* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

Sculpted 66-pound jubs survive lightning blast, 26ft drop


Venus dropped a BooB

I guess she needs to see a plastic surgeon now.

Twin brothers nabbed for scrap over sex with 'shared' girlfriend


Bus or Busty?

Well despite all the interest shown so far Id still like to see an image of the woman involved before passing judgement

Canadian astronaut warns William Shatner of life on Earth


I hope he warned Hadfield about the Borg infestation and not to mess with the time line

Official science: High heels make you sexy


I dont see any others of the animal kingdom having issues with reproduction despite not wearing high heels.Me thinks its simply a fashion trend with psychological implications much the same as showing an ankle,the bustle,the low cleavage etc have done over the years.


Makes you wonder how we ever made it out of caves what with making the wheel before the heel.

Ethernet sales fizzle, but self-aware networks set to explode


Its a few self aware and not self obsessed politicians we need at the moment

Rude web trolls should NOT be jailed, warns prosecution chief


No issues if their malicious tweets and Facebook updates are quickly deleted

The only problem with this is that the internet never forgets.Sometime, somewhere your internet musing unlike similar whimsical verbal comments are backed up on somebodys server for regurgitation at a later date not of the authors choice.

Phone-hack saga: Police cuff man in southwest London


I wonder if during their defense case they will claim to prove his complicity, Police hacked his phone.

Vatican shrugs off apocalypse, fiddles with accounts dept

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Any further updates on the matter will be announced on Saturday under the Headline of "I told you so!"

Dutch operators: Ugh, we really overdid it on the 4G last night...


People saying prices haven't increased?

The customer base is Im sure is much larger these days per supplier than a few years ago so the personal end user costs which may seem lower are if taken as a total much larger for the vendor.

VCDX: The elite certification just 105 people hold


Re: A Doctorate, You Say?

So maybe a Virtual Doctor

Polar drilling effort hits snag: Boffins' search for life put on ice


Well the ice should be a bit softer what with all this global warming going on



They should talk to the US government and ask them to bore a nice hole in the ice with one of those underused satellite laser systems floating in outer space

Taxpayers to cough for Comet staff redundo

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They should in principle I think consider as some firms do,paying a bonus on top of redundancy for those who stay to contract termination.After all its highly unmotivational to continue to work in a place you know is closing no matter how much work you put in.

As for the redundancy maybe its time company's had to take out some form of insurance to cover such eventualities.

Chinese spacecraft JUUUUST avoids smashing into Toutatis

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A vertibale space potato ergo when they get too close they become a hot potato !

'We are screwed!' Fonts eat a bullet in Microsoft security patch


Hmm....doesnt bode well to patch testing prior to general release MS!

NASA to smash its spacecraft INTO THE MOON


There was me thinking NASA only buried probes accidentally..

See ,had they all stuck to good old feet and inches none of this would ever have happened


Its a pity there is not enough fuel on board to send them off into deep space as silent Earth emissary

Windows 8: At least it's better than ‘not very good’

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$5.00 copy of Duke Nukem Forever?

You can get a free version of Duke Nukem 3D by making an account here http://www.gog.com/gamecard/duke_nukem_3d_atomic_edition

But even he isnt powerful enough to destroy Windows 8

Boffins spot 7 ALIEN WORLDS right in our galactic backyard


Well we could have called it Areole now that would have been fun to orbit


All this talk about planets and I dont see anyone making the comment about Uranus being uninhabitable due to excessive gaseous clouds

Girl gang targets Microsoft's Seattle stores for $5,000 theft spree


They had earlier tried stealing hardware from Apple stores but had given this up as a lost cause because there wasn't enough customers to hide what they were doing.

YES! It's the TARDIS PC!

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It will of course contain a future proof operating system run by an intel-dimensional processor core and in case of system failure it will be protected with self replicating capabilities

US and UK spooks alerted over massive Swiss data leak


Cayman Islands the newer land of the tax exiles profits


PS I wonder if they looked in the bathroom yet for any bulging kit bags


Id be surprised if hes not found wearing women's clothes and hanging from a tree very shortly.

Hero Playmonaut lost at sea as SPEARS ditches in Channel


Much akin to the Liberty Bell 7 Im sure history may discover your craft and bring it back to a warm welcome.Though you might think about following the Star Wars theme with this and cloning the next legonaught just in case


Maybe the addition of a self inflating life vest and beacon to the next legonaught to take a leap of faith with your team may at least increase their chance of survival in similar water situations.

