* Posts by Innes

5 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2012

Adblock overlord to Zuckerberg: Lay down your weapons and surrender


Theres way more crap on facebook than ads

I started using FB purity to restore the chronological ordering option after facebook removed it, getting rid of the ads and all the other elements of facebook that I had no interest in (trending, polls, etc) was a bonus, but now i'm used to it, i could see myself stepping away from the service if facebook managed to break it.

I use facebook to see what my friends are saying and view photos that they are sharing, and that remains all I want from it.

Vivaldi's tweaky grinders fire out another release: Add themes, security


Been using Vivaldi as a work browser for a while now, i've found it to be quite good. Ublock, Privacy Badger and the Signal messenger client all plugged in without any problems.

Only nagging issue that I have is that I cant load PDFs in Acrobat Reader directly from the download bar, it loads them itself meaning annotations don't show up. I have right click to show its containing folder and load it that way.


Ive been using it my work browser for a while and haven't really had any problems with it. Ublock, Privacy Badger and the Signal messenger attached without any problems.

The biggest winge that I have with it is that I cant open pdfs In Acrobat Reader rather than itself (nececery for annotations) directly from the download bar, I have to 'open containing folder'.

Tight-wad Apple repair techs swapped our damaged iGear with used kit – lawsuit


They've been doing this for years

I sent a 5th gen iPod back to them after a friend stood on it and broke the scroll wheel (didn't tell them how it happened) and got back one that has 'Debbie Rocks' inscribed on the back. I complained at them resulting in it being picked up, and then the same one mailed back to me.

A second pissy complaint eventually saw one without the opinion of Debbie sent over.

French perfume house bottles 'Eau de new MacBook'


Could have been a hoax...

...but i remember reading in MacFormat years ago that some company were going ahead to sell a perfume called iPong based on the same smell. The bottle was the shape of a G4 iMac base with the spray nozzle where the screen arm came out