* Posts by TAJW

65 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Apr 2012


Is SanDisk about to become the big daddy of enterprise flash?


I know you didn't include non flash manufacturers here, but I would not be surprised to see MSFT, Apple or Google go after one of these companies. Each of them could access the resources to do so.

It's Google HQ - the British one: Reg man snaps covert shots INSIDE London offices


Re: Why never any employees

There aren't any 'after hours' in high end software shops where I was employed. Someone was always there...working or sleeping on the floor.

Cisco's first 8 Tbps MONSTER router goes live at Telstra


Besides...one router passing all that data makes it much easier for the gubermint to slurp it up.

Canuck reader threatens suicide over exact dimensions of SPAAAACE!


Re: Shmoptional

Clearly you've not seen them from the backside....


Re: Everyone knows...

Actually Space AAA is AAAA.... being as it is the Final Frontier and all.

Top ten car gadgets: Get your motor running with new shiny-shiny


Re: What's inside?

It is designed to fit in a cupholder.

100% driverless Wonka-wagon toy cars? Oh Google, you're having a laugh


I believe that once the tech works you will see some downtown areas of cities restricted to ONLY this type of vehicle. I hate the idea but the truth is if they were all taxis with electronic payment they would be fairly efficient.

Obama platform: 'Open' internet, strong IP protection


Re: RE: Open Platform "Unwilling to work but happy to steal"

Dan Paul said: "There are approximately only 3 million receiving unemployment benefit at this time and that number is decreasing. Nothing being said by GOP or FOX ever seems to add up."

What you said is pretty typically of the liberal bs machine. The numbers that don't add up are the fact that unemployment benefits have run out by this time of the year for those still out of work, so yes, the number is decreasing. Why file when it takes extra time and gas for no benefit?

And I hope we never have the kind of socialist programs that are in other countries. In the U.S. we have worked for a living, it's what made us strong, and if we just let people whine until they get a goverment check, we're going to go the way of Greece, Spain and other countries that are bankrupt financially and morally.

But I don't expect you to understand that, because you have drunk the Koolaid of Entitlements.

Move to Canada if you like it so much. It's not far...in fact, move to Quebec...and learn to speak French. It's required there.

Now Apple wants Samsung S III, Galaxy Notes off the shelves too


Re: Shocker

Yes...their initial filing did exclude certain devices that were unreleased or unconfirmed at the time of initial filing.

So...I'm filiing a patent for design, innovation, look and feel and user interface for hover cars of all types. Anything that might be invented, thought of, contemplated, dreamed about, had a passing thought of, or anything is soley my property, and no one else can even go there.

I own it...all of it. Now and forever. Just like Apple.

SHOCK: Poll shows Americans think TSA is highly effective


Re: Frequent flyer mileage

They aren't doing trains and busses on a regular basis yet, although they have done a few random 'Tiger Team' exercises where they go to terminals and start to check people.

Very reminicent of 'Your papers please!' of WWII Germany.


Re: Wonder if the survey was done by the TSA?

"Hi, while I have your junk in my fist, would you care to comment how good a job you think we're doing?"

That right there is funny, I don't care who ya are!


Re: Shows constant media scare tactics about terrorism work

Umm ... wrong. I don't claim to be a 'Tea Partier', but I sure agree with most of what they are trying to do. I can assure you, most people who think as I do think the TSA is a huge waste of money and effort, plus the building of a new agency who seems to have almost unlimted power to harass and control the public is a very bad idea.

The TSA has become a force that apparently has no bounds, and is coming to a bus or train station near you. Perhaps ultimately to monitor ingress and egress of the building you work in, after all ... elevators are a form of transportation, and could be used in a terrorist act.

Watch and see.


Re: Does it really matter what the American public thinks?

Umm ... trust me...if you are watching Bill Maher, you aren't getting a real picture of Americans. Sadly, Maher, and most other media, spend lots of time finding mentally challenged people and then making a big deal of displaying them in public.

Most Americans don't have a great picture of the intricacies of what is occuring in other countries, but then it's rare to have any reasonable media coverage of it, it does not however, mean they are stupid. I travel throughout the world quite a bit and you would be surprised at the warped ideas folks from other countries have about Americans.

Some of us take the time to monitor to monitor worldwide events through print and the Internet, but it's very difficult to have in depth knowledge of every country in the world...at least not and maintain a job, family life and relationships.

So you will always have someone who knows 'more' and will point at the poor stupid fellow who doesn't know the President of Uganda's brother is also the General of the Army and bought 30 million dollars worth of defective helicopters from a former Eastern Bloc nation....getting a huge kickback in the process....or some other detail of some country in the world.

People point to this and trumpet the failings of the American public to be aware of the world around them.

Keep going, though, eventually you will tear us colonials up enough that we'll believe we're inferior.

Ludicrously lucky teen survives spear through brain


Likely we'll have a huge hue and cry to outlaw spearguns now, because obviously the World+Dog can't be trusted with them after this event.

Just like guns, as the whole world knows Americans run up and down the streets willy-nilly waving guns and shooting each other for fun.

Tim Cook rejects Apple's old business model of suing everyone


Re: Inventing

No...they did not invent the icon...or the windowing environment...or the mouse. Apple Fanbois are the epitome of revisionists as far computer technology goes. Most of the technology that started the Mac came from Xerox. And as for Steve Jobs... he constantly stole from other businesses, his friends, his family, his business partners. He lied and stole from Steve Wozniak, who was the technical brain behind the company startup. Read "Fire in the Valley", "iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon", and "The Second Coming of Steve Jobs"

Of course, Fanbois will deny everything, including the books' existence.
