* Posts by Anony-mouse

31 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2012

Texan parks quadcopter atop Dallas Cowboys stadium


I don't know why the downvotes, but this is a possibility with these quadrotors I would think. I haven't personally seen one of these quadrotor jobs, but have seen and watched r/c planes, choppers and boats and even the small ones have the potential to do some serious damage if they hit someone. I agree, these should be flown where there is enough space to keep them from having contact with people or property.

Submerged Navy submarine successfully launches drone from missile tubes

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I can see this used with the SSGNs

I can see where this would be very handy for use in the first 4 Ohio class submarines, which were converted to SSGN Tomahawk subs. Each of those 4 subs can carry over 150 Tomahawks and having a disposable surveillance/guidance system onboard could come in really handy. Plus, I think those 4 subs are also used for insertion of SF/Seal type missions too, with the ability to carry sizable teams of Seals plus SDVs.

Krakoom! OCZ flies into the ground. Time to salvage the engines and look around


@ Zmodem

And you don't know WTF you are talking about either, dood. Unlike you, I do happen to own a Mark VII Desert Eagle in 44 Mag and while it's a great conversation piece and is fun to shoot, it isn't nearly as versatile as a shotgun. And even in 44 mag, the recoil isn't something that just anyone can handle, much less shoot accurately. The pistol is heavy and takes a person with rather large hands to be able to hold it comfortably. And .50 AE kicks even worse than my 44 Mag version and after 50-100 rounds at the range my wrist is tired enough to not be able to shoot as accurately. It's a fun pistol to shoot and would make a decent hunting pistol, but it's not something you would want to carry around all day either (like I said earlier it is heavy). The pistol weighs almost as much as an M4 rifle.

As far as the article is concerned, I've been waiting for this to come down for well over a year. Too many problems with their SSD lines and they got away from their core business that made their name, fast memory sticks.

Apple snubs discounts, sprays Black Friday zombies with gift cards


Some sale, NOT!

I got an email from the bastards today announcing their fantastic "event". Here's the header that went with the email: "The one-day Apple shopping event. Today only." And saw that all they were doing was giving store credit for buying their stuff. It's now in my trash bin.

WHO was it that TAMED the WOLF? Heel, Rex! No! Aarrghh!


Re: re: Wolves have been tamed?

It all depends on the environment they are in. Wolves tend to be very shy around humans and normally stay away from them, but ones that live in areas that they are protected (like Yellowstone National Park) and have many tourists tend to desensitize them to humans. My daughter has a high content wolfdog and she (the dog) is much more wary of various things than a regular dog breed. With that said, she is not aggressive to other dogs or cats around the house and is actually very outgoing with many people too, but is very discriminating on who she will associate with. A lot of this comes with training and interaction at a very young age, before they get set in cautious ways. Wolfdogs and wolves are not something for a beginning pet owner to even think about acquiring as their companion. Note that I said "companion" and not "pet", as they aren't an animal you just throw in the back yard or on a chain. That is bad enough for a domestic dog breed but is asking for trouble with an animal with wolf bloodlines.

Another 5 years on Nokia's patent CHAIN GANG for Samsung


SCO or Rambus?

I still haven't made up my mind whether they are trying to remake themselves into a company such as SCO or a company such as Rambus. But given the amount of people they have let loose, I think it's more towards the SCO side. At least Rambus has some actual people working for them trying to invent stuff. But either way, both max out the TROLL-O-METER!

Windows 8.1: Read this BEFORE updating - especially you, IT admins


Re: No internet for the rest of the month ?

@ Timmay

Eat **** and die, dickhead.

Some people don't have a choice, so quit being such a fucking troll. And maybe if you went out and got a JOB instead of trolling teh interwebbs, you could afford a new PC instead of Grannies hand-me-down computer from a generation ago that can run modern games.

I used to be in much the same situation as the OP until I finally got ADSL some years ago. My choices then were dial-suck or sat broadband, which was very expensive and also seriously data capped.

