.......BA DA BOOM
Of course if the battery's actually lasted longer it would greatly reduce the risk of electrocution.
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
The use of smart meters also allows multiple tariffs to be charged to the same household depending on the time of day.So in high demand periods the tariff will naturally increase in an attempt to reduce demand and as a side effect increase revenue to the supplier.
Id give you all a compliment for your very enjoyable [is that the right context?] posts but I know how awkward that would make you feel now please can you all get out of my head.Yes one has to get used to "difficult" moments when your the only one in the room that doesn't seem to understand the joke or the times you have to listen in bored silence to a rambling co-worker because it would be seen to improve team work.
When you have to do something a mangers way even though you know its going to end badly and you will still get the blame.
If you want to catch a shark you need good bait........it looks like bait,it swims and smells like bait but in the end its just a lure to catch a big fish.
There are many men and women in many services who would give their life for their country maybe just maybe Snowden is one of them.
He will soon be found to have committed suicide hanging from a tree in some little used back woods and the ensuing dirt will bury his story to the back pages of some obscure much raking publication only read by conspiracy theorists.
The truth will not out that at least is a lie of out times,it never had a chance to be made fully public and it never will.The shadows will go back out of the public glare into the dark recesses and the world will stumble on.
One should always remember some folk are "promoted to the level of their incompetence" so needed a good team behind them to hide the fact is even more paramount so its best to stay away from these types.
And on the subject of employees, on all levels from lowly shelf fillers up to cloud breathing Adonises there are always shirkers and workers and its always better to surround oneself with more of the later than the former.
Yes its "entertainment" and yes I wouldn't want to work with any of the self effacing twerps who seed this type of program,That said why is anybody taking notice of a "Professor" who doesn't work in the real business world and probably hasn't done so for years so has lost touch with reality.Classroom and real life are worlds apart just ask any student who gets a job if its what they expected.
Nope as all the Bluetooth switch would do is send a signal to the light/s to turn on or off,there is no need for a continually powered switch it would only consume battery power when pressed.Its the same with a standard wall switch it has a live and a switch wire,there is no actual need for it to be continually powered except the lighting works through its feed which is unnecessary.