got a long way to go...
C# came along to wipe out Java. its not managed to (yet), but C# has certainly evolved far quicker than Java.
Java has a long was to go before it catches up with C#.
95 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Apr 2012
Wonder how much that lack of security cost the tax payer??
if shes not supposed to have access, why did she have access??
The problem is not the judge and her wandering eyes, rather the lack of security around the file storage.
wouldn't be surprised if it transpires there is one login and password that all the judges share...
Starting a rumour that "it might not be around for long" is the oldest trick in the book to get people to buy something they might not otherwise have bought and thus increase sales.
Anyone who genuinely thought Apple would axe their latest greatest iPhone has been sucked in by the marketing trick.
Now shes deemed to be an employee, she can claim back pay for holiday and sick days.
no doubt she will take the BBC to court if they don't agree to pay, and the BBC wont have a leg to stand on as its already been proven she was a disguised employee.
She should come out of this pretty well i would have thought.
BBC will be forced to cough up!
Their final resting place - just until some internet billionaire decides he wants them on his wall as space safari trophies and commissions a probe to go and fetch them for him... you know its going to happen soon - collecting old space hardware will become the billionaire equivalent of big game hunting!
Apple, liars? never...
Apple is a cult and they don't want people attending their sermons who aren't believers.
Clearly Apple don't consider TheRegister readers are the correct audience for honest review of their new product. Well they got that right. I certainly wont be buying a new iPhone7, but when the new Google Pixel is released - a phone for proper techies - i'll be buying one ASAP.
all over the globe there are security researches and bedroom hackers trying to come up with a method of unlocking an iPhone. the first to manage it will never need to work a day in his life again as the FBI will pay big bucks for a tool like that!
Similarly there are probably a small handful of apple employees who know how to do it and are questioning if this years bonus and share options were enough to prevent them selling the idea to the feds.
Or maybe the FBI already have the data? but the evidence gathered isnt admissible in courts, so they need an official way to unlock the phone to make the data legit...
The source code looks harmless, but there is a deliberate bug in there that exploits a vulnerability in certain compilers favored by ISIS. we have nothing to worry about, but when ISIS decide they want to graph their world domination plans and download this to help them out, as soon as they hit "Compile" - BANG!!! their keyboard explodes and blinds them with flying function keys.
When being pressured by the boss to get something done quickly, ensure you are on CCTV when you hand him the keyboard, and tell him to have a go.
Then leave the room, make a telephone call, under another CCTV camera, and when you get back your boss will be responsible for EVERYTHING!!!
All's fair in Code and War...
If they existed on the scale that the governments would like us to believe, then why are we not under constant daily attack??
They dont need accurate map data to disrupt our infrastructure, they just need to toss a scaffold pole into an electricity substation, or chuck a shopping trolly on a train line, or even simpler, park a truck in the middle of a motorway.. all of these things would cause serious disruption and be deemed terrorist attacks, but they are just not happening!!
Therefore i conclude that terrorists do not exist.
Not everyone wants to watch "media" all the time!!
The idea of the RasPi is not to sit on your arse watching TV, but to get kids using their brains learning to code.. with this in mind - why does it matter what video codec its ships with??
if you want to watch media, just go buy a media streamer from eBay for probably less money.. the Pi is not for TV addicts! </rant>
Chill out guys - some people like to hack about on stuff, others dont. Thats the point of the Pi.
Its not a finished product, its somethign to get your brain ticking..
Having a dedicated devide for learning to code will maybe stop people checking FaceBook/Twitter etc every 5mins and allow them to get on with writing some cool code.
For me, whats missing for shools, is the flashing lights, bottons, buzzers etc. no doubt these will all come with time, and i think thats when we'll start to capture the kid's imaginations and make them want to code....