F-16 fighter converted to drone


Probably a cost savings over older aircraft too with this conversion

I would imagine that converting old F16 aircraft to drone status also saves quite a bit of costs as compared to converting an older aircraft such as an F4 Phantom. Since the F16 is already totally computer controlled as far as flight dynamics are concerned, you don't have to retrofit mechanical controls to the stick and rudders like you would an older aircraft. Remember, the F16 was the first production fighter that was designed to be dynamically unstable; so much so that there was no way for a mere human being to be able to fly it without computer support. The only thing I can think of that they would have had to come up with as far as a mechanical addition to the aircraft would be for the engine controls. As to the flight dynamics controls (stick and rudders), all they had to come up with was a to transmit the remote pilot's control actions to the drone aircraft and interface that with the computers that already control the flight dynamics. And since there have been 4500+ aircraft built since it first became operational in 1978 the supply of old, retired F16 aircraft should be pretty plentiful. All you have to do to check that out is open up Google Earth and look at Davis–Monthan Air Force Base and see how many F16s are sitting in the boneyard.

Thought the PC market couldn't get any worse? HAH! Think again


Re: Meh

Yeah, have to agree with you on this. Ever since Intel came out with the Core series of processors (and corresponding AMD procs too) there is no real need to upgrade to a newer box for the average user as their old box processes their stuff just fine right now. And add to that the fact that a new box will be saddled with Win 8 and it's attendant learning curve and you have a good reason to stick with your present box. I built my main system when the i7 980X first came out and I see no reason to even think of building a replacement for it. And for most people for the average home computer, a Core 2 Duo with a few gigs of ram is still plenty fast enough for them and that's a system around 5 years old, if not more.

Mystery object falls from sky, area sealed off by military: 'Weather balloon', say officials

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Re: If Occam was alive today ...

That was a nice polite answer your gave him, upvote for being nice.

If I had answered him I would have probably just called him an idiot. ;)

Voyager 1 'close' to breaking through to DEEP SPACE - boffins

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Re: I remember following its launch

NASA sure could build em good back in the 70's. Hard to believe that both Voyager spacecraft are still able to send data back. I wonder how long the plutonium powerpacks are good for on them?

Microsoft offers free keyboard covers for Surface RT


Does anyone else find it funny....

That this "free keyboard offer" expires right at the end of the second quarter? Does that sound to anyone else like Microsoft trying to pad sales numbers for the quarter by offering an expensive add-on for free to try to stimulate a few sales to make those numbers not seem so utterly terrible?

BTW, I am working with a person that actually bought a Surface RT and he actually likes it for what he needs. All I have actually seen him use it for is for watching movies and checking personal email on the rig at work. We work on drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and he doesn't want to use his Co laptop computer to check personal email accounts, as well as watch naughty movies. His main reason for picking it over an iPad or Android tablet was the inclusion of Office. He knows he took a high hard one on the pricing but he figured he might need to use Office for something. But since he got it, I haven't seen him use his surface for anything besides casual surfing on the internet and watching movies. He could have saved quite a bit of money and bought an iPad or Android tabl;et.

Reports: New Xbox could DOOM second-hand games market


Re: Luxury product

How much is Microsoft (or the big game developers) paying you to be their little forum troll?

I don't even game and the last game box I bought was a SNES many many years ago, but I find this development by Microsoft to be utterly revolting. I sincerely hope that the xbox1 falls flat on it's ass and people save their money for a platform with a more buyer-friendly attitude than Microsoft has shown lately. I am not a blanket Microsoft hater by any means, but their decisions for their products really suck since they came out with Windows 7.

Now it gets serious: Fracking could RUIN BEER


Re: Kuwait Is Not Sinking, but Houston, Tx is

And the reason that Houston is sinking primarily lies not with oil and gas extraction, but rather with water extraction of the main water aquifer that the area depends on for their water supply. Source is as follows:


- Look under the Gulf Coast Aquifer header where this is stated.

And in my experience working in the oilfield, "fracking" is usually done on formations wayyyy deeper than any formation that contains potable water. I'm not saying that care and sound engineering decisions shouldn't be made when fracking a well, but it can and is done safely all the time offshore where I primarily work at.

