* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

Chaos Theory causes password entry pandemonium

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Re: Lastpass for me

Yes fine until LastPass [or insert other program name] expires for whatever reason and you no longer have access to you list of passwords

Carrie Fisher dusts off THAT bikini for Star Wars VII

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Shes going to have a hard time acting whilst holding her stomach in all the time


New Scripts!!

All the characters have long since sped off in to far flung galaxy's far away to hopefully never reappear.Can we have some new scripts Hollywood instead of recycling all the 30 year old ones.

PC World ordered to rip up promo for next-day repair promise


Good customer or Bad its irrelevant

The argument was they could not prove they provided the service they advertised simples as the furry animals say.As for the Whatever Happens Happens warranty I guess it did in the case.

Microsoft about-face: Office 2013 license IS transferable now


About Face

This and an about turn on the start menu.....anyone would think MS was actually listening to the end users

'Million-strong' zombie army devours Raspberry Pi's crunchy base


All thing fuss and not one mention of a piece of tree hanging fruit

Bank whips out palm-recognition kit - and a severed hand won't work


Germs and Toast

Yes but some things taste better with a bit of hair on them


Germs and Toast

I thought it worked like when you drop toast on the floor,as long as the contact is less than five seconds your fine hee hee.

Plastic Logic shows off bendy 'leccy posters: Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Black Helicopters


Depends on the max size,colour rendering and multiple configurations but I thought bill boards would have been an ideal substrate for such an item which could update on the fly with little user intervention.

Virgin Mobile coughs to choking its customers


If this is true...

Yes you keep believing that restricting connections somehow makes for a better service..........your not on SKY broadband too are you?


Nothing like free unlimited internet

And to prove a point I guess for virgin customers there isnt......

Tesco: Every little (effort to kill Amazon, Spotify) helps


I can see it now films brought to you by Tesco

Hamburger Hill



Banged-up Brit hacker hacks into his OWN PRISON'S 'MAINFRAME'



Im surprised he didn't install a WiFi card on the system and do it remotely from a smartphone....

Microsoft unwraps sysadmin-friendly Office 365 for biz update


The bottom line is its all about generating the greatest amount of revenue from the same amount of licenses,monthly subscriptions does this to a tee and it brings in regular guaranteed income.The fact its not what the customer wants.......well that a customer misinterpretation of the basic advantages of globally connected,cloud based and team accessible services using integrated products isnt it Humphrey?

Visa to devs: Please take contents of our wallet


Are you sure it wasnt Gangnam style?

The payment path has gone from full bore[dom] security to swipe it away with zero security.I for one cant see any trust being generated for the end [L]user by this method which seems an easy leap from the consumers pocket to someone eleses just walking down any busy high street pavement.

As to Paypal they have it easy at the moment having killed off any other competition so charges are higher than they need to be but in a one horse race the jockey is always a victim of circumstance.

Perfect sex minx calculated from 'deep' probe of X-rated flicks


Average mean....................does that infer they took the faties and drawfs into account in the calculations?

Microsoft: Office 2013 license is for just one PC, FOREVER


Hmm so Im renting my copy of Office..........does that mean when it breaks they are legally obliged to send someone round free of charge, to fix it?

Android 4.2.2 slides up skirt slightly, reveals a slip of fishnet

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Yes but a house is no good without Windows

But only if they incorporate glass

Indian government censors own web site after court order


So its now against the law to be critical of universities even if official bodies think you are pulling the wool over people eyes..

LogMeIn uncloaks cloud storage bypass

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$6.99/month pre paid annully.........no Ill give it a miss thanks, when other cloud storage is free its a waste of money

Time to rid ourselves of the tech channel zombies


But does the UK really need that many coffee shop chains?

Because theres more profit and less trouble customer-wise if you sell a cup of coffee as opposed to an alcoholic beverage


The virtual shop is the way of the future which in effect will move the dead money in any business [stock] back up the chain.Thus it will be the manufacturer who will be forced to hold items to post on to end users.

The high street has not moved with the times fast enough and though it will be missed it is an unviable monolith to keep alive and any attempt to do so will just waste much needed local funding.

The cheap 3D craft pen that scribbles over 3D printing hype

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Reminds me of the liquid painted t shirt era of the 80s and there's only so many weird shapes one can make before it becomes just another desktop drawer collectable.

Barclays: So sorry about LIBOR... How about some free Wi-Fi?


Hmmm marketing ploy anyone?

Free WiFi hmm......there's got to be a business read profit related catch here somewhere so maybe having to log in with your "customer account" details including a spamable email address to access it....

Nothing in life is free you just have to work out what the small print means

'Bah, this Apple Shop is full of APPLES'

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Scrumpy Apps.......now theres a name to go for

Irony alert: Pirate Bay accuses anti-piracy group of illegal copying

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Captain Jack may have lost his own ship to the Royalist boarding party but in doing so they gave him their own....

iOS 6.x hack allows personal data export, free calls


I dont own an iPhone but Im wondering as the thief has access can they change the log in password and thus use the device normally?

