* Posts by MOH

332 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2012


SoftBank woos OpenAI with $40B, making Microsoft's $13B look quaint


Re: Gentle

Woo hoo!

You're going to do what to the feature? Microsoft defines what it means by 'deprecation'


Re: I don't mind what they mean by it...

I'd appreciate if they would

AI facial recognition could sink this murder probe


Re: Detective Inspector Artie Ficial reporting for duty.

Nah, the AI will take care of 3D printing the evidence too.

"It looks like you're trying to convict someone, would you like help with that?"

Tool touted as 'first AI software engineer' is bad at its job, testers claim


Sure they did. They just assigned the task of responding to Devin.

Business value from GenAI remains elusive despite IT spending boom


This is the same "distinguished analyst" who told us 7 years ago that millions of jobs would be replaced by AI by 2020.

And 8 years ago that the business value-add of Blockchain would be 176 billion by 2025.


Why do reputable publications keep regurgitating his nonsense?

Ransomware scum make it personal for Reg readers by impersonating tech support


This headline makes no sense, unless I've missed something. How is it specifically Reg related?

Anduril picks Ohio for 5 million square foot autonomous weapon factory


"Arsenal of democracy", you say?

'Savvy' shortcuts produce near-instant speech-to-speech translation of 36 languages


Where did the 4.5 million hours of spoken audio come from?

Facebook parent you say?

Can AWS really fix AI hallucination? We talk to head of Automated Reasoning Byron Cook


Can we just stop using the marketing term "hallucinate" instead of using long-standing terms like garbage out?

Honey co-founder's Pie Adblock called out for copying GPL'd uBlock Origin files


Re: "Honey helps merchants reduce...

That's assuming you can actually find what you want since their search is appalling and shows what they want to sell rather than what you want to biy

Apple auto-opts everyone into having their photos analyzed by AI for landmarks


Privacy aside, surely there are copyright issues with Apple just appropriating everyone's images without any consent or attribution?

Oh wait, it's AI training so copyright is irrelevant.

Microsoft Edge takes a victory lap with some high-looking usage stats for 2024


Yup. I accidentally clicked on something on the start menu that opened Edge on a new W11 machine.

Which then immediately triggered a modal popup with multiple tabs asking me to agree to various T+C's or import data which I had no intention of agreeing to.

It ignored attempts to close it with Alt-F4 or from the taskbar.Had to kill it with Powershell.

It's pretty pathetic and desperate, like much of MS these days.

Guide for the perplexed – Google is no longer the best search engine


Re: Telling it like it is.

If you Google "Ryan's Daughter" it helpfully gives you an "overview" that's it's "A behind the scenes look at the making of the film "Ryan's Daughter" '

Musk's lawyer asks SEC to quit pestering the shy and retiring billionaire


Ironically I can't read the name Spiro in this context without thinking of Spyros from Billions

GitHub's boast that Copilot produces high-quality code challenged


Did Copilot produce that “high quality“ graph that doesn't add up?

This seemed suspicious:

" GitHub's inadequately explained graph that shows 60.8 percent of developers using Copilot passed all ten unit tests while only 39.2 percent of developers not using Copilot passed all the tests."

Bit of a coincidence that they add to 100? I thought maybe they'd meant the of those who passed all the tests, 60.8% used Copilot

In fact, the graph in the linked GitHub blog post shows that of those not using Copilot, 39.2% passed all the tests and 62.2% didn't. Out of 101.4%.

Meanwhile, of those who did use Copilot, a total of 98.6% did or didn't pass all tests.

It's possibly the percentage are supposed to add vertically, but that's crap presentation.

Either way that graph looks like AI produced garbage.

Billionaire food app CEO wants you to pay for the privilege of working with him


So he basically wants someone to pay him for the pleasure of his company?

Isn't there a word for that.?

Killer app for AI is still years away, says industry analyst


The same "Distinguished VP Analyst" at Gartner predicted 6 years ago that:

"The year 2020 will be a pivotal one in AI-related employment dynamics — Gartner predicts 2.3 million jobs will be created and 1.8 jobs will be eliminated."


How much do these people get paid for churning out endless tat?

And why haven't they been replaced by AI yet?

It's the one thing it's actually good for

Perplexity AI decries News Corp's 'simply false' data scraping claims


If I rewrote this and every other Reg article with mild paraphrasing along the lines of:

"AI newcomers Perplexity have responded to a legal claim that they're stealing content from..."

and then based my business on publishing that content, I'd (rightly) get sued.

Mind you they should be sued just for the sickening tone of that blog post alone

Google's Rust belts bugs out of Android, helps kill off unsafe code substantially


"Google says..."

Nothing to see here then

EU kicks off an inquiry into Google's AI model


Well it's the Irish DPC so the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion that Google did nothing wrong.

At least until the rest of the European DPCs sue the Irish one to actually do their job and it gets reopened in five years. That's how it usually goes anyway.

If HDMI screen rips aren't good enough for you pirates, DeCENC is another way to beat web video DRM


Re: and the like is doomed

That's been the case for decades now.

I don't think the companies care

Gartner mages: Payback from office AI expected in around two years


The one thing that could definitely be completely replaced by AI with absolute no downside, no loss of accuracy or reliability, is Gartner.

Actually, may that's already happened, given their spokesperson is A Preset

Security biz KnowBe4 hired fake North Korean techie, who got straight to work ... on evil


Re: Is not even theReg safe from the pronoun police :o

Do pronouns work differently in North Korea?