AT&T adds 61¢ 'Mobility Administrative Fee' for users


Typical AT&T to screw their customers

And that's part of the reason why I dumped AT&T for Verizon, then dumped Verizon for a Straight Talk pay-as-you-go plan. Fuckers keep adding more and more nickel and dime charges which together add up to some noticeable money extra each month. And the beauty of my Straight Talk plan is that I use AT&T's network for unlimited everything.

Coke? Windows 8 is Microsoft's 'Vista moment'. Again


Re: Licenses 'sold'.

But why the hell should I have to learn a new way to use the OS if I am perfectly happy the way it worked before? I work for a living and not in the computer field, so why the fuck should I have to waste my time learning new bullshit with hardware that doesn't have touch-enabled screens. It's the "My way or the Highway" approach that Microsoft took with Win8 that pisses me off so much. Why the hell not give us a choice to have a start button or get rid of those gawd-awful tiles when I first boot up. I have no need for that kind of crap and don't want to be bothered with going through yet another learning curve for features I don't need.

Dell's PC biz craters as servers and networking chug along

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No wonder they are tanking.

I was in the market for a new notebook to get in July or August before we were "blessed" that turd called Windows 8 and went pricing around for a replacement. I have bought Dell notebooks in the past and was generally pleased with them, but when I went to their site I couldn't believe their pricing and the lack of customizing I could do to the various notebook configurations I was interested in. Crappy or nonexistent cpu upgrade choices, crappy or nonexistent hard drive choices and pricing way out of line with the competition. No wonder Dell is tanking in the desktop and notebook consumer market.

Sinofsky denies failed putsch led to his defenestration


I wonder how much

Ballmer paid off Sinofsky with to keep quiet on the real for his ouster?

Hmm, I think I'll order an iPad Mini on Amazon ... Oh no I won't


Re: Both products are a big fail.

Spoken like a true i-Sheeple!


Samsung posts record profits as Galaxy sales crush Apple


Do what you want, Troll.

You can do whatthefuckever you want, troll. I am already using contractless service (which rocks, BTW) and when shopping for a phone to buy for this service I did look at Apple's cute little i-thingy phones, but their pricing was absurdly outrageous for the features. For the price I paid for my Galaxy Nexus I could have gotten a 3 generation old iPhone 3. An iPhone 4S (newest gen when I was phone shopping earlier this year) was double the cost of the Nexus. And I don't count myself as an Android or Samsung fanboy, but the Nexus gave me the best value for features versus price. So go ahead and take a high hard one up the old poot chute from Apple and the phone companies when you buy your latest i-Gadget on a new contract with a ripoff telco or just confine yourself to just getting screwed by Apple if you want to just buy an iPhone 5 outright.

There is life after the death of Microsoft’s Windows 8 Start button

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Re: the issue disappears as you learn new ways of working

And unlike you, I think the ribbon sucks donkey balls. But I was forced to use it since I had to upgrade to a newer version of Office because Microsoft changed the way Office went to the docx and xlsx formats that are incompatible with older versions of Office. And don't talk about the compatibility Pack addition for older Office versions as I've been down that road and it has it's own problems.

Jury awards Apple $1bn damages in Samsung patent case


Hope Apple has a new supplier.

For processors and screens and whatnot for their iphone5 and new upcoming tablets. If I were Samsung I would make supplies dry up for anything Apple wants.

Dell quarterly revenues down 8% on poor desktop performance


Down because their computer choices suck?

Earlier this month I was in the market for a new laptop for work and Dell was one of the companies I looked at. And frankly, for my laptop choices Dell just sucked as compared to HP and Lenovo in their offerings and pricing. Their laptop choices that I was looking at generally were offered without having a configurable processor choice unless you went with a laptop line that was way above my budget and their warranty plans were very expensive as compared to Lenovo especially. I ended up going with a Thinkpad T530 over any of Dell's laptops because they offered for configuration choices.

Apple granted patent for in-cell touchscreen display tech


If I were Samsung......

