Venus dropped a BooB
I guess she needs to see a plastic surgeon now.
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
The only problem with this is that the internet never forgets.Sometime, somewhere your internet musing unlike similar whimsical verbal comments are backed up on somebodys server for regurgitation at a later date not of the authors choice.
They should in principle I think consider as some firms do,paying a bonus on top of redundancy for those who stay to contract termination.After all its highly unmotivational to continue to work in a place you know is closing no matter how much work you put in.
As for the redundancy maybe its time company's had to take out some form of insurance to cover such eventualities.
Im sure this could have been handled better by the use of a hand delivered letter rather than a visit by leather clad jackboots no matter who was on the receiving end.After all its just a copyright infringement matter not a matter of life and liberty.
"telling the girl's father he should have just paid up to make things easier for everyone."
The Police are there to enforce the laws of the land not to give politically correct advice just to make it easier for them.
On the topic of wages it actually costs very little extra to have a permanent evening shift for parcel delivery as your not paying them 1 1/2x wages but just an unsociable hours rate [well until the government intercedes on behalf of overburdened employers].
This said many including myself work day and nights shifts [see we don't all work 9-5 Mon-Friday] so the best option would be to have a choice of delivery days and time slots for your area to select from.Its not rocket science on the part of the delivery companys after all we are in a modern computerized world not stuck in the past like Royal Mail seems to be.
Sounds like a typical "if your not with us you against us" type of speech.Which is very hypocritical to assume your actually 100% correct without at least a debate with those it would affect and I mean a debate not a "we listened to your concerns but we still think we are right" type of judgment.
Hmm ...... doesn't it sound rather hollow coming from Politicians who are still being caught pilfering the common tax payer via their expenses.This said its more a moral issue of company's paying something back into the economy that gives them their revenue they are as has been stated, doing nothing contrary to UK tax laws.
iPlayer may well be bundled into many devices right now as its a good way to get a foot hold in the market but if they decide to increase their revenue stream from zero to cover their costs then it may well change to a pay per view stream.Right now other people are making money selling the service as part of their hardware so why shouldn't the BBC claw some of this back?