Makes me wonder whats alive in the back of my freezer?
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
Several easily cheaper devices available already as has already been suggested and as many people carry tablets to meetings its going to be a bit of a gimmick given I could access a tablet whilst actually on the road but not this device which requires extra hardware.
Now if they integrated a form of "gesture control" to the device it might actually make some headway in the home market as you wouldn't need a mouse and keyboard
I guess the minister has never talked to someone who works in a warehouse [warehouse I said............!]
A place where misread bar codes are the bane of existence and invariably lead to delivery issues,which is fine with a case of dried plums but not so good for a dose of mis-prescribed medicine and whos to take the blame for getting it wrong?
They would make good sentry units at large open sites like Area 51 where they could either sit stationary and recharge by solar panels or provide mobile patrol over rough terrain.Weponizing them wouldn't be a problem with small projectile devices much akin to those used by air drones.
I didnt read all response but I dont see a mention of a much loved SciFi machine the replicator.After all thats what the aim of the 3D printer is to make any parts anywhere i.e. on the International Space Station just think how handy it would be to not require the stockpile of many spare parts and just make them on demand.
And yes the hype is pure bunkum and full of press hype.
It would end up like any other bus route which goes from A to B via Z,X and Y that all but one passenger wishes to go to.
Wouldn't it make more sense both economically,time wise and CO2wise if the app flagged the nearest taxi no matter who they worked for,in other words direct communication not via a third party?
You welcome to the irradiated dust hole that was once you back garden but I think the Health and Safety Council may have something to say about the standard of cleanliness required that your liable for by the way, in the aftermath of the devastation.
Not all security officers work in the field so some specialist knowledge is rare for most of those behind the veil.Even the cleaners those with mops not the ones with guns, are cleared to a high security level so you could be taking the opinion of someone taking a break from vacuuming the office carpet for what its worth.
Now just stand still whilst I check your coat for weapons Mr ????.......Bland
As long as power consumers rely on technology to compensate for manual tasks they could easily do by hand then power demands will increase year upon year as Buzz Light Year stated "into infinity and beyond" then the tax will not reduce anything but will just be another milestone for politicians to grind at election time.These living taxes are a joke having little or no effect on the problem and merely sliding into the back pockets of those who control the wheels of industry.
There is no magic red or blue pill to get you back to reality [or not] and all sensibility has gone out of the window, its a mad world out there and the Captain has lost control of the ship.
Maybe its just a redesigned electronic magic 8 ball for Kim to make decisions with
Will NK Launch a nuke against the US or Japan?
● It is certain
● It is decidedly so
● Without a doubt
● Yes – definitely
● You may rely on it
● As I see it, yes
● Most likely
● Outlook good
● Yes
● Signs point to yes
● Reply hazy, try again
● Ask again later
● Better not tell you now
● Cannot predict now
● Concentrate and ask again
● Don't count on it
● My reply is no
● My sources say no
● Outlook not so good
● Very doubtful
Tell them you need to do a Risk Needs Analysis first then if they push further continue with how they need to fill in a multi page personal insurance liability form in which they will be liable for any injury's or loss of personal data and that by the way, you have two outstanding cases waiting settlement from others insurances.
In essence the argument is that catch up TV is making income by advertising be it at the beginning or not,from another providers paid content.That would be like me plastering a big advert at no cost to myself and disregarding your protests, on the front of your house even though you have bought and paid for said home.
Whilst it may be a service that millions [?] use it is still transmitting someone elses content without a license to do so and profiteering from the action.