If I was running Samsung, I would buy a big chunk of Sharp right now, since Sharp is in such a big money bind. Then Samsung would make money selling these screens to Apple and also keep pressure on Sharp to not let Apple pressure them into dropping pricing on these new screens where they don't make any money off of manufacturing them.

Greens wage war on clean low-carbon renewable energy


Re: Water contamination and fracking

Fluid migration from lower formations to upper formations (and vice versa) have already been controlled for generations by proper design of protective casing strings being set during the drilling operations. These casing strings, which are also cemented in the well while drilling, effectively isolate the various strata from each other. If this weren't so, then most of the drilling being done for hydrocarbons (as well as other drilling operations such as for geothermal) wouldn't be possible. I don't know too much about geothermal drilling, but I've worked in the oil and gas industry for over 30 years and as long as companies don't try to take shortcuts (yeah I mean you BP and Transocean, you bunch of tossers) to save money or time, this could be as safe as any other economic way of power generation.

BTW, while I don't know the specifics on it, down in southern Louisiana in Cameron Parish the US DOE did actually operate a geothermal generation plant for some years. They drilled a couple of well down to around 25,000 feet or so and circulated fluid through the wells for steam generation to power a generator. They found that over time, the bottom hole temperature dropped enough to make the project not economically feasible and ended the project.

Bradley Manning's lawyers seek to show 'cruel treatment'


He deserves to rot in jail if he's found guilty.

I don't know about all this alleged torture or if he did hand over sensitive information to Julian Bungholio, but if he's guilty then he needs to be punished just like any other traitorous turncoat bastard would be. Since he is in the military, he should have known what the possible outcome of him being a turncoat bastard would be. It's no different than when John Walker and his bunch of turncoat bastards gave away top secret and sensitive information to the soviets from the 60's to the 80's.

Second win for Apple as Galaxy Nexus sales banned in US


Just ordered a Nexus yesterday.

I don't know how this ban is being enforced, if it is at all. I just ordered a HSPA+ unlocked Nexus yesterday to put on Straight Talk's service so I can dump Verizon and Google didn't have any problem taking my money for the order. And they are still actively taking orders as of this morning too (at least it looks like it).

Apple can simply kiss my ass. I wish Samsung would cut the bastards off on SoC supply if this is enforced. Since they fab Crapple's chip supply, dry them up and sell the excess wafers to someone else.

I'll be seriously pissed if my phone doesn't ship out in the next day or 2 because of this patent trolling crap from Crapple.

Retina Display detachment


Re: Apple took out the Ethernet port

Yeah, right. And now you are lugging around yet another fucking adapter that you can lose or leave somewhere. And don't forget the price premium because of the Thunderbutt interface it uses.

Ssssh. Apple quietly mashes monster MacBook Pro


Where's the 3rd USB port fools?

I was seriously thinking of getting a 17 inch MBP for my next work laptop at the end of the year. Not that I need that much screen real estate, but it was the only MBP that actually had 3 USB ports on it. Now, every model they sell only have 2, including their new shiny (and useless for me) retina model. I need more than 2 USB ports and the 2 Thunderbutt ports are as useless as tits on a boar hog as far as I'm concerned. I've been down the proprietary and expensive path before and won't go back there now. Even the regular 15" MBP has 1 Thunderbutt port instead of a 3rd USB port.

So I guess I will be looking elsewhere for my next laptop; probably Lenovo.

SpaceX signs deal to put its giant rocket to good use


Re: Vandenberg?

Looks like you skipped over part of his answer. Then main reason GEO isn't done from Vandenburg isn't mechanics per se, it's due to the fact that you would have stages dropping on land with an Easterly launch. Don't want a spent booster dropping in Bubba the redneck's back yard.

Vote now for the WORST movie EVER


They missed listing my favorite worst movie: The Conqueror starring John Wayne as Genghis Khan. I'm a John Wayne fan and that movie was so bad I couldn't make it more than 30 minutes before I had to change the channel. And Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was pretty damn bad too, but at least it was so bad it was funny.