Littlest pirate’s Winnie-the-Pooh laptop on the way home


Over reaction as usual

Im sure this could have been handled better by the use of a hand delivered letter rather than a visit by leather clad jackboots no matter who was on the receiving end.After all its just a copyright infringement matter not a matter of life and liberty.

"telling the girl's father he should have just paid up to make things easier for everyone."

The Police are there to enforce the laws of the land not to give politically correct advice just to make it easier for them.

Saucy Star Wars strip show - sorry, burlesque - to tour Down Under

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Who needs a Death Star to subdue the rebellion with troopers looking like that

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The dark side never appealed to me before but now..... where do I sign!

Google buys parcel storage service for Christmas


Too much to hope for

On the topic of wages it actually costs very little extra to have a permanent evening shift for parcel delivery as your not paying them 1 1/2x wages but just an unsociable hours rate [well until the government intercedes on behalf of overburdened employers].

This said many including myself work day and nights shifts [see we don't all work 9-5 Mon-Friday] so the best option would be to have a choice of delivery days and time slots for your area to select from.Its not rocket science on the part of the delivery companys after all we are in a modern computerized world not stuck in the past like Royal Mail seems to be.


Hmm.......ner do wells don't need a pin as a crow bar works just as well on an unattended box.

Home Sec: Let us have Snoop Charter or PEOPLE WILL DIE

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Sounds like a typical "if your not with us you against us" type of speech.Which is very hypocritical to assume your actually 100% correct without at least a debate with those it would affect and I mean a debate not a "we listened to your concerns but we still think we are right" type of judgment.

NASA: THE TRUTH about the END OF THE WORLD on 21 Dec


Is this the planet with the spaceship following that evacuates all the religious nutte........er people I always get my theory's mixed up?

Oh and do I need to set my alarm clock as I dont like getting out of bed to early even if it is the end of the Earth as we know it.

Clap Google, Amazon in irons to end tax shenanigans - MPs


Hmm ...... doesn't it sound rather hollow coming from Politicians who are still being caught pilfering the common tax payer via their expenses.This said its more a moral issue of company's paying something back into the economy that gives them their revenue they are as has been stated, doing nothing contrary to UK tax laws.

Ready for ANOTHER patent war? Apple 'invents' wireless charging


Hmm,,,waits for Apple to patent audio and visual media entertainment using high frequency transmission over air waves next

Scientists build largest ever computerized brain


But why begin modelling on a human brain, surely the complexity required for a computer brain would overly obscured using this technique by the additional use of sensory functions that are irrelevant to the requirements of the experiment?

El Reg Movember lads sprout mighty Unix beards for cancer charity


autumn years

What is this hair you speak of mine has long fallen by the way side?

'Abnormal' thruster halts South Korean space rocket launch


The on-board computer probably has issues since Apple gave Dominique Oh the boot

The Terminator, coming to a reality near you


Hamsters bah.......its Elephant DNA ya need, its so clever it never forgets anything and you can fit four in a mini.

Microsoft Surface with Windows 8 Pro gets laptop-level price


Hmm,,,, cant imagine using MS Office full time on a touch screen with no mouse and limited on-board storage.This said it would probably make a good tool for out of office use which would integrate with less hassle on most systems.

YouView: 'Public service catch-up telly should belong to us alone'

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iPlayer may well be bundled into many devices right now as its a good way to get a foot hold in the market but if they decide to increase their revenue stream from zero to cover their costs then it may well change to a pay per view stream.Right now other people are making money selling the service as part of their hardware so why shouldn't the BBC claw some of this back?

Troll sues Apple for daring to plug headphones into iPhone


"It's time for Judges to tell patent trolls if they are not using "their invention" they should lose the patent."

Judges dont make the law they only enforce that which Parliament enacts


Sounds like a repeat of the site name holding carpet baggers of the past

Antivirus biz's founder unmasked as noted Chinese hacker


Yea but we`re the good guys [roll eyes]


and we have an ex KGB officer as leader of one of the top nuclear nations.......

America planned to NUKE THE MOON

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Had they put the nukes on the Moon can you imagine the panic when Carter lost the key for the launch codes.

Ten badass brainy computers from science fiction

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Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet and Robert the Robot of Fireball XL5 fame also need a good mention.

Global warming still stalled since 1998, WMO Doha figures show

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Just over eager scientists trying to justify the billions wasted on global warming reduction efforts.I'm surprised they haven't tried printing the message in capitals yet .