* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

Reports: NSA has compromised most internet encryption


Yet despite all this

The world still is a dangerous place so what actual real effect does this all have on real life?

It's the software, stupid: Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch bags big apps


Modify a previous design

Im surprised Apple didn't reinvent that small touch screen nano device as an iWatch

Forget Mars: Let's get someone on the Moon – NASA veteran


A good use of a specialist 3D printer

Using moon dust to build the infrastructure for a moon populace pre the meteor strike on Earth

Canadian comet impact fingered for triggering prehistoric climate shift


So now its getting warmer will we see the comeback of Prehistoric animals once they escape from the secret Guberment breeding areas.

£250k fine for dumping council workers' files in Tesco bins, er, binned


Given the act has been in force since 1998 its beyond doubt the person/s dealing with the documents knew about the act but chose to ignore it that's why work places have sensitive material boxes available which are safely destroyed.

Secondly a name,address, date of birth, national insurance number and salary is quite clearly considered sensitive data as defined under the act ,that's the whole point to provide adequate protection from misuse of such data.

South Carolina couple cop cuffing for shed shag


Just to repeat

Whats this got to do with I.T. or has technology news taken a dip today [possible in the garden section]?

NASA: Full details on our manned ASTEROID SNATCH mission


Moon landing

Would it not be easier to crash the asteroid into the Moon and then go collect samples?

An autopilot the size of a postage stamp



an ideal opportunity for someone to deign a good jamming software app

Apple's Siri 'hurls insults' at Google Glass


Are you Siri...ous

More petty backhanders from the fruit loom factory

Star Wars revival secret: This isn't the celluloid you're looking for


Sounds like another fail to me

I think in this era of high quality and instant on demand media its a big step backwards.Im also wondering if there are still enough technicians and equipment available to deal with this mass of 35mm film that will be produced by this film.

UK mulls ban on tiny mobiles to block prison smugglers



They could alternately scan for emei numbers within the building then have the local servers ban them within minutes.

Fanbois taught to use Apple's new killer app: Microsoft Windows


All I can say is

I hope they buy a license from MS to run Windows 8......... hee,hee

Getting worried, Assange? WikiLeaks spaffs out 'insurance' info


Hello is that I.T.?

OOPS the server suddenly went down and all the back ups are corrupt

Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic


And the cry went out to IT

The internets broken.........

Breaking news, literally: Syrians joyride New York Post tweets, Facebook


looks like a pot calling kettle to me

The SEA calling out someone else for lying.......

WoW gold farmer throws sueball over real world gold theft


Payment in kind

Maybe they should send her an image of gold coins as its all about virtual money

ZTE to flog Firefox OS mobe worldwide via eBay



It hardly get the loins pining and puts modesty in the shade

20 injured at LG phone giveaway as PR stunt turns into riot


Aerial attack

I'm surprised no one brought a quad-copter

Mobe-slurping Wi-Fi SPY BINS banned from London's streets


Subtle identification

Whilst they are scanning your mobile/pad mac addresses they can also scan the credit/debit cards in your pocket thus tieing the two to one nameable owner and if the CCTV is on they can also match these details to a face..

'Look, give us Snowden' - this Friday's top US-Russia talks revealed


America to get Snowdon

Well it will in a few months when it get a lot cooler

End of an era as Firefox bins 'blink' tag


Version numbers are irrelevant as long as it actually works

Shouldn't we be on <blink> Firefox 64 </blink> by now............Penguin because they're cool animals still running v 1

Horrific moment curvy mum-of-none Mail Online spills everyone's data


Wrong details

Well Im sure Id get upset too if I was displayed an image of an overweight,wrinkled,old aged pensioner in my profile

Shack in flat-pack bric-a-brac lack flap? Whack on this 3D flat-pack app


No I think it looked better over there

It`ll save you keep moving it to the satisfaction of the other half......"

Upgraded 3D printed rifle shoots 14 times before breaking


Change of approach

Im surprised there is no harder,better alternative "plastic" tubing that could not be used as a liner for the barrel which the rest produced by the printer could form around.After all the aim should not be to produce the whole gun from the printer but to make the completed item from undetectable material.

Geneticists resolve human dilemma of Adam's boy-toy status


.and man live a lot longer back then ...

