal brothels would become fewer.."

Dream on, the illegal establishments would just under cut the tax paying ones.As for Siri well shes a bit of a dumb blond to say the least.

They've only gone and HACKED the WEATHER


It was the goverment I tell you.Changing the day to 27 hours makes it a longer working week


So the Hackers F****ed up the weather not the Politicians

Curiosity scoops up SHINY BITS from the RED SANDS of MARS!


Meanwhile Curiosity continues to buld sand castles in concentric circles waiting for the tide to come in and wash them away.


Invariably it may well be contamination from either the lander internals or from the landing procedure itself.This said surely the chemical composition of the article can verify this or not.


Hmm........might be crystaline in structure,laser the thing baby and see if it fries.

French cops cuff man over €500K Android Trojan scam


I thought Paris prefered the use of Dongles

Young Frenchwoman desperate for fat pipe tumbles out of window


I wonder if the hospital had a better wifi signal

Education Secretary Gove: Tim Berners-Lee 'created the INTERNET'


"My computer isn't working" isn't a whole lot of good, especially if what they mean is they can't get Excel to open"

Is the internet down my explorer wont connect?

The hoarder's dilemma, or 'Why can't I throw anything away?'


We still run a very efficient beer can packaging machine that backs up data to floppy drive.What happens when we run out of floppies I dont know ERK!

Windows 8 'bad' analyst says Store is a weakness


Oh and just to add ..........just how many fart apps do you really need in one market ?

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Strange how some peeps are somehow in defence over the lack of market apps for Windows new toy yet I will see the same argument used against the Blackberry market stall as a justification to use Android systems.

Just to clarifty a little,whilst the Playbook can now port some but not all Android apps even there some Blackberry die hards are complaining its capability should be removed because the lack of quality control in the Android market is having a negative effect on the quality of the Blackberry marketplace.

Apple loses UK 'Samsung copied us' appeal: Must publicly GROVEL

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Now all we need is an image of an Apple exec with a Smsung pad in his hand and our job will be done............

View 21 IPTV Freeview+HD DVR review


One problem I can envisage is the lack of support for the players apps in coming years once newer models are released and ithingy firmwares are updated.So whilst they may be viable the lifespan of the player may be limited in certain aspects to a couple of years at most.

Boffins build program to HUNT DOWN CO2 polluters where they LIVE


"El Reg is a truly wondrous resource. Up until now I had thought that Hestia was an acronym* used by an antipodean maker of Bulgarian airbags holders and 'ladies' foundation garments'."

And here was I thinking it was just another font set DOH!

Seems a lot of guess work wrapped up in another end user license fee paid for by the tax payer to me

That horrendous iPhone empurplement - you're holding it wrong


So images have a purple haze.........it still doesnt explain the missing heads

Is lightspeed really a limit?


But what if one of the observers were short sighted?

WoW cities wiped out by 'exploit'

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Dead pixels.........time to buy a new monitor

New study: 'Fraud behind two-thirds of pulled medical papers'


Scientists have been misrepresenting data ever since E=MC2

Better pay your taxes: The world's NOT going to end this year

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Its certainly not going to be a drought in the UK just ask any of those who already need water wings to get to work and its not even Winter yet.,.....

Iran: Sorry for the Gmail blockade – we were trying to block YouTube


So I guess all such media hosting sites will be on the blacklist very soon hardly an open society is it.....

World's power-grid cyber breach traced to notorious Chinese crew


Re: Time...

Password1 is used at work


The Green Party will buy the plans,disabling all non eco-freindly sources thus making you go back to cycling,washing by hand,having wood burning stoves and using candles for light.

Politico's locked room mystery Linux install crime solved


Maybe the CD had the malicious wording " How to become President in ten easy key presses" written on it and the said Politician doesnt want to take the blame for missing the election boat.

Draft UK libel law forces websites to axe mudslinging comments


Hmm I wonder if anybody has considered making an automated spambot that makes defamatory remarks based on news releases and twitter feeds.Now that would leave the courts in a pickle of who to take action against................

Tibetan STATUE found by 1930s NAZI expedition is of ALIEN ORIGIN


Yes but does it blend?

New I-hate-my-neighbour stickers to protect Brits' packages

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If Im not in take it to the nearest shop for collection Im sure they would welcome the extra buisness.............

Oh I forgot Amazon have started doing that if your not in OH WELL.............

Curiosity rover blasts, grabs and fondles its first Martian rock


See now you know why they invade the Earth in the future

iPhone 5 Lightning cables sticking in USB ports

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Maybe its caught on the pips

Tiny trackers untangle bee secrets


So are they going to see if their human counterpart fairs so well against nature solution by strapping a GPS tracker to all Saleman?

Apple's brilliant plan to fix iOS Maps: Get YOU to do it


Well its not unusual..........Apple users have always had problems seeing things clearly

Mars rover Curiosity gets ready to blast its first rock

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As long as it doesn't. Get up and start walking away as soon as the laser hits it

Who queues for an iPhone 5? Protesters, hipsters and the jobless


I hope all those unemployed people that are in the queue get their dole reduced for being unavailable for work.

iPhone 5 has 'laser keyboard, holographic images'


About as much chance of this happening as the US winning in Iraq

Apple 'hasn't really run out of iPhone 5s AT ALL'


Stock is dead money in any buisness so you keep it to a minimum and just having it out of reach to many makes it even more desirable to some.