"Nestlé business costumers"
Is this fancy dress for office parties or business wear in general do you think?
349 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2012
I think the problem, for Putin at least, is that if they withdraw he is done. I think he is done anyway, it just depends how many people he kills before he is stopped. I think this was timed for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Covid economic pressures and rising fuel/energy prices with the idea that the west would have no stomach to oppose him. It could also be a push to destabilise western economies given the cost of fuel/energy and loss of Russian supplies. I don't understand the way most people make decisions at the best of times so probably completely wrong.
I'd quite like the .uk version of my domain, unfortunately I don't have the .co.uk, 123 has registered it so I cannot and it is unused. No idea if the owner of the .co.uk version even wants it, the website for that domain is mainly unfinished and hasn't changed for years.
At work I get 54mbps down 15mbps up, half a mile away at home I get 8mbps down 1.5mbps up, when it connects, eventually. It used to be faster than my 'broadband' at home, but over the last year or so it has become increasingly worse. It is definitely a different mast because it didn't work at home until eighteen months after it did at work, I suspect they put something in to shut up everyone complaining, but uptake it overwhelming the provision. I'm inside the M25 in a built up area so not exactly the sticks either. Actually it isn't the throughput that is a problem so much as the 10 to 20 second wait for the data to start appearing, I thought it might be the phone, but I've swapped it recently and nothing changed.
Point? Statistics are great, but not that much use when they aren't at all consistent.
It may be self-interested altruism, but if the people that need the help end up even better off because we* get something out of it too then why not?
Call it ethical investment if you like rather than aid or subsidies or perhaps karma.
*If anything it is this end that needs examining, are we paying tax to make bigger profits for companies that then avoid paying much tax.
Indeed I did vote to leave, no doubt you checked my previous posts because I don't hide behind AC. Are you ashamed to be a remainer? I don't see why you should be, you have a right to your own opinion and vote, but then being a leaver I would say that.
In case your knee jerk, remainer brain failed to notice my comment above was about the absurdity of labelling someone relative to your own position rather than theirs. Personally I think May tried to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one. Her deal was to remain under the bureaucracy of the EU, but leave the political control system. For me this would be the worst possible outcome as it was the EUs ever expanding encroachment into areas it didn't need to be in just to justify the existence of all of its staff that I voted against. Look up the principle of subsidiarity which is supposedly at the core of the EU, but seems not to be the reality.
I enjoy irony btw.
I was thinking that if you wanted to train an AI to find ways to make people better off rather than maximise profits then you could.
Then I thought about it bit more.
The AI would be looking for optimal ways to persuade people to change their habits and lifestyles to make them healthier and more productive.
A little later we have the Matrix.
You simply invent a time machine, travel into the past and cover the pitch/field before it rains.
And leave a note to yourself to explain why the pitch/field was covered so you need to build a time machine and go back to put the cover in place and pass the time machine plans on. Don't leave the result of the game in the note, you wouldn't want to mess with causality after all.
I once got told that pay rises went to people managing people, not systems used by thousands of people, and techies enjoyed their jobs so did not need to be paid as much.
I refrained from telling him how enjoyable dealing with people like him made my job and left when a suitable opportunity arose.
To remove the cambelt drain the coolant system before slackening the water pump bolts and rotating the water pump to release the tension on the belt.
Slackens water pump and turns, three drips of coolant later the bolts are nipped back up and the belt is loose.
Reassembly performed in reverse order.
I did shear one of the cambelt cover bolts, then snapped the lug with the hole for the bolt off while trying to drill bolt remnants and use a stud remover. Cue making a new bracket bolted to another handy lug to replace broken lug.
You mean all of the pensioners that up until the point of drawing a pension were paying into the pension pot so they would have a pension when they retired? Not to mention the ones with a large enough pension to be still paying tax and supporting the education of young people.
Note: I'm not a pensioner and at the rate the pension age is increasing probably won't live long enough to draw a state pension.