Offering two options
Is a classic your either this or that trap generally used by those who want people not to think for themselves.Also attempts to somehow associate a Marxist with the subject matter merely shows your trying to muddy the water.
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
So to present a one sided view of someones guilt to the public before a deportation has even gone though sounds a rather one sided Justice.As does has previously mentioned allowing bulk publication of evidence whose method of extraction has still to be verified as legal in the eyes of the law........
Yes Ive had no issues using the site but bear in mind China now has a ban on batterys going by air these days so anything with such included comes snail mail.Despite the wait its cheaper than buying exactly the same stuff on auction sites.As to stocking fillers Id be looking in the lower £20 range with my budget
Its a tactical weapon to gain additional "live" over-site information where satellite coverage may not be available or adequate for purpose and thus may well save the lives of those in the naval services.As for cost I bet its final cost will be no where near the same as all the shoulder fired weapons used by other military services.
The Guberment will block all sites that use incorrect spelling or use txt speak or show hairy arm pits or..........disagree with Prime Ministers question time or just fill in an excuse.Ya know everyday it feels more like being a contestant in a series of that Les Dawson show Blankety Blank
That some point out Schools/Colleges would no longer allow XP to access its server yet no mention of weather older Linux distros would be barred too.Are they not just as much of a security hazard?
As to the original topic the main problem may be down to which software students may be required to use and what file types teachers need to supply to and get from students,not an easy task over differing OSs
Personally ignoring the cost for a moment, one has to remember you are aiming to provide your child with the best education and the best knowledge for the future that your money can afford.Its not about ones got Nikes and ones got Speedos its about doing the right thing to kit them out as best you can so they can learn and take on board what is in essence their future personal cache of knowledge.
So as the old saying goes you need to spend to accumulate........
The problem, the agency says in a new paper published here, is that there's a lack of cross-border coordination of Computer Emergency Response Team actions
Er isnt that to be expected as each "border" has its own security implementation and techniques to prevent such issues in the first place.Why would one country change what works for it and its infrastruxture for something that may be worse or may not work at all.
Is the present norm for any industry and the state of the economy or price differential with the competition is usually the things employers put the blame on.
We are shortly going to annualized hours which sounds good in theory on paper re work life balance but Ive seen it before and its just a way of getting people in on extra days without paying anything out then giving them a day off mid winter.We are also expected to do more technical work plus our normal manual roll and "eagerly" participate in 5s TPM and many other assorted improvement schemes [which will now most probably fall on our days off].
Yay for progress and not even a mention of zero hours contracts by anyone yet.......
The cheaper components used in this type of charger have a lower insulation rating which over time degrades to such a level the current passes through them to at least some lower or greater degree.Because they are poorly designed for minimal function they fail to danger instead of failing to safety i.e. the full power input is directed to the USB output port instead of being isolated.The USB cabling itself is not designed or insulated enough to carry a full mains charge safely without hazard to the user ergo the user is in effect a conductor from the cable or device which is now at mains power to any lower voltage or Earthed surface they touch.
Wouldn't it make more sense to send an automated home kit and energy station first and have it report back when established.Given the need for weight reduction maybe having a way of making large room size voids under the planet surface and filling with a balloon type liner might be a better structure to start with that way the building material is kept to a minimum.