dum tactics
Firearms used used by police forces are generally designed to kill, so their choice of ammunition is often semantic.
The press might effect more damnation by questioning why a continegent police followed this poor chap from his home and into a heavily populated area before containing him. Maybe they could not run fast enough to catch him (too many doughnuts ?) . Given the level of force exerted it seems unlikely they could not choose a better place to "stop" him before reaching the tube station.
For me the blame here lies firstly with the police policies dictated, then the poor men who had to execute them, though "I was only following orders" really doesn't seem satisfactory. This story is just sad however you look at it. Perhaps the authorities could apologise for increasing the level of public hysteria as well as killing an innocent man while they're at it.
However given the same situation I'd take any cheap >= .22 pistol (easily obtained in the right local pub) and some jacketed .22 lr for such a situation. Perfectly lethal enough ....