Wow! How Orwellian of the Green Weenies
Wow! Just wow!
It's not enough for beard-scratching liberals to control the media, government, healthcare, and schools, and what is or isn't OK to say in public. Now they want to control the way we think. Is this the Soviet Union, China, North Korea or Cuba? Somebody remind me because I could have sworn this was the USA. (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness)
Wonder how long it will be until they start rounding us up and sending us to re-education camps or insane asylums because we disagree with them. I guess political correctness wasn't enough for them. Now they are proposing "thought police" to enforce "thought crimes".
How Orwellian of the idiots in ivory towers.
Tell you what, Professor: I'll accept global warming, climate change or whatever you are calling this scam today as soon as the you knuckleheads can accurately predict the weather every day for next 30 days. How's that sound, Buttercup?
Until then, I'm not convinced. So, go soak your head, smoke another joint, or hug your favorite tree, but leave me, my thoughts and opinions alone.
What a douche.
Ernie Kaputnik