Is this just going to be another easily defeatable "block" use a proxy or Tor like with pirate bay & katph?
Money well spent UK Gov!
141 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2012
I have always wondered and I hope someone can answer in a non sarcastic way. If I was to purchase some of these stolen details, with a pin for example, Surely at some point my action will be traceable back to me right?
Cashpoint - location and time logged, and possible cctv looking over the cashpoint too
online - location and ip etc plus if I was getting something delivered where would I get it delivered to, so not to be traceable?
Surely if these issues are sorted then that would be less appealing to get the CC data rather than trying to teach millions of people that an email from nigeria, or your statement email is not legit?
surely this is a hold-to-ransom type of affair rather than "I just want to look at your messages and pictures etc"
If you stole a FB account details, then emailed the user saying I want X amount before a certain day, otherwise I will:
message your mother saying you are addicted to crack and a secret gay
message your ex claiming to have aids
message a friend admitting you watch big brother
post a status proclaiming your love of nickelback and a photoshopped image of account holder with the lead singer
plus other various dodgy images, gore and racist things you could post to wreck the lives of the people who devote their whole life to FB
I do remember a 4chan escapade where they had a bunch of details for FB accounts, watching the madness unfold was rather funny
I used streaming sites, I refused to pay the ridiculous amount that sky sports cost, plus I didnt want to watch any of the other shit like cricket or golf so wasnt value for money atall.
The major problem here is that whenever they do these stupid little blocks, people just put up proxies which work just aswell. What I am noticing more is that these proxies are getting more and more filled with ads which is not only annoying but people are profitting off it too, and we all know piracy funds terrorism so in a way these court orders are funding terrorism.
These guys are a couple of years late? i mean I remember there being a batch of apple store robberies a couple years ago, then most would be robbers found out that all device serials are traceable and get blocked
or are these guys just super thick? although as mentioned they will basically get a clip round the ear from the UK courts and that will probably encourage them to do something similar again.
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Loving the communications history segments on here. This bunker and the BT tower articles were very interesting.
There is the remains of an early warning defence system in Maidstone in Kent, which is a fun visit. see
Also for more info on derelict buildings view in particular the military section
dunno about your personal life but I dont like IE adverts because
a - it appeals to the type of average backwards Jeremy Kyle watching humanoid that uses facebook, and will believe that IE is actually more secure and faster than the other leading browsers out there
b - they choose some terrible trendy shit dubstep song that appeals to persons referenced in point a, and the advert is on way too much.
Surely the main thing here is that these "kids" could do these sort of things, which shows the weakness in hi-tech security companies that you would normally not have to think twice about the quality of security?
On the other hand, making £2,500 a month on a botnet is pretty impressive, imagine that much money at 21!
I know they have to be punished, but at the same time they have obviously got a good functioning brain that could lead to a decent career, however because the companies who have been made fools of are embarrassed, that career will never happen
I just want to exchange money with people without having to pay fees to the legal criminals like fat bankers for dealing with MY money
they have already proved they cant do their job properly with the recession. So leave the new and scary thing you dont understand alone please and just be happy you have you coke, hookers and massive bonuses and piss off
I am looking into bitcoin as I find it really interesting. I just see that surely soon enough governments are going to misunderstand it and dry to ban it, especially in Britain. It will be the old "it funds terrorism and paedos" story to the public, but we all know it is because banks cant make fees from it.
Wouldn't it be great if there we no banks in existence and money was traded easily, instantly and without charges.
Did the newborn baby give consent for the pictures to be online?
I dont not envy the children that have been born in the last few years, there lives are documented online and they will grow up knowing there are pictures of them on the internet.
Since when did having children, buying a new car etc etc become a show off item, rather than something that is special and personal and a rather private matter
hmmm I actually promote little companies and site that I think are worthwhile on twitter. However It does piss me off when you see some twatty bank at the top trying to buy your friendship and pretending they are normal people. I doubt many people have actually used the promoted tweets, but if corporate companies wanna keep spunking money on that, then fair play to twitter
Cos only 365 people will ever use it
its the average age of a user
Its the amount of times you have to restart during installation
Its the number of days per year you dont want to use it
Its the time in minutes it takes to boot up
Its the line that a fatal error has occurred on
Summlys interface was nice, however it seemed like a repackaged Flipboard. I found flipboard has better support and search, and ended up deleting it.
Shame its at yahoo, as someone previously mentioned it will get lost in loads of junk. I dont use anything by yahoo, and dont know anyone that does.
This is a great point. Surely if everyone agreed in the industry to pay actors lower, then they could sell their product for cheaper, and more people would buy.
Like you mentioned, acting isnt exactly a science, these people are not as clever as brain surgeons or rocket scientists so why get paid ridiculous amounts of money.
Personally i wouldnt give a shit if I saw one of these actors. All they do is pretend to be someone else
one thing I do not moan about in the UK is that we are pretty behind on prosecuting pirates - compared to america anyway.
Apart from their faffing about wanting to block certain torrent sites, having the government intelligence of an 80 old man whos only just got the internet helps in places.
I feel I get shafted in alot of other places, so some stuff for free feels fair. Bankers lead by example of not giving a shit about other people and their jobs....
You may moan that's bollocks, but I don't buy music by big labels anyway. There's a bunch of small independent labels rising up who thanks to social media and sharing online are starting to compete with the big boys minus the suits and ivory back scratchers
I have bought quite a few CDs in the last 2 years direct form the artists. usually a signed copy with some free bits too.