Hello? Emergency services? I'd like to report a wrong number


What happened when the person with the mobile dialed 91?

Yes, I am being intolerably smug – because I ignored you and saved the project


Re: Simple rule

You have been eaten by a grue

Kamala Harris's $7M support from LinkedIn founder comes with a request: Fire Lina Khan


Re: Incumbent Joe Biden stepped aside :o

Do troll farms get paid extra for working on weekends?

Europol says mobile roaming tech is making its job too hard


Won't somebody please...

This is a fairly poor effort by Europol.

They didn't even bother to make a "think of the children" argument.

Surely they could have raised the spectre of roaming paedophiles to their case?

British Airways blames T5 luggage chaos on fault 'outside of our control'


They used to have enough staff to do it manually?

But now that everything is computerised they can do the whole thing with less staff and more profits, and so it all works fine.

Except that the remaining staff are probably constantly overworked anyway ( but hey, profits!), and when the system goes down there aren't remotely enough people to make it work manually

Snowflake breach snowballs as more victims, perps, come forward


48 years in jail for copyright infringement??!

Risk of installing dodgy extensions from Chrome store way worse than Google's letting on, study suggests


Re: 1% of installs are malware is terrible

This. 1% of a ludicrously high number of installs is a very high number.

I can't be bothered trying to find a reliable source for the overall number of installs, but the very fact that a Google mouthpiece has chosen to express it as a seemingly low percentage instead of an outright count is enough to know it's bad

That PowerShell 'fix' for your root cert 'problem' is a malware loader in disguise


With an attitude like that you're bound to fall for a scam sooner rather than later

Researchers find Meta's withdrawal of misinformation tool hard to swallow


"Nick Clegg, Meta's president of global affairs, said CrowdTangle was a degrading tool."

More accurately, Facebook is a degrading tool.

Clearview AI reaches 'creative' settlement with privacy suit plaintiffs: A conditional IOU


I fail to see how letting the company go bust from legal costs wouldn't have been a better solution?

They pay the price for scraping people's data, the product built from that data goes nowhere, seems like a win.

Oh. Except of course the lawyers bringing the class action suit would never get paid. Can't have that.

Meta faces multiple complaints in Europe over plans to train AI on user data


Sadly the Irish DPC isn't fit for purpose.

Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects


Re: Just maybe?

If your standup is daily worship to the PM then whatever you're doing, it ain't agile

OpenAI slapped with GDPR complaint: How do you correct your work?


Re: Good luck with that

Presumably you're in favour of children working in sweatshops?

Because most of your arguments about pesky jaws getting in the way of progress could be applied there too


Re: Not in our backyard

I wouldn't expect much from the Irish DPC which has an appalling record of putting Irish political interests ahead of sanctioning offenders

Microsoft really does not want Windows 11 running on ancient PCs


Re: Alternative

Obviously you've never had to assess how best to spend money from your own business, instead of someone else's


Remind me again what the purpose of an OS actually is?

And how that has changed so dramatically in 15 years that perfectly functional kit will be going to landfill.

Digital Realty wants to turn Irish datacenters into grid-stabilizing power jugglers


Data centers already account for over 20% of Ireland's electricity usage.

Claiming they can help reduce CO2 by providing power from their UPS back to the grid is just greenwashing. It's power that wouldn't be consumed in the first place if they didn't exist.

It's like offering to use your private jet to carry one Ryanair passenger with you to reduce their carbon cost

FTX crypto-crook Sam Bankman-Fried gets 25 years in prison


Re: Is that the end of it all?

Or friends like that

AI hallucinates software packages and devs download them – even if potentially poisoned with malware


Can we please stop using the nonsense marketing term "hallucinate" and instead just say "bug" or "error".

Or else start using it more widely: "the website.was down due to a leap year hallucination in the code", "The Y2K hallucination", "the seven deadly hallucinations", etc.

Uncle Sam wants to know how big airlines use passenger data


I nearly got knocked over last week walking from the plane into the terminal building by a guy rushing past me. He vanished off up ahead.

At passport security I ignored the facial recognition scanners which are always a nightmare and joined the short queue for a human at a desk.

I'd been standing at baggage reclaim a few minutes when I noticed the guy in a hurry arrive into the baggage hall. I can only assume he'd been stuck at one of the facial recognition machines, since he should have been at least 5 mins ahead of me.

Windows 10 failing to patch properly? You are most definitely not alone


Microsoft is a cancer. Except intentionally

Copilot can't stop emitting violent, sexual images, says Microsoft whistleblower


Why are Google getting a pass? For playing the "oops" card?

'We had to educate Oracle about our contract,' CIO says after Big Red audit


Well, that's Gartner, do guaranteed to be wrong. Only question is which direction


Oracle are basically a protection racket. At some point a large sueball needs to be lobbed at them

Reddit rolling out AI bouncer to halt harassment


This could solve the problem of unruly users. Simply replace the users with AI. And handily boost your engagement numbers ahead of the IPO.

There's already a ludicrous number of AI posts anyway

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be coders, Jensen Huang warns


A man whose massive annual bonus is best on selling gfx cards which are just losing sales from the crypto card overload is now insisting the future is the other overhyped use of said cards. I am shocked

Wyze admits 13,000 users could have viewed strangers' camera feeds


It mixed up the device ID and user ID because it was overloaded? That makes zero sense
