Firstly, you're basing your bigoted remarks on a major factual error in this article. The "ruling party" in Pak is the Pakistan People's Party (PPP). I don't where the author got PML from, especially as he doesn't specify if that refers to PML-N or PML-Q or PML-F.
Secondly, don't let the "Muslim League" term in their title fool you, these parties (along with the PPP) are all officially secular - based (loosely) on the principles of founder MA Jinnah. But more importantly, ideology aside, they are some of the most corrupt politicians the world over. Just have a quick read into the shady dealings of Mr. Zadari (and his late wife Bhutto), the money stolen from the country safely locked away in their Swiss accounts, the role in the murder of her own brothers, turning a blind eye while the US drone bombs civilians week in week out. Then there's Nawaz's role in sugar dealings.....I could go on forever.
And as for role of religion in Pakistani society that is up to the people, it is their democratic right to decide. Sadly, no civilian government has been able to see out a single term in office. Although most of them got "elected" via massive rigging and bribery.