* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

Google GRINCHES have change of heart, bring back Christmas


So the end of the world is no longer cancelled....I guess I better rebook that shuttle seat pronto.

Antivirus biz's founder unmasked as noted Chinese hacker


Lets see we have [ex] thief's advising on home security yet we are all up in arms over an [ex] hacker producing a security product..........hmmm

How to launch people into space...

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Could the Naughts not travel up to the European Space Station at a leisurely pace using the proposed sky lift [Sky hook?] thus the inter stellar craft could leave Earths orbit at a faster pace than if manned and dock at the ESS to pick up the crew?

Iran's Photoshop FAIL: 'New drone' actually Japanese university bird


Well it sure beats a fake moon landing

Apple granted patent for microphone silhouette

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Middle finger raised.

Im sorry but you have inadvertently contravened my patent clause please take that back or I will sue.

Hotel blames burglaries on hacked Onity card locks


Old news reported many months ago and to be honest the thefts fall squarely on the heads of the hotels who didn't upgrade their security systems.Electronic locks are no more secure and no different to the older mechanical type devices they replaced in that they are liable to be compromised at some point in time they are not future proof and only act as a deterrent.

Minnesota store CUPBOARD was full of rocks FOUND ON MOON


Hmm......me wonders if someday someone, somewhere will find these lumps of rocks actually came from Earth .......

Google parks panzers on Germany's lawn over 'link tax' plan


On the theme of registration perhaps Google could make the only viewable content from such papers that register with Google and make content available under a royalty free license.Ergo excluding those who do not want to provide the service for free.

Ten technology FAILS

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Well Im sure there are literally hundreds of niche innovations that lasted less than a few years many times it was just because of the speed of innovation 56K hmmm you were rich I has a humble 33kps modem.Then theres the floppy the work horse of the 90s now over taken by the USB stick.

That reminds me Dont copy that floppy!

'007' job ad for an assassin appears on official UK.gov website


Plenty of Russian speakers with that much experience


Maybe the job centre could put you on a training course


if you can find your own gun

No your missing the point they all have to look like accidents.

Flash is dead ... but where are the tiers?


I'll drink to that.

But how much data could you absorb before unpreventable anomalies set in?


Perhaps we need to take another page from the sci fi manuals and look at some form of liquid data storage

The secrets of spacetime revealed - on your workbench!


Just a thought

But if you had a time dilation machine surely the photon could pass through the area in question using a time dimensional shift.

Datawind insists $42 tab isn't Chinese


Yes it seems a strange stance to build a one off Indian only system when there are many proven systems available worldwide that could be negotiated down to a price mark just on the guaranteed numbers alone.I think they might be losing the primary goal which was to facilitate the availability of a low cost system not to make another factory and additional continual investment that would need.

Microsoft applies for patent for 'Google Goggles'-type AR specs


How long before the specs actually become eye implants and we all have them fitted at birth......no missing the ad breaks then !

Reg boffins blow lid on sheepsecs


The maximum velocity is a definitive figure

Within Earths atmosphere possibly but in a compressed magnetic field produced by a black hole that even distorts the path of light maybe not.

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Yes all very good but wont the sheep move exponentially faster as it approaches a black hole?

IBM insider: How I caught my wife while bug-hunting on OS/2

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I guess nothing has changed in Marketing then where what they say about a product and when its going to reach the shelves seems so out of touch with the people in the engine room.

Judge to Apple: You WILL tell Samsung what you got from HTC


its still Apple getting the technology to market.

If you as a company design some new fan dabby dozzy hardware then you take it to who will pay the most for it and in the case of the retina screens it was Apple it could well have been HTC or Samsung had they paid more dosh.So as they say the shoe may have been on the other foot by now but as it is its not.

Apple to their credit are good at doing a Lord Alan Sugar technique of bringing several low cost items together and selling them at a premium.

No hiding now, fandroids: Smartmobe chip STALKS YOU INDOORS


...which is why I pay cash for booze..

Yes but how long before you have to purchase by credit/debit card alone to enhance their shopper feedback experience

Google hires top US traffic fed for driverless cars project


I thought we already had driverless cars around Manchester,what with all the txting,putting on of make up and checking yourself out in the conveniently placed mirror some people have a hard time fitting in the important stuff.

