* Posts by cyke1

187 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2012


Jeff Bezos: I will depose King Trump


Bezo's is mad that original contract which was tailored for AMAZON was shutdown when MS, google and oracle if i remember correctly complained about how it was designed that only amazon could meat the requirements.


Re: To be honest ...

Spoken like a true liberal that is blind to the fact the case was a shame from the get go in the house after they violated so many house rules by not letting republicans call any witnesses or give them their required minority hear day. Not even starting on fact that of 77 or so days it was going on, 70 of those days trump's legal team was denied the ability to be there to cross examine witnesses. Not only were house rules violated but even basic Due process was.

Trump’s immigration policies costing US tech jobs says LogMeIn CEO


"Speaking to The Register in Sydney, Australia, today, Wagner said his company had hoped to bring in more workers, some on H-1B visas."

Stop beating around the bush, you want pretty much ALL workers on H-1B so you can pay them next to nothing and get US tax breaks. How many Perfectly Able american's were replaced by H-1B workers not cause they couldn't do the job but cause they wanted someone to work for peanuts? On top of it they are forced to TRAIN THEM to do the job before getting fired.

Trump buries H-1B visa applicants in paperwork


How many H-1B workers have buried American's in Unemployment paper work?

Twitter breaks bad news to 677,775 twits: You were duped by Russia


Re: "B****" --

Posted like a typical liberal, use name calling and slander against people you disagree with.


Re: Follow-on to the previous post... sigh.

How many times did Clintons meddle in Russian election's? Yea Payback is truly a B****, lucky we didn't get one voted in office.


Re: It's a bit of a snicker, really.

Michigan has swung Democrat wise in president since 80's til Trump. Funny how Clinton just expected to win Michigan yet Never set foot in Our State til Monday Nov 7th the day before the vote. Til that day she didn't give 2 s*&#'s about Michigan. Trump on other hand was here 4-5 times during primaries and presidential campaign.


Lets have a look at the Hill bots bet that number was massively higher.

Hackers emit 9GB of stolen Macron 'emails' two days before French presidential election


Re: Seems presumptuous to blame Le Pen personally

Its pretty much normal of liberals to blame other side as well as Russia it seems now. We will never see 1 piece of proof that it was russia but they expect people to believe it. They still push it was russia here in the US yet FBI that least 5 foreign gov hacked Clintons email server but that mostly ignored so. Likely we will never know who did it but you are expected to believe baseless claims.

Pence v Clinton: Both used private email for work, one hacked, one accused of hypocrisy


Even though it was wrong to use the server, the security risk of pence doing it was minor since he was only gov of a state and had limited access to sensitive material where as Hillary being head of state department, the 2nd most powerful person in the country pretty much besides the president did. She had access to top level national secrets and classified information. Both were wrong but Clinton's is worse give the level of access in to sensitive material she had and sent using that server.

Broadband internet in New York is so garbage, the state's suing Charter


This sounds like they are already working ahead and getting a plan in place for when they lose federal funding.

Donald Trump confirms TPP to be dumped, visa program probed


oh yea..

H-1B visa program needs to be looked at bad. It was ment to be a way for companies to get workers if there wasn't enough to fill the need of the job. It has turned in to a way for companies to fire American workers and bring in cheap labor at the expense of the American worker that has to train the cheap labor how to do their job. Just like a lot of law's that got abused and this is 1 law should be canned.

FCC wants a word with AT&T about that zero-rated DirecTV streaming


Took them long enough after FCC went after others for same thing when they offered online streaming that didn't cost any monthly bandwidth.

Trump vs. Clinton III - TPP looks dead, RussiaLeaks confirmed


with Hillary running TPP is far from dead. If she win's its very much alive and very much being signed in to law. She can claim to be against it but she helped right it and called it the gold standard like she supported NAFTA.

Apple says banks can't touch iPhone NFC without harming security


Re: Nice of Apple to look after their customer's secruity so well

They looking after their customers OR more likely their hand in your wallet for every purchase you make using their service?

Bomb-disposal robot violently disposes of Dallas cop-killer gunman


so want the cops to have no guns when other side has them? Kinda sad how people think public should have better weapons then the people that are suposed to keep the peace.

