If it were true
Ones country is not likely to give forewarning about such an attack
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
I hope they forewarned pedestrians and other road users that there was an increased danger of
A: Getting run into
B: Unable to claim from the driver for any injuries or damage
C: That the soldier/Scientist sat in the cab txting or using Google glasses is not actually driving
On a serious note they may still need the cab and human control instrumentation because the vehicles may still need shunting by an actual real person in depots for loading and unloading.
Sorry Turtle but this may not work as many of us keep our data in the cloud one would only need to remove the data using a.n.other device or even simply send a wipe signal to the device under question.
On the other hand I dont expect an officer of the law to be able to access my data without a court order ,we are not after all the star turn in another NCIS program where hacking is the norm.
Much like the US they have their own "intelligence corps" and what better way for either side to test adversary's systems for weak spots than to continually probe and cause havoc.This said the Great wall can shut off internet access to the country in a heart beat unlike the Western powers.
Whatever happened to the human touch during recruitment and gut feeling which is distinctly missing from any computer system
Whilst it may be said with hindsight this money could have been better spent on bolstering the security of our systems that widely use internet connections.Which in the event of conflict will clearly be open to attack from other countrys as a preemptive attack on infrastructure and the military's ability to even launch a counter strike.
Is that the US Air force/Army has no space vehicle of its own at the moment and is so reliant on others to ferry them into orbit since the loss of the Shuttle.There are many designs based on the older style cabin and storage atop a candle on the boards but no openly Government funding likely to happen any time soon and no public taste to see such large investments when times are tough.
As to the ISS it serves as has been said,as a long term flight and technology test bench which clearly cannot be done in Earths atmosphere.As for other planets the next goal should be to make a permanently manned living space on the Moon which is in easier stones throw both for communication and if things should go awry than a rocket on a one way trip to the Mars area.
The only other options open for exploration are the limited robotic agents sent into the vastness of space with some hopeful landfall at the end of the journey.
Could the Bot not fire additional anchor points and use these to transverse from one point to another as well as using the limbs for slow movement i.e its fires an temporary anchor point to another section of the station and once tested as firm the Bot could set an anchor point then use the two[or more] wires to traverse the gap.So more akin to a spider traversing its webbing.
by Masayuki Yoshida
Product Description
Masayuki Yoshida examines the harm thesis in the light of some specific questions: When a corpse is damaged or the reputation of a deceased person is sullied, what or who is actually being harmed? If the dead cannot be harmed, then is it possible for nobody to be harmed? If a living person is otherwise harmed, is the person a former living person of the damaged corpse? However, any answer to this question is prima facie at least bizarre, in particular because dead persons cannot perceive of damage or harm against them. Moreover, if it should be possible for the formerly living person of a corpse to be harmed, then it would follow that time goes backward. The author, despite the apparent bizarre nature of any answer, nevertheless argues that the dead can be harmed both in the case of damaging a corpse and in the circumstance of defamation of a dead person.