Re: Oracle Cloud
No, because the B-arkers actually survived (at least until the Vogons temporarily destroyed the earth). The A- and C-arkers were wiped out by a virulent disease contracted from a dirty telephone. Seems a just reward to me.
166 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2012
Historic user of Swype and then SwiftKey.
I have to say that I disagree about SwiftKey's prediction being good. I've finally abandoned it because I was fed up of the completely ludicrous suggestions it came up with far more often than not. I don't remember what Swype's were like, just a sense that I used to have far less trouble 'then' than I did 'now'.
I'm guessing it's not as simple as that. I understand that the value of a commercial property is its rental stream discounted to infinity. If the rent goes down then so does the value of the property. If the landlord is highly geared, as most are, then the value of its properties will form the collateral for further borrowing. Having its portfolio drop in value could have far worse consequences than a 'temporary' interruption in cash flow.
This reminds me of the episode of Cabin Pressure (can't remember which one) where Douglas challenges Martin to find out how many of the safety features they can disable and still fly.
"Hey, chief, I might be wrong, but I think we're flying into a mountain. This makes me feel... scared of the mountain. One thing we could do is pull up and fly over the mountain. How does that sound to..." </icon>
I enjoyed the review and thought, 'Oh. I'd rather like that.' So when I read that it had sold out I was somewhat pleased, as that meant I could have the vicarious pleasure of wanting it but not being able to actually buy it.
Then I looked on the Lego store and it is in stock. So now I can buy it. But I don't know where I would put it. And I've still got two big Technic kits to build.
So again curse you, Mr. Speed. My your life be full of silver Lego stickers. (Not really :))
Whilst I absolutely agree with most of your post, I think you're mistaken in including the CFO in the list of the culpable. If I remember from El Regs passim, Cathie Lesjak, the CFO at the time, was dead against the acquisition. Indeed she believed at one point that Apotheker had fired her for her opposition.
That said, apparently she also admitted having not read the Due Diligence report, but then she may have believed that the deal was irredeemably bad so reading the DD report was a waste of time.
Teams will also target spam calls and digitally attest outgoing calls to prevent a user being tarred by the spam brush themselves.
I wish MS would deal with its own Teams spam, namely the in-meeting conversation notifications that appear on my screen even if I've not joined that meeting and even if I've deleted that instance of the recurring meeting. Extra Anger Points when it's a town hall-type meeting
Which numpty thought that this 'feature' was a good idea! Hint for MS: If I didn't join the meeting, I'm probably less than interested in the side conversations.
Icon because surely not even Paris...
I think this is a problem with a good number of Education Software / Service providers. I've sent more than a couple of emails querying their security after I received emails confirming my ID and password. Funnily enough they are all 'just about to upgrade their security systems'. So I just take even more precautions than normal in setting up the account.
A few years ago I was in dispute with an Accountant about the 25% uplift to the bill for completing a (procedurally very simple) tax return that I lacked the professional knowledge to complete, at least until I'd reverse-engineered his work. His main defence was to inform me that the uplifted amount was what he had booked on his time sheet and therefore had to be correct. I took great pleasure in informing him that I was well aware of the very tenuous link between the hours worked and the hours recorded and could he please answer the following specific and detailed questions about the drivers for the price increase against the original estimate. The firm's business manager then replied to say that the cost of the Principal's time in answering those questions was greater than the value of the uplift and they were going to write off the increase.
Possibly an obscure addition to the thread but I suffer from sleep apnoea and have to use a CPAP machine to get a decent night's sleep. Some people with this condition like to go camping, which means they need a serious power source to run overnight, and 'proper' CPAP batteries are expensive. So the question is often asked, "Can't I just use a car battery instead?" To which the answer is, "No. Car batteries are designed to deliver a massive current for a few seconds then be recharged quickly. If you subject it to an extended drain over a period of hours then you will kill your car battery in very short order."
Yay! I get to use my most recently acquired bit of grammar - Nazi pedantry. Something is an acronym only if you can say it as a word (e.g. NATO). Otherwise it's an initialism. And I defy anyone to say OBTW as a word. In fact I defy anyone to say OBTW faster than they can say the underlying words!
Somewhere in the cosmos, he said, along with all the planets inhabited by humanoids, reptiloids, fishoids, walking treeoids and superintelligent shades of the color blue, there was also a planet entirely given over to ballpoint USB Drive life forms. And it was to this planet that unattended ballpoint USB Drives would make their way, slipping away quietly through wormholes in space to a world where they knew they could enjoy a uniquely ballpoint USB Driveoid lifestyle, responding to highly ballpoint USB Drive-oriented stimuli, and generally leading the ballpoint USB Drive equivalent of the good life.