Here's an idea...
Just get control of yourself and stop being a self-harming addict.
349 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2012
Please can we stop artificially turning EVERYTHING into yet another opportunity to brainlessly bash Trump? It not only destroys your credability since it just looks childish, more importantly this blatantly sensationalist white noise achieves nothing other than to obscure the real issues that we actually need to be bashing Trump for.
To put this into perspective:
According to Yahoo! News Obama played 186 rounds of golf during his presidency until Aug. 12 2016. The final number was significantly more due to additional rounds on Martha’s Vineyard. Dwight Eisenhower played almost 800 rounds during his eight-year presidency, according to a study of his daily itinerary cited in Golf Digest.
I wish British Airways would replace the poxy screens their systems use, at least on the trans-Atlantic flights. You can barely see the actual picture, especially in daylight. Apart from the contrast sucking ass, there's a layer of barely translucent chequered plastic over it. Its also about a 50-50 shot whether the entertainment system even works for the whole flight or not.
Have you even experienced roomscale VR? It doesn't sound like it. Its at least definately far more than the sum of its parts.
I can accept that VR will continue to be a niche product but that doesn't necessarily mean its going away anytime soon either. There are many very successful companies (Ferrari etc) that have gotten very rich from serving niche markets for a very long time. I mean you could argue that PC gaming as a whole is niche (given far more gamers are actually using consoles or even phones) but nVidia are still getting rich out or making premium GPUs for the PC gaming market.
> Kinda like people who buy the latest i devices. :)
That would include the "niche within a niche" billions of people that bought iPhones and turned Apple into the cash-richest company on the planet?...ermm.. ok...
>> (think Bill Gates), and THEN went on to become highly successful engineers
Gates isn't an engineer he's a businessman. Do you REALLY imagine that he spent his time at Microsoft writing software himself?
>> An experienced programmer (without a degree) is AT LEAST as likely
Sorry but you're wrong. I was an experienced programmer before I got my CS degree, and I can tell you that without a good knowledge of Computer Science, you're only ever actually going to be a second-rate hacker, no matter how good you believe yourself to be.
Also, and possibly more importantly, you won't understand the thinking/rationale behind many things you'll see in other people's code that you'll have to fix, maintain and extend.
> US is "tech Illiterate"
Really? As compared to cheap and most usually clueless and very low quality Indian workers that the chances are, significantly cheated on their degree (if they even have one) and/or was from a university that is little more than a certificate printing shop?
Also name me any significant computer technology that was invented in India? The only one I could come up with is Backus Naur notation, which doesn't really count because John Backus was American. Now consider the long list of computer technology that was invented in the US.
Its VERY clear what's really going on here.
Saving the queen from embarassment? really? can their argument even get any more lame and passive-agressive?
If they'd have actually bothered to inform themselves first, they would have quickly realised that in the real world, Trump is in fact the US president, and that the queen is in fact a prettty tough lady who has already been demonstrating for about 65 years now and still counting, her amazing ability to manage just about any situation with class and style and still do her duty. I'm sure meeting the US president is just a walk in the park for her.
...Because Rudy Guliani is already famous for his technical understanding of the internet and associated security and IT issues? Yeah somehow I don't think so.
I'll bet that he's just another one of those clueless government muppets that think "the interweb is like a bunch of tubes" and if you put the word "cyber" before everything you'll sound cool and smart.
Give all your keys to us, we're google you can trust us honest. we wont abuse it to spy on you. Much.
Cortana? edge? I just "uninstalled" them and a bunch of other crap that I dont need but noticed was running all the time (such as an Xbox client, I dont even own an Xbox). (Windows has no option to uninstall them, you need to dual boot into Linux and delete the appropriate folders under windows/systemapps). Now my windows 10 box runs A LOT faster/smoother/more reliably. Far less "mystery" pauses etc. I don't know what Cortana et al were actually doing all the time, but it apparently was taking significant resources, which makes me VERY suspicious.
IMHO it was better than The Force Awakens, but thats not exactly a high bar to reach. I though there wasn't enough back story and the battle scene was way too long/predictable/boring.
I just wish they would flesh out the everyday lives of people in the universe far more, and we could have a star wars movie that finally goes beyond the formula of a 30 minute batltle scene inevitably culminating in the hero alone blowing up a deathstar/deathstar 2/planet turned into a deathstar/base with plans to the deathstar
1) presuming he knows better about the best tool for a job than the person actually doing the job.
2) Wasting time and hurting someone elses productivity.
3) Lording it up and being a roadblock instead of helping support/enable the guy to use tech to do the actual business of the company more effectively so earn the company more money (i.e. what IT are in most cases ACTUALLY paid to do).
Aaron sounds like the dictionary definition of a twat to me. Also coincidentally perfectly fits the "little Hitler" stereotype that you find in so many companies IT departments. Its only sad that he quit before they could rightfully fire his ass for massive incompetence.
>> it is just within the bounds of possibility that she might yet pull off the political manoeuvre of the century, which would be to reverse Cameron's brainfart without pissing off the voters
Sorry but anything short of a full Brexit, i.e.what I and the majority actually voted for, will piss me off mightily, because it will clearly prove true what I have long suspected, that the self-interests of a few hundred corrupt politicians actually outweigh the will of millions of citizens, so the UK is actually a dictatorship that is only playing a superficial game of being a democracy.
The bottom line is that the majority of votes were for Brexit. Now get over it and do it already.
>> The problem here is not that drug dealers are being caught, but that they are being caught in a way that subverts the legal system and unfairly skews what is supposed to be a level and honest playing field in court.
Aww poor little flowers. If the dealers are stopped with drugs on them then they deserve everything they get. Actually I wish there was a law that the cops could just shoot them on the spot like the evil parasitic vermin they are, and save millions of taxpayers money for far better, much needed uses like heating pensioners houses in the winter.
>> All Disks Must Die. Some will be replaced by flash but the majority will not
Flash dies too, its just that no-one notices because it doesn't fail all at once, it gets smaller over time as cells die. Flash has FAR less write cycles than spinning disks.
I just bought 32TB of spinning disk storage for about $1000. I'll take flash more seriously when the same storage as flash wouldn't cost me as much as a new luxury car.
This is wrong thinking. You wouldn't build a house on a bad foundation, so why would you do so with software?
Follow this "dont fix bad code" strategy long enough and you get to a point where even small changes take months, have a very high risk of unanticipated side-effects, and eventually even management are forced to agree that the whole system needs totally rewriting at massive cost.
The problem is that if the code is bad then so are its interfaces, and so are its side-effects. If you have some shit code somewhere in your code it always ends up forcing bad behaviours through the whole rest of the code in a sort of viral way.
How many times have we been forced to add new code in some screwy way just to comply to some fucked-up underlying code rather than fix the actual problem. So now you just have even more shit code. Not fixing the underlying bad code is just kicking the can down the road to a much larger problem later. I've already lived through it at several different companies that all thought they were being 'smart', and every time they learn their lesson the hard way.
Given most battleships these days have hardly any armour especially when compared to those in WW2, and are all about stealth, we probably don't even need big heavy hi-tech/smart torps.
In fact the more braindead simple it is, the far less likely an enemy would be able to jam it.