FBI director claims that videoing police is causing crime uptick


Re: Nothing to hide : Nothing to fear

Here is the problem, most these "videos" when they get uploaded they will neglect to show the whole incident either cause the fool was slow to start the recording or they cut it off and only show when the officer responses to other other person does. SO it makes cop look bad when other guy started the fight or scuffle. Its very common problem where something that happens is taken outta context and people take the video as 100% and never consider what person did to cause the officers response.

Apple, AT&T, Verizon named in $7bn VoIP patent claim


"The suits ask for a trial and award of $2.83bn from Apple, $2.38bn from Verizon, and $1.83bn from Verizon." Um right.

Comcast stabs set-top boxes in the back, pipes directly into smart TVs


Click bait title. They are not gonna kill them off, they are just offering option to watch TV without.

Tired of Windows 10 phoning home? Maybe the special Chinese govt version is for you


Re: It still phones home

and sends even more info then it did before.

Twitter goes titsup


wonder how many idiots called 911 over this?

AT&T, Dish have a problem with Charter-TWC merger – surprise!


" the two companies claimed the proposed tie-up could damage competition in the US."

Yes charter and TWC are not competeing in same markets, but AT&T and directv did compete in same markets. SO how does 1 that doesn't compete directly with each other more damaging to competition then 2 that merged that did?

Sounds like a certain group of people in this country that complain about someone elses doing but ignores they do same thing they whine that someone else does.

World panics, children cry, workers sigh ... Facebook.com TITSUP


The days 911 operators dread as people call in to report its down.

China shutters 50 websites for spreading explosion 'rumours'


Re: Woah. Thank $DEITY for $REDACTED Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press? This is China, the press is government owned Like Russia.

BlackBerry can't catch a break: Now it's fending off Jeep hacking claims


OCZ wasn't ones at fault. Sandforce the company that made the controller they used screwed up in on the firmware, sadly since OCZ was largest SSD maker at the time they took the most flak.


"In this particular case, the vulnerability came about through certain architecture and software components that are unrelated to the QNX Neutrino OS."

If that is the case it wouldn't be blackberry's fault if fiat added in software/modules that were flawed. It would be like blaming MS for cause adobe flash cause windows to get infected or java. But people will see them guilty by association kinda like where OCZ took a huge hit for a bug in SSD controller firmware they had nothing to do with.

Edge out rivals? No! Firefox boss BLASTS Microsoft's Windows 10 browser brouhaha


It didn't change my browser default to edge, it asked i told it to leave default what it was,

Oh, Obama's responded to the petition to pardon Snowden. What'll it be?


"The White House stated that no amount of public pressure – even from a petition backed by 167,954 signatures – will sway it from moving forward with its prosecution of Snowden"

Someone forgot to tell Obama, um "the white house" won't be his much longer when he gets tossed out after his 8 years of destroying this country and putting it in massive debt.

The US taxman thinks Microsoft owes billions. Prove it, says Microsoft


If MS owe's billion's? How much Does Apple Owe?

Apple CORED: Boffins reveal password-killer 0-days for iOS and OS X


Re: we've been here before

Seems to be a recurring trend with Apple, everything is a hard to fix problem. Guess that is how it ends up when only thing in your face is money.

If you remember the celeb photo leak, yea Apple knew of the flaw that was used 6 months ahead of time, nothing was done to fix it til after the leak.


Re: Waiting game?

From what i seen, Apple has no problem after 2 years doing it. that is generally how old OS is when its cut off completely from updates. PPC i think it got 1 new OS version after switched to intel after that is was dead.


I never said they haven't reacted to it, i said they have an issue getting things fixed in a timely manner. There was a flaw called flashback i think it was many years ago. Was a java exploit, 0 day bug that windows fix was out within a day, Apple had the updated code to fix it as well but took then 2 months before releasing the fix. Apple has a habit of taking a LONG time to fix nasty security flaw's. Its so bad that it would be easy to say Windows is 10x more secure then and Apple's OS's just on fact MS fix's things in a reasonable amount of time, where as apple you can't expect it to be fixed for least 2months if not more.


Give the problem with this flaw, Apple shouldn't need 6 months hell they knew about it for 9 months now still hasn't fixed it. Reason you say 1 months is to make Apple get off their butt and FIX IT. Problem is Apple has a nasty problem of NOT fixing stuff in a timely manner EVEN with ALL THE MONEY they make takes them months on end to fix an issue.


they told you to wait 6 months? IS that a JOKE? Seriously i would tell them they got 1 and its made public. Reason for that is Apple is Terrible at fixing flaws in their crap. Make them get off their butts and fix it

AMD promises 100 gigabyte/second memory


Re: Promised?

