* Posts by VegaNovus

2 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2012

Angry Vodafone customers spark Ofcom probe after phone bill overcharge snafu


Vodafone overcharged me by £200++

Back at the end of 2015, I opted to leave Vodafone due to poor signal and poor customer service when complaining about the poor signal.

Before I called for my PAC, I thought I'd have serious issues with this but the call lasted 15 minutes, the said I was at the end of my committed contract and I'd just have to pay the final months bill.

Well, then I got a letter in January stating that my final bill was over £240 and that I must pay it as soon as possible, I immediately called up and they said - oh no, you don't have to pay it, we're going to take it out on your direct debit. I asked them not to and that the overcharged bill was more than I expected (usually £39) and what the extra £200 was for and the cited an "early termination fee" - they also said that my bill had not been generated yet and to call back in some days to modify the bill.

So I called back some days later and got a different person who said there were no notes of my previous call and they'd have to investigate again, I demanded an immediate answer - I could see I was at the end of my committed contract and they couldn't provide a reason for the £200 termination fee. After about 3 hours on the phone they decided that the £200 fee was unjust and had no reason to be on my bill and they said they would remove it (yay).

Fast forward 7 days, I check my bank, I'm more than £200 down - I can see Vodafone have taken over £240 from my account.

I tried to resolve this with Vodafone on the phone but again I got a different person who said no notes were on my account - as this useless wet paper towel couldn't assist me I informed her of my intent to perform a chargeback to which she said there could further fees and problems with my (disconnected) account. lol.

I couldn't deal with her anymore, so I hung up and performed a chargeback since the money was taken the night before.

Nympho hauled to loon-cooler after serial bonkathon brutality

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This is sick! This article makes it seem like some sort of joke, but if this happened to a woman, it would be classed as rape straight away!

Men can get raped too.