* Posts by Arachnoid

1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012

US Department of Justice details Kim Dotcom evidence


Offering two options

Is a classic your either this or that trap generally used by those who want people not to think for themselves.Also attempts to somehow associate a Marxist with the subject matter merely shows your trying to muddy the water.



So to present a one sided view of someones guilt to the public before a deportation has even gone though sounds a rather one sided Justice.As does has previously mentioned allowing bulk publication of evidence whose method of extraction has still to be verified as legal in the eyes of the law........

Curiosity gets an OS upgrade, plans new round of selfies



So why make an exploration machine with wheels if they are fundamentally less useful over uneven land?



They were showing a large amount of indentations last time they imaged them so it will be interesting to see what a few more miles on the clock have done.

As for Wheels v Legs just how many energy conserving animals on Earth do you see with wheels?


Legs v Wheels

I still think they would have been better with a multi legged robot as they could accommodate multi height configurations,increased stability over soft ground and completely eradicate issues they have presently with wheel rim damage.

California OLDSTER in WILD golf course SKATEBOARDING spree



Cant see it catching on with the Golf crowd as its all about image though style does take a hit....

BTW the linky in the article no worky


'F*** off, Google!' Protest blockades Google staff bus AGAIN – and Apple's


Life just as its always been

Whilst the residents may not like it the only waY to improve an area is to bring jobs and investment in to the area and ergo this increases prices of property and rents.No one will invest in low income low rent areas because the returns are unviable.

NSA alleges 'BIOS plot to destroy PCs'



Clutching at straws .....they must have so many now they could well build one

Apple iWatch due in October 2014, to wirelessly charge from one metre away – report


Contact lens

Just micro miniaturize the tech and have it on a contact lens


Google Glasses

No need to look at your wriat


Dick Tracy

Well at least people wont be talking to thin air now but rather an overpriced bracelet

Jupiter moon Europa spotted spraying WATER into SPAAACCCEE


And it just so happens

They have a member of the Wales family in their midst


Man the harpoons

There be Whales.........

IBM hid China's reaction to NSA spying 'cos it cost us BILLIONS, rages angry shareholder


You would have thought

They would have invested in McDonald s and Dunkin Doughnuts given the amount of customer base they are reputed to represent.

Ofcom: UK beats the US... in race to buy online tat


Nowt like statistics........

And Im sure of those 24% the survey shows 100% use the internet for their purchase with great expectation of at least 99.9% delivery within the allocated time period.

Enraged by lengthy Sky broadband outage? Blame BT Openreach cable thieves


Just shows

That despite all the money Sky has they still use other competing vendors services.Yes I know Openreach is technically a different company but its only a technicality

Data Retention Directive CLASHES with EU citizens' privacy rights, says top lawman


If there are sufficient grounds to suspect someone

Their counter argument would be its this data that makes people suspects in the first place


Im sure Politicians

Will vote out of the agreement much as they do with any others they dont agree with

Heart part more art than state-of-the-art: Shine wearable activity sensor


Stick a gps reciever in it

And you would have a good covert tracking device........just saying

Fisher-Price in hot seat: iPad bouncy chair lets APPLE BABYSIT tots – parents


I wonder

If these same parents are the ones who strap their children in the back seat of a car with a back seat video playing to keep them quiet?

Ten top tech toys to interface with a techie’s Christmas stocking



Yes Ive had no issues using the site but bear in mind China now has a ban on batterys going by air these days so anything with such included comes snail mail.Despite the wait its cheaper than buying exactly the same stuff on auction sites.As to stocking fillers Id be looking in the lower £20 range with my budget

Submerged Navy submarine successfully launches drone from missile tubes


Is this how the US Navy is squandering it's money

Its a tactical weapon to gain additional "live" over-site information where satellite coverage may not be available or adequate for purpose and thus may well save the lives of those in the naval services.As for cost I bet its final cost will be no where near the same as all the shoulder fired weapons used by other military services.

Chester Cathedral smites net in Wi-Fi SMUT OUTRAGE



Just restrict the access speef to a point where even youtube won't play.



Just restrict the access speef to a point where even youtube won't play.

Shouldn't we have self calibrating Y-fronts and smart bog roll by now?



Do they make you go home?


Inflating tyres

Some inflammable spray and a lighter a la Top Gear style..........

Referee and two others charged in FA hacking probe


have been charged with perverting the course of justice

Oh good refs are safe for now...........at least it wasn't match fixing

Confessions of a porn site boss: How I got it up on the 'net



One has to wonder what members here would do with out the mask of anonymity.Oh I forgot the NSA KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Build your OWN Apple iBeacon with a Raspberry Pi


Spam bot

So basically we are making a Spam Bot which can bluetooth a message to any open system?

