* Posts by Adolf Littler

2 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Apr 2012

Ten... eight-bit classic games

Adolf Littler
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Fair list

.....considering that choosing 10 from a rose tinted past was always going to be a mammoth task.

Just when I thought I'd played most of it, along came Phantom Slayer......Will be looking that one up later :)

HTC struggling as profits drop 70 per cent

Adolf Littler


Like a few others my last 6 or so phones have been HTC based starting with the XDA2.

The problem HTC has is purely too many handsets that all do the same thing rather than focussing on a few good ones.....That and HTC's wonderful customer service reputation.

Nothing to do with WP7, nothing to do with their step to Android.

The fact is generally most people will go for the flagship device in their OS flavour with anything outside being a minority choice.