Yea didn't some of those Bible dudes live for hundreds of years..........they sure had their five a day.

Win XP alive and kicking despite 2014 kill switch (Don't ask about Win 8)


For those that are crying move on the reality is there are specialists software packages used by many businesses that are unsupported any other OS and if it works why spend money to change .Secondly for home users, why throw away a perfectly working piece of hardware [PC,printer,scanner etc] just because the specs don't support windows 8 or even 7, what a complete waste to the environment and again spending money for no reason.


Embeded XP as found on kiosks and terminals is totally different than that installed on Home PCs so the risk to these systems is usually minimal as they normally have no internet connection.

Virgin Media blames scruffy students for HUGE drop in cable subscribers


So all scruffy students use Virgin,,,,,,,,what do the rest use?

Who's who: 12th Doctor has been chosen, will meet you on Sunday night


Well leave your email and we will spam you the answer on Sunday


Just stay by the phone.......If you don't get a call by December the 25th then its not you they're looking for


Maybe The Dr is going full circle


Roses are #f00, violets are #00f. This witty code is a boffinry breakthrough


Too many invertebytes in the jokes

Mystery object falls from sky, area sealed off by military: 'Weather balloon', say officials


D Notice

Its a plant I tell you a plant.........no not the horticultural type the type of thing that someone does to distract you.



On a serious not it could have had low level radioactive equipment on board.

Buy a household 3D printer, it'll pay for itself in months!



See what savings you get for not following a fashion...........now wheres that fruit icon gone?


3D Prints

Now if they brought out a model that made 3D style prints from your camera images that might catch on

'Chromecast - recycle it after a long fulfilling life of kitten videos'


Troll, la, la

So I guess that makes 1 in 12 of us a legally backed Troll

No fondleslabs please, says Microsoft as Office 365 hits Android



Edit a Powerpoint document on a mobile phone ...........Hee,hee Ive never laughed so much

HALF of air passengers leave phones on ... yet STILL no DEATH PLUNGE



Given most larger planes are virtual faraday cages its unlikely any signals can enter or exit the cabin without assistance from the onboard wifi etc


full undivided attention of everyone on the plane is required

Apart from those playing Nintendo like games, listening to MP3 players or a video on there ipad I assume you mean.The exclusion of the use of mobile phones whilst it has good intentions is totally overboard and outdated given modern technology and the lack of proof to the contrary.

Russia's post-Snowden spooks have not reverted to type


Perhaps the use of Comic Sans

Would put people off reading it

Russian cargo ship drops off spacesuit puncture repair kit at the ISS


Re Deep space exploration

If the issue is sweat and urine then it looks like some form of long term hibernation chamber needs inventing.........someone cue the Mel Gibson icon

A drone that can walk home


One has to ask, but why?........

If the plane is grounded the actual distance it may travel if it doesn't actually get stuck, on battery life will be small.So what is the point its not like its going to be able to relaunch itself or return to sender.

BOFH: Don't be afraid - we won't hurt your delicate, flimsy inkjet printer


Whilst on the subject of printers, Dell were virtually giving away their 3330DN Mono Duplex Network Laser Printer at eBuyer recently.They were on sale for £175 with a £75 rebate fro Dell and a £100 trade in for a.n.other used printer.


BBC Radio 4 had an article on the modern office and how it was now more akin to a library without the tip,tap, ding of the typewriter and the ticker tape noise of the printer.How times have reversed to the original office of pen and quill era.

Google Chromecast: Here's why it's the most important smart TV tech ever


I can't imagine Netflix being happy

Much like UK channels are not happy with the Catch up TV service for inserting ads into repeat programming

Wow! British Gas bungs a million remote-controlled sales-droids in UK homes


The prolétariat is revolting

Well they are if they think there's any real savings to be had in the long run given as fast as usages lower so prices will increase proportionally.As for win turbines please..........they are an ad mans dream but in real world terms about as practical as every house having a 60s style flying car.

Assange™ names a Senatorial stand-in


Smoke and mirrors

Truth is like a snake, its slipper and hides out of sight at the slightest risk of danger.You really are deluding yourself if you consider what is in the press or published on the internet as total truth,its all smoke and mirrors designed to hide events and change whats written in the history books.


Id let him stay there a while yet, its saving so much of the tax payers money that would be spent on security and detention if he were banged up.