I really enjoyed reading your article and overall wholeheartedly agree that a grand rethink is necessary in green spheres about the relationship between man (and woman) and nature and how to communicate with the public.
What I strongly disagree is with your condescending views on the typification of nature as either the fragile female victim or castrating bitch. A word on me, I am the furthest thing from a raging feminist, having a firm belief that I AM equal to men and would never dream of burning my bras.
In human history, as will teach you any books on symbols, mythology or anthropology, nature is part of the great feminine archetypes, as giving and sustaining life. The problem is not that nature is feminine, it is that feminine attributes and values are still repressed in our disconnected society overly based on masculine values. Communicating by reframing nature as being more masculine may be easier, but I fail to see how it will solve the core issue.