Re: Lastpass for me
Yes fine until LastPass [or insert other program name] expires for whatever reason and you no longer have access to you list of passwords
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
The bottom line is its all about generating the greatest amount of revenue from the same amount of licenses,monthly subscriptions does this to a tee and it brings in regular guaranteed income.The fact its not what the customer wants.......well that a customer misinterpretation of the basic advantages of globally connected,cloud based and team accessible services using integrated products isnt it Humphrey?
The payment path has gone from full bore[dom] security to swipe it away with zero security.I for one cant see any trust being generated for the end [L]user by this method which seems an easy leap from the consumers pocket to someone eleses just walking down any busy high street pavement.
As to Paypal they have it easy at the moment having killed off any other competition so charges are higher than they need to be but in a one horse race the jockey is always a victim of circumstance.
The virtual shop is the way of the future which in effect will move the dead money in any business [stock] back up the chain.Thus it will be the manufacturer who will be forced to hold items to post on to end users.
The high street has not moved with the times fast enough and though it will be missed it is an unviable monolith to keep alive and any attempt to do so will just waste much needed local funding.
Free WiFi hmm......there's got to be a business read profit related catch here somewhere so maybe having to log in with your "customer account" details including a spamable email address to access it....
Nothing in life is free you just have to work out what the small print means
Shirley if he believes in such things he should think that its a test of his faith........
Anyhow AC dont be banging on my wall, I might hear you and take a fence then ther would be Hell to pay.......and it wouldnt be just two obols either.
Not Windows 8 per se but the improved hardware specs are indicated as improving the time required to run various applications on a per job basis thus increasing efficiency and reducing stress.
The limitations admittedly seem to have been hardware specific and Im sure a partial solution would have been to just upgrade the hardware but the OS and applications were also upgraded at the same time somewhat muddying the water results wise.
After all why have only a lamb when you can afford a whole sheep.
On the comments of £500 for a business license to me its seems an absurd complaint for any business to make after all you are using the software to make recording from which you make profits and the amount you spend is if in part,a loss in your tax returns.A good business would recoup the spend in a very small amount of time and given the hardware your buying along side the software costs in a similar region why the complaints about software prices.After all I think a damn sight more man hours goes into making a decent software package,supporting it and providing upgrades than most hardware out there.
Ive seen £500 spent on just purchasing a basic office mail trolley and we bought four in one go,so Im scratching my head here as to exactly what the complaint is.Your basic supermarket runs from £200 upwards of £500 for a larger unit and just how many of those get lost every week?
As to the topic in point it would be interesting to know the one or two major players who took fright and the reason why they dumped their shares at the close of play.As it may well be that dire news has leaked out but not been released to the public just yet.