Malware made which can share a smartcard over the internet


Given that any card user could carry an pay loaded card and thousands are used every day........


I'm surprised no one as yet has tried introducing code via an infected smart card

Space station 'nauts in successful plonkdown to wrap Expedition 33


The light Saber your referring to seems to be an inflatable tube [think bouncy castle] where light is streamed up to the top from below the fan section at the base of the unit.

NASA suggests robotic return to the Moon


So ,,,,,,Nasa still cant get a man on the moon huh !

Chinese cloud firm offers 'love bonus' to amorous staff

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How much for threesomes?

As long as its only one of each sex you`ll be fine

New Microsoft Windows chief 'shocked' by Sinofsky defenestration



Sorry dont know what happened there all I initially saw was ,,,,,departure vs. historical pattern of lingerie= wanting to keep something secret

'Spend police USB stick data loss mega-fine on IT lessons for cops'

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Its easy to be smart and pick holes in peoples actions after the event.......sounds like he should run for parliament

Curious robot rover Curiosity chews a second mouthful of Mars dirt


Curiosity is like an amateur golfer forever stuck in the sand and digging for victory.

Alan Sugar's YouView loses brand judgment in court


So taking a leaf from Apple they should change it to uView

Quarter of Brits don't believe that cell towers improve phone reception


"Heading translation "one in four Brits are morons""

Given the number of illegal imigrants that 25% probably didnt understand the survey unless it was translated.


Maybe those 25% are subject to the grip of death syndrome

India gets $25 Android tablet


This isnt going to be much use to the thousands of Indians still living below the poverty line in homes without services we in the West take for granted,

Judge: Your boss has no right to your emails held by a third party


Just how many companys do ask an employee to sign such a nottery covering email I certainly have not.I just called our remote customer support and asked an email account to be set up,there was neither a verbal or written advisory even suggesting such policy.

One in four don't clean their stinky old browsers - especially Firefoxers

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So the suggestion is to auto install a browser or even for that an MS patch which may break their system.......no thanks Ill wait a month for someone else to report they can no longer use their system because of A,B or C.

Comet administrator Deloitte triggers ejector seats under 330 staff


No its only covered by return to manufacturer warrenty

Worried dad invents pepper-spray iPhone case


You carry a weapon and theres more chance of it being used against you rather than the attacker

Bitcoin Friday sale event kicks off with deep discounts

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Hmm..Ive seen many reports on Bitcoin theft and no reports of security upgrades since

'Bundle' signals from SPACE seize control of small car in Germany


Hmm brings to mind the Big Bang Theory episode in regard to getting someone the other side of the world to turn your lights on and off.

Walmart workers filmed playing iPad frisbee

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Hmm not something you would want appearing on your CV or to just appear on your Facebook page as your prospective new employer was looking it over.

Obama win may mean NASA 'nauts to Deep Space as soon as 2021

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Obama for President

Yea but on the positive side there will be less trouble with women's rights groups than if the other guy whatsysname had won


But why send men there?

Well it would be their first time on the moon wouldn't it?!


Space Nazis!

Yes just one of the dangers of space travel

But on a serious not before Nasa even gets off the ground with Moon or Mars travel it needs to get some miles under its belt on a NEW launch system of its own.It needs to stop relying on other country's or contractors and make something in house that works both for men and material ascent wise prior to even thinking anything in the descent arena.It also needs to retain experienced staff full time not relying on ongoing budget based contracts which means a large turn over of staff and loss of experience which means money spent relearning the same things over and over again.

Navy SEALs from Bin Laden kill unit spanked for video game work


Mistakes happen when in "armed negotiations with an adversary" and reacting to events is brought through training not written in a Hostage rescue for Dummies manual.Politicians have great hindsight after the event but doesn't quite cut the mustard with the boots on the ground where life is only a few inches to the left or right.

Twitter: WHOOPS we've broken ourselves. Sorr-ee!


Well there's one good thing coming out of this there will be a few thousand less tweets for the next few days till peeps reset their password.

Apple is granted a patent on the rectangle. No, really

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We only need someone to patent a rectangle with square corners and thats the market f****d for sure

iPhone senses you typing on table, bit of wood etc, turns vibes to text


Actually the accelerometer was reported to be one of the few unprotected devices installed on an iphone and was being considered as a way of implanting a key stroke recorder for nefarious reasons.