Um mantle being open, no DX12 in the works when anoucing mantle, no new hardware needed for freesync when new scaler in monitor was needed, Bulldozer making them back competitive with intel, power of their APU's (they are even getting sued by investors over this one). I could go on but you get the point.



AMD has Promised a ton of crap over the years and end up not being able to live up to those promises. So I will wait til they prove what they claim.

Roku 3: Probably the best streaming player on the market ... for now, at least


Re: Roku Media Player

DLNA requires re-encoding of video to support its spec so its no better then plex/serviio.


I wouldn't call it best streaming, as it has almost 0 local support for video files on a network outside some complicated 3rd server software. My old Boxee supports playing just about everything stored on my desktop, MkV,AVI,OGM,MP4, ETC. via Windows file shares. Yet natively roku can't do that without plex or serviio. I own Both.

$7500 DDoS extortion hitting Aussie, Kiwi enterprises


Given the fact that Kiwi business is Allowed to hire people to blind call people to scam them claiming their computer is infected with a virus just to scam money outta them. Can't say I really feel sorry for them.


REVEALED: The 19 firms whose complaints form EU's antitrust case against Google


Yea just like complaint against IE in windows, a couple EU companies Whine about things and EU jumps to their beckon call. Also EU needs the money cause they broke as heck, gotta prop up Greece and Spain so why not make google pay for that.

Sony tells hacked gamer to pay for crooks' abuse of PlayStation account


A good password is a pretty good protection, this fool should look in to one.

Apple patch shields Macs from Thunderstrike


<sarcasm> Nice to see Apple as fast as possible to release patches for major flaws, while leaving even only few year old versions of their OS open for attack.</sarcasm>

Obama makes net neutrality pledge in State of the Union


NOW he is making the pledge when he couldn't even bother to give 2 craps before about it. Obama is really tring to drum up support for his party in next 2 years after trains wreck of last 6.

Saudi Arabia hires 'ethical hackers' to silence smut slingers


"Saudi Arabia's prude police have hired ethical hackers to pop hedonistic Twitter accounts identified for spruiking smut leading to arrests."

So they call them ethical even though they will be hacking/cracking a companies servers that are not in their country? Another issue is "smut" as they call it, who determines what is Smut and what isn't? Problem with this if the owner of said accounts don't live in Saudi Arabia they have 0 right to attack anyone's twitter account and take it over cause they don't like what they say.

Apple's 16GB iPhones are a big fat lie, claims iOS 8 storage hog lawsuit


Sadly if they win this lawsuit it owns up lawsuit against pretty much any phone makers, computer makers, etc. Anything that has storage in it cause there is what its max space is but OS for said device takes some some of it.

Blind justice: Google lawsuit silences elected state prosecutor


That would be all well and good if that was what the case WAS about. It wasn't though, it was MPAA wanting Hood to put pressure on Google over movie piracy. They put the illegal drugs crap in as a smoke screen for what it was really after. Just like how when they tried to push SOPA through they claimed it was focused on things like child pornography, which was the smoke screen for MPAA/RIAA to get blocking of sites in the US on a ISP/DNS level.

Google sues Mississippi Attorney General 'for doing MPAA's dirty work'


Hard to believe a politician to start with but when he goes after a company that MPAA has had years of difficulty getting them do what they they think is enough which even then won't be enough in their eye. That 1+million $ donation kinda says you aint doing this for the children, that is like how they claims SOPA was to shutdown child porn on the internet, its nothing more then blatant smoke screen for what its really intended.

Security holes in iOS? We've heard of them, says Apple (as it fixes vanishing ringtones)


Its Apple, they never have been quick to fix security issues on anything.

Mom and daughter SUE Comcast for 'smuggling' public Wi-Fi hotspot into their home


Re: Hope they win.

Its not as open as you think, i think you are still required to login with your comcast account to use those hotspots.


Re: Hope they win.

You as a customer can opt out of it and not have it.

"and places a burden on their bandwidth and electricity bills."

Thing with what they claim burdens their electricity, that is a stretch since the router is already there using power for your home wifi anyway, the open doesn't incur anymore power then if its off. Bandwidth well, you are not charged for any bandwidth used by the open wifi as that is separate.
