And that is exactly why they set up the businesses this way. The intent is solely to confuse and confound a consumer making a claim. Any company playing this strategy is not worthy of the customer's business.
Posts by GT66
33 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Apr 2012
Returning a laptop to PC World ruined this bloke's credit score. Today the Supreme Court ended his 15-year nightmare
Big Beardie's watching: Alan Sugar robots spy on Tesco petrol queue
Re: Much more fun NOT to..
Uh... how would the company prove to the advertisers that its identification of age and sex were accurate unless they had copies of facial pics as well? For the company to make any claim of accuracy, it will have to back up that claim with data to demonstrate accuracy. Otherwise, the "proof" is no proof at all.
Snap-happy blogger babe posts catcalling blokes' mugshots online
You can be certain that if it was a man like Brad Pitt or George Clooney or Prince William doing the cat calling, the "victim" would be gushing about it for weeks. Funny how women can adjust their sensibilities like that. I also find it odd that she would have a camera at the ready for such a quick and fleeting occurrence. Especially, since in all my years and having spent time in Philly, I never heard a catcall being shouted at any woman on the street (not that I doubt it happens) but TBH, if this woman gets so many that she can just snap, snap, snap away with her camera then she must look like the Seinfeld Oh'Henry candy bar heiress character walking down the street in a bra and open blazer. In other words, how do we know she isn't baiting?
Also, the slippery slope here (as with other picto-revenge projects that claim to be because of abuse or harassment) is the allegation of and conviction for a crime whose only occurrence is demonstrated by the photographer's after the fact rationalization. This person could be taking pictures of random people on the street and ascribing all sorts of behaviors to them that are simply untrue and then seeking out her own justice. This is vigilantism.
At least in the case of revenge porn, it is straight up harassment and can be dealt with as such. This on the other hand seeks to create a veneer of legitimacy intended to appeal to people's protective natures and cause them to dismiss the vigilantism with the typical, "He must have done something to deserve it" excuse that tends to accompany men being treated badly justification.
If these men *DID* do the behavior, let her go tol the police and submit her testimony, the picture and a complaint of harassment. Otherwise, she's no better than any other lynch mob.
Microsoft, Nokia and the sound of colliding garbage trucks
Nokia's failure
Nokia's dogmatic belief that they needed their own OS is what set them on the path to their doom. They clung to that belief until their only choice was to run into Microsoft's death grip. Expect "new" phones from Nokia to be packed with Microsoft features like brown cases, and half baked OS capabilities. Expect cutting edge branding like Zune II or "Surface XYZ" and most importantly, expect the phones to be priced far higher than all competitors while delivering much, much less.
Microsoft IS NOT Google. The sooner it realizes that, the better their chances of not becoming the next Sun.
'Symbolic' Grauniad drive-smash was not just a storage fail
Re: You've all missed the point, except me :)
"They probably want to see them so that they can find out what the colonials are getting up to, including how much they spy on the UK."
Then wouldn't it have been easier and far more stealthy for them to just read the Guardian articles when they came out?
Report: NSA spying deals billion dollar knockout to US cloud prospects
Microsoft cuts Surface Pro price by $100
For pity's sake: DON'T MOVE to the COUNTRY if you want to live
Re: For pity's sake: DON'T MOVE to the USA if you want to live
Foolishness. The USA is perfectly safe as long as you don't breath the air, drink the water, eat the food, or leave the house*. Perfectly... safe!
* The USA is not responsible if you are killed in your home when it is destroyed by fire, tornado, hurricane, avalanche, flood, earthquake or is driven through by a vehicle or collided into by airplane, helicopter, or drone. The USA is also not responsible if you are killed in your home during a home invasion by armed criminals, home invasion by armed police, by shoddy construction techniques or by shoddy construction materials.
How NSA spooks spaffed my DAD'S DATA ALL OVER THE WEB
Feds cuff ex-NASA boffin at airport amid state-secret leak scare
This country is messed up
Well, I guess getting an H1B at half the rate of the citizen that *was* doing the job makes it worth it. What confounds me is that the government stupidly thinks foreigners feel some debt of gratitude or loyalty to this country. Perhaps they don't simply because they see how the government treats its citizens.
If you want a job in this country it seems like the simplest way anymore is to leave the country, renounce your citizenship and then come back as an illegal or under an H1B. That you have an American university degree is a bonus as they like to know that the foreign workers they are replacing American citizens with have the same education.
Attention, CIOs: Stop outsourcing or YOU will never retire
Own a drone: Fine. But fly a drone with a cam: Year in the clink
Security audit finds dev outsourced his job to China to goof off at work
Re: @AC: The only reason anyone is angry at Bob...
Oh my how you've over estimated why people post AC. They do so not because of fear of the government in the countries you mentioned but fear of their friends, neighbors and colleagues who can and DO use such matter of stated opinion against and AC is the real world. Dog eat dog relies on two dogs who at least minimally know each other and know they are after the same thing.
Ex-Nokians fish MeeGo out of bin, launch Sailfish OS
New Microsoft Windows chief 'shocked' by Sinofsky defenestration
Judge denies move to ban ad-skipping DVR
That will be the day when broadcast television successfully renders itself obsolete. One can easily see that broadcast television behaves as if it is STILL the only game in town. This is obviously as bad position to take and a big part of the reason for the rise of Netflix and Hulu and Amazon, comapnies all taking advantage of broadcast televisions archaic position. Simply, removing people's choice to skip commercials will FORCE people to choose other non-advert laced sources. Broadcast television is actually FORCING people choose anything other than itself. How can this be a successful strategy?
Fujitsu assigns team of women to design PC for women
Wonder why you live longer than a chimp? Thank your MOTHER IN LAW
Endeavour: donuts and a Toyota ease shuttle's drive through L.A.
Re: Is Toyota now an American company, then?
And has a tailgate and seats that fold like tinfoil if there is any stress on them. Cheap junk in it's own right the description of being "Overbuilt" is lust a laugh and a half. I'm sure that a quarter mile was chosen as the distance because at a quarter mile and one inch the burning transmission falls out the bottom.
US federal boffins insist that mermaids DON'T exist
Microsoft forbids class actions in new Windows licence
Re: I must be missing something here
They are one of the companies that bought and paid for the government of the United States of America. Gee whiz, that should be pretty obvious since the US edited its constitution to read: We the corporate interests in order to form a more profitable market...
'Dated and cheesy' Aero ripped from Windows 8
US gov boffins achieve speeds faster than light
Seems like more of a cheat than a loophole - like running down the aisle of a moving train. Sure, technically you are moving faster than the train is but you are never going to arrive ahead of the train so ultimately, you are only as fast as the carrier regardless of how fast you are moving on the carrier.
That said, forgive my layman's understanding of this article if I have completely missed the mark.