* Posts by They Said WHAT?

5 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2012

Facebook scammers raking in $200 MEEELLION in illicit profits

They Said WHAT?

Re: Bloody Vikings

I think you've missed the point. What actually happens is that someone opens a "fan page" for say (a recent one I saw) The Minions Fan Page. All the kids and a lot of adults love the cute little pill shaped characters and flood to the fan page. There the owner of the page will set up a bogus competition to win some fan merchandise for people who follow, then like and share that post. Within days it had over 100,000 likes. Then the links arrive within the fan posts, these kids will just click on them regardless as they believe in the page. Nothing untowards happens on facebook page itself apart from a bogus competition and a lie or two.

We're raising generations of MUTANT KIDS, says Icelandic study

They Said WHAT?

Idiocracy - Comedy or Prophecy??

Has anyone seen the film "Idiocracy"? It's a comedy starring Luke Wilson


It's basically about the world being run by idiots because the Intelligent career people hold off having kids until it's too late, while the trailer park people pop kids out like fun.

It appealed to my kind of humour, but hell, it has a possible true streak running through it which is pretty worrying.

Native Americans arrived to find natives already there, fossil poo shows

They Said WHAT?

Re: Petrified Poo

That just conjures up an image of scared poo *giggles*

They Said WHAT?
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Re: @edge_e

*groan* Just when you thought that kids may well have a chance in life, these idiots come along and take the UK back several hundred years......................before long they will have them believing that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around the planet!!!!!

Facebook co-founder renounces US citizenship pre-IPO

They Said WHAT?

Re: wow


If you could get away with it, wouldn't you? Or would you willingly give over a ridiculous amount of tax as you feel so strongly about paying your way? If the answer is the 2nd part then I would say that you are full of the smelly stuff.