* Posts by YoBenH

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2012

Sony sucker-punches Xbox on price, specs, DRM-free gaming


Hang on.

Why are we all claiming Sony as the new Messiah because once we've bought something we can do what we want with it? Hardly revolutionary, and a depressing sign for the games industry that it's such a big story.

I am NOT a PC repair man. I will NOT get your iPad working


Same sh#t different situation.

I've bought and sold computer equipment from/to the public for over 10 years and the words guaranteed to strike dread into my very soul are "My mate. Who knows a load about computers..."

He doesn't mate, he doesn't.

Ten... eight-bit classic games


Hang on a mo..

No Green Beret? Saboteur? No Starquake??!! You must be malfunnythinkin.