Clean room?
So you let cleaners into a clean room......... cant be that clean then
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
Are a a convenience to some at times but are bulky compared to traditional metal keys and add more security holes than they cure.With a traditional metal key the doors can be locked and the vehicle is secured but with an electronic key it only has to be within range or have a range extender surreptitiously applied to the signal, for the doors to be opened and driven off by a.n.other.
Just because they are electronic many assume they are more secure than a metal imprinted key, they are not it is merely a different not better form of key coding.They also massivly multiply in expense to replace as the vehicle gets older, if you can even get the fobs made and coded ten years down the road from manufacture.
The problem is not so much remembering several passwords but in our I.T. fad culture, hundreds of passwords many of which require uppercase,lowercase, number etc or frequent changes for no apparent logical reason . Whilst its not an ideal 100% fool proof solution 2FA using a mobile app generated or recieved code is a way forward , as long as its not just a front to make a system "seem" more secure with a back door via a poorly constructed password. Even the U.S. Presidents Football uses a damn antiquated card code generator which was lost by one president [allegedly]
Talking of security its amazing how many Banking institutions etc require various ways of the user identifying themself over the phone but have no "Handshake" themselves to verify that they are genuine.
Its in more devices than is apparent i.e. take hundreds of images for work projects so now how do you get them accessible to add to your training document?
Phones and other Camera like devices OK so say you set up some form of authorization whats to say the installed memory in the "device" is the same as that which was authorized i.e. change out the removable memory?
Just going back to laptops the hard drives are removable as are the ram chips.Yes a tad more fiddly to do but just the same risk apparently.....
It may not be as common these days on laptops but a second drive could be installed in place of the removable CD drive for extra storage.Is this not removable?
Making security so unworkable for the end user just makes people more inventive to circumvent it i.e. as mentioned using bluetooth.
Using a mobile phone to proved a phone connection to a laptop does this not count as adding an external media connection [in more ways than one]?
Anywhere else will still be open if it fails under warrenty is your £20 really that important to you?.....
Tandy/Maplin on the odd time Ive been into these stores over the years is a tad like going into Sportsdirect much ado about nothing and overpriced tat with more staff than customers.
Im surprised a cluster type pod device hasn't been designed yet that allows the mass dropping of possibly hundreds of bird [?] type drones that blend into whatever neighbourhood they are let loose in.They could blend in quite well and have a range of several miles using either on-board intel or remote laser/satellite updatable guidance.
Theres nothing to stop them being like clustered mines that wait for an opportunistic target to pounce on.You could even seed the waters with homing fish types that attach to passing craft either for tracking purposes such as in submarine lanes or to interfere with onboard communications.
"it might as well be better to delete software patent as a whole."
Not really as it can take a developer as long to design something in software as someone designing something actually physical i.e a round cornered mobile phone.The problem appears to be the way the system is implemented and corrupted by some to their own gain and not of that of the original developer.
There was a patent war over hyperlinks only last year, yes its an patenable innovation but it seriously got scewed out of proportion much the same as we seem to be seeing here.
This was Trumps ideal opportunity to say he had been informed a new U.S. laser weapons system had downed the ICBM removing the danger and that any similar launches by Rocket man would be treated the same way.......
He could then blame Worker 2 for provising misinformation if his bluff were called
"I don't drive. Why should I pay for roads that I never use?"
You don't happen to ride a freetard push [or even electric] bike do you?
Parties claiming bias is a way of getting even more air time allotted to your members to waffle on about your erroneous theories.
As for the BBC its a Dinosaur with a complete lack of any modern management skills in regard to providing on demand technology. They need to take a hard look at their competitors raking in money hand over fist [OOH look sky monthly subs plan far exceed BBCs yearly income per subscribed household].
Then work out how to bring the Ostrich like head in Sand BBC subscriptions and programming from the 18th century into the 21st.
Viewers have a wide variety of choice these days and its time the BBC actually competed with the market for its income not drinking Ambrosia wine all the time.
" Some old PCs will not do ANYTHING at power on if the battery is dead and/or CMOS corrupt. There ARE things that need an old PC."
Don`t forget the Compaqs which had the bios on the hard drive so you had to download the correct replacement firmware from their website on a new hard drive install......
Is a reduction in accident figures then just make it a 30 mph [or less] speed limit on all roads,install speed limiters in all vehicles and instant jail for any traffic offender or anyone tampering with such equipment.There ya go saved billions of investment in new technology and being unable to afford a new "high tech self drive car" and removing any miscreants from the road.
In doing so Ive increased the employment levels in Vehicle equipment and testing jobs, Prison officers, re-offence prevention officers.Thus enabling the Billions to be reinvested into the economy and jobs rather than unneeded equipment that constantly needs upgrading at great expense.
Its not so much knocking the device down thats going to be hard as you can launch tangle netting or a solid or liquid object once its in range.The difficulty is target recognition on such a small scale object in a variety of weathers and light conditions, given the airspace may also be full of wildlife.
So given the propensity for humans to change things, how long before self drive vehicles have their firmware hacked by users.Yea lets have it cut into traffic lanes making all the other SDVs behind panic stop or exceed the speed limit by 5mph or jump through a changing traffic light instead of stopping.....At what point does "its my property I`ll do what I like" become a big problem?