UK.gov's web filtering mission creep: Now it plans to block 'extremist' websites


And in a final trumpet to liberty

The Guberment will block all sites that use incorrect spelling or use txt speak or show hairy arm pits or..........disagree with Prime Ministers question time or just fill in an excuse.Ya know everyday it feels more like being a contestant in a series of that Les Dawson show Blankety Blank

Why a plain packaging U-turn from UK.gov could cost £3bn a year


So make it in a plain box

Then just design and sell a steel cigarette case in company logo that takes a 20 pack

Looks like Google may ask you to PAY for YouTube music - report


You're forgetting all the official music videos

No Im not forgetting the poor quality audio and video they provide and its licensed for home use not business.

As for selling on someone elses content......well Im sure that wont go down well



As most of youtube content is either homemade videos or business advertising why would one pay for such a service?

DEATH-PROOF your old XP netbook: 5 OSes to bring it back to life


Rather strange

That some point out Schools/Colleges would no longer allow XP to access its server yet no mention of weather older Linux distros would be barred too.Are they not just as much of a security hazard?

As to the original topic the main problem may be down to which software students may be required to use and what file types teachers need to supply to and get from students,not an easy task over differing OSs

Personally ignoring the cost for a moment, one has to remember you are aiming to provide your child with the best education and the best knowledge for the future that your money can afford.Its not about ones got Nikes and ones got Speedos its about doing the right thing to kit them out as best you can so they can learn and take on board what is in essence their future personal cache of knowledge.

So as the old saying goes you need to spend to accumulate........

Euro computer emergency teams need better support – ENISA


GCHQ Rules the roost

Only in the western world


Security at its finest

The problem, the agency says in a new paper published here, is that there's a lack of cross-border coordination of Computer Emergency Response Team actions

Er isnt that to be expected as each "border" has its own security implementation and techniques to prevent such issues in the first place.Why would one country change what works for it and its infrastruxture for something that may be worse or may not work at all.

ROBOT SWARM positions itself over EARTH ... to probe our magnetic field



Since when is three a swarm.............its a nuisance at best :D

Sysadmin job ad: 'If you don’t mind really bad work-life balance, this is for you'


More for less

Is the present norm for any industry and the state of the economy or price differential with the competition is usually the things employers put the blame on.

We are shortly going to annualized hours which sounds good in theory on paper re work life balance but Ive seen it before and its just a way of getting people in on extra days without paying anything out then giving them a day off mid winter.We are also expected to do more technical work plus our normal manual roll and "eagerly" participate in 5s TPM and many other assorted improvement schemes [which will now most probably fall on our days off].

Yay for progress and not even a mention of zero hours contracts by anyone yet.......

Thai man reportedly dies clutching his scorched iPhone 4S


Failing to Danger

The cheaper components used in this type of charger have a lower insulation rating which over time degrades to such a level the current passes through them to at least some lower or greater degree.Because they are poorly designed for minimal function they fail to danger instead of failing to safety i.e. the full power input is directed to the USB output port instead of being isolated.The USB cabling itself is not designed or insulated enough to carry a full mains charge safely without hazard to the user ergo the user is in effect a conductor from the cable or device which is now at mains power to any lower voltage or Earthed surface they touch.

We go joyriding in the Google Maps-killer's ROBO-CAR


So all we need now

Is some good matrix type action as the car passes and we are good to go

Dry, cold and volatile: How to survive Mars, and your fellow crew



Wouldn't it make more sense to send an automated home kit and energy station first and have it report back when established.Given the need for weight reduction maybe having a way of making large room size voids under the planet surface and filling with a balloon type liner might be a better structure to start with that way the building material is kept to a minimum.

Prime Minister David Cameron in Twitter gaffe


I see nothing wrong here

These poor girls are in a need of a mature man to give them some strict guidance.What could be wrong with that?

Barclays says soz for titsup website, bank app



Really so I have to follow the damn twitter account of the bank just so they can tell me the systems down.If I have the banking app whats up with them designing a notice page into the device in the first place.

True fact: Britain is losing its brains


Talking of Brain drains

Just how many of The Registers reporters actually reside in their country of origin?

File-NUKING Cryptolocker PC malware MENACES 'TENS of MILLIONS' in UK


If you do need Bitcoins buy em early in the morning the effing price on those things moves like $40 or more over the day.


DropBox puts locks on doors, hopes biz bods will buy the house


FSecure launching encrypted online storage


Who! wants! cursed.com? Yahoo! flogs! domains! in! multimillion-dollar! sale!



How come they dont get done for with holding names they clearly dont use same as cyber squatters....

How d'ya make a JPMorgan banker cry? Ask him questions on Twitter


I guess they could ahve asked

Given the Government states we are now clearly over the recession,what day next week the banks are putting up the interest rates.

Forget invisible kittens, now TANKS draped in INVISIBILITY CLOAK


Not quite invisibility

You may be better off making a time differential device that combined the area in question with that before the event occurred thus masking the object from all viewpoints

Nookie becomes, um, a virtual reality for Oculus Rift gadget gamers


That might explain why

It was reported recently that the younger Japanese generation had gone off sexual relationships and were more "in to" technology