Curiosity photographs mysterious metal object on Martian rock


It looks rather out of place and is excessively longer and thinner than anything in the surrounding image. ......hmm veeeery strange

Paper computers: Not mere pulp fiction


Re: Paper and Future-proof

And you can hand your real paper books on to your next of kin..........try that with an electronic version

BBC blueprint to make EVERY programme on TV a repeat revealed


Online content charges

So how long do you thing before BBC and ITV/C4 et al actively charge for accessing their content?

Atomic Weapons Establishment ditches 2e2 in funding row

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Maybe 2e2 should change its name to 2b Ornot 2b as their future is defiantly in the later half of the name.

Tennessee bloke quits job over satanic wage slip


Ooh, it makes you want to shake your fist at the wall and grimace.

Shirley if he believes in such things he should think that its a test of his faith........

Anyhow AC dont be banging on my wall, I might hear you and take a fence then ther would be Hell to pay.......and it wouldnt be just two obols either.

Stricken 2e2 threatens data centres: Your money or your lights


So where does copyright of intellectual material come in to this scenario after all do the uploading companys not still own the data even if they refuse to pay?

China is world's most malware-ridden nation


All that malware geez..........A well at least the bamboo curtain seems to be good for keeping something in.

Jammy b*stards: Admen flog chocolate bars with 'Wi-Fi-free' zones


I doubt very much they are blocking or jamming any frequency its more likely they just made the use of wifi black spots and a spoof sign.

So: 6,500 Win 8 laptops later, how are BT's field engineers coping?


There is nothing in this story

Not Windows 8 per se but the improved hardware specs are indicated as improving the time required to run various applications on a per job basis thus increasing efficiency and reducing stress.

The limitations admittedly seem to have been hardware specific and Im sure a partial solution would have been to just upgrade the hardware but the OS and applications were also upgraded at the same time somewhat muddying the water results wise.

After all why have only a lamb when you can afford a whole sheep.

Microsoft tries to sell home Office users on subscription pricing

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Microsoft ad-man

If I use any of the many FREE versions of office software and save it to say my FREE Dropbox folder I too can open it elsewhere and work on it where I left off........so I|m saving £7.99/Month.Now thats budgeting in times of osterity.

Did I mention I did this all for FREE!

Apple loses 'Most Valuable Company' honor to ExxonMobil

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On the comments of £500 for a business license to me its seems an absurd complaint for any business to make after all you are using the software to make recording from which you make profits and the amount you spend is if in part,a loss in your tax returns.A good business would recoup the spend in a very small amount of time and given the hardware your buying along side the software costs in a similar region why the complaints about software prices.After all I think a damn sight more man hours goes into making a decent software package,supporting it and providing upgrades than most hardware out there.

Ive seen £500 spent on just purchasing a basic office mail trolley and we bought four in one go,so Im scratching my head here as to exactly what the complaint is.Your basic supermarket runs from £200 upwards of £500 for a larger unit and just how many of those get lost every week?

As to the topic in point it would be interesting to know the one or two major players who took fright and the reason why they dumped their shares at the close of play.As it may well be that dire news has leaked out but not been released to the public just yet.

First Google wants to know all about you, now it wants a RING on your finger


Finger print scanner or face recognition might work in a similar fashion if a tad less than 100% reliable first time but at least you wont forget those on your way out the door.

Bloke blasts Sprint for fingering his home as phone thieves' den


Yes they should compensate the poor chap by giving him a free phone and if it gets stolen at least he will know where to look first...

Smooth criminals spared the clink for hacking Sony's Jacko archive


Lucy they didnt find the secret files on UFOs or they certainly would have been deported to Kitmo

India's tough hacker crackdown: IT security leaflets with every device


Who is going to protect us?

Well if the US congress builds that Planetary Earth Defense System itll be down to Lord Vader

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It would be cheaper and slightly more effective if one could call such a muse effective, for them just to run an ad campaign ans post the little to be read leaflet to every household in the country.

Brit robojet ‘Taranis’ set for Oz test flight


So the Australians get to live the Skynet experience first and once the Terminators take over the early warning system theres no taking them out.........

.[Dads army] We`re doomed I tell you,DOOMED! [/Dads army].

Ten stars of CES 2013: Who made the biggest splash?


Two things most tablets have sealed in batterys so what the issue with having the same on mobile phones and the second is why oh why do we continually have micro sd slots on devices..What is so hard in manufacturing another 32/64/128MB of memory actually into a device?

'Not even Santa could save Microsoft's Windows 8'

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Very nice.......now compare the sale price for comparable PC and Apple devices and equate it as a percentage of the purchase and get back to me if you still think you had a good deal.

Do Not Call Register operator breaches Register


Maybe it was a wrong number.............or two ......or three

Microsoft burgled, only the APPLE iPADS stolen - cops confirm


"It's possible the thief has got hold of some unreleased Microsoft apps with his or her Apple devices."

Surely a pun unless MS is now developing Office for the iPad??

Sculpted 66-pound jubs survive lightning blast, 26ft drop


Venus a veritable queen with out a p****s

A Boob fell off her rack

Its lucky it didn't fall in a crack

Never mind, Ill volunteer to stick it back