* Posts by Churro Joe

15 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2012

Hitler 'is dead' declares French prof who gazed at dictator's nashers

Churro Joe

Conspiracy Theories?

The phrase 'conspiracy theory' seems to be used quite disparagingly, when you consider that the Nazis were quite conspiratorial. Also consider that it is a fact that lots of prominent Nazis did escape to South America. It doesn't mean that Hitler escaped, but surely it must have at some point been seen as an option.

New Sky thinking: Media giant makes dish-swerving move on Netflix territory

Churro Joe

Re: What??

Hopefully there will be a better frame rate. Apparently Now TV is only 25fps at the minute, and its very noticeable, particularly for football.

So, Nokia. What makes you think the world wants your phones?

Churro Joe

Re: S club 7

I don't remember Shirley

Florida Man to be fined $1.25 per robocall... all 96 million of them

Churro Joe

Simpsons did it!

...if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, send $1 to sorry dude...

The internet is 'a gift from God' says Pope Francis

Churro Joe

Pope in believing in God shocker

Is he saying that God invented the internet but was wrong to do so?

Radiohead's Thom Yorke pulls his own music off Spotify

Churro Joe
Paris Hilton

According to the BBC he tweeted "Make no mistake new artists you discover on #Spotify will no[t] get paid. Meanwhile shareholders will shortly being rolling in it. Simples."

Simples? Yeah, you stick it to the man, Thom.

Three's mobile data goes titsup in mysterious spreading outage

Churro Joe

Aha - explains why the podcast i was listening to stopped and never came back on when I went through a tunnel this morning. God, radio is awful these days.

Daft tweet by Speaker Bercow's loquacious wife DID libel lord

Churro Joe

Re: The Law is an Ass

Surely the 'trending topics' section of twitter is therefore Libellous? Are they therefore going to remove this in the UK?

Half of youngsters would swap PRIVACY for... cheaper insurance

Churro Joe

Re: License to steal?

Case in point - it's actually often cheaper to get comprehensive insurance than it is for Third Party - the reason being that anybody who gets third party insurance is more of a crash risk, and people who claim for damage to their own car will in most cases pay far more to the insurers than they ever claim.

Churro Joe

Re: License to steal?

Yeah, and god help you and your wallet if you ever have to claim on the insurance you pay through the nose for.

Churro Joe

Re: In the end...

Don't drive a car then, because 'they' know where you're going if you have a licence plate.

UK.gov's love affair with ID cards: Curse or farce?

Churro Joe

Re: @ Scandinavian AC - Bad ideas never die...

"I apologise for my fellow Brits, but they are as paranoid about having ID cards as Americans are about their "right" to carry guns infringed."

You could make an irrelavent comparison like this about anything to prove any point

Apple unveils iPad mini, upgrades its big brother

Churro Joe

New iPad already

So the old iPad is called the 'new iPad' and has a retina display and now the new iPad is called the 'iPad with retina display' and is a slight upgrade...alright then.

Definitely a new strategy from apple- it seems to me like Apple are doing what the automotive market did when they started incrementing the number plates every 6 months instead of every year. People will be less inclined to wait for the next one before buying one as the upgrades are so frequent they might as well take the plunge now as in 6 months time. It also means that apple can react more quickly with smaller changes so that they are not painfully behind all the other manufacturers for eleven months of the year. It'll upset the fanbois for a while but they'll get used to it.

Shops 'mislead punters' over phone contract prices

Churro Joe

Re: Misleading is wrong but...

My finances are my business and not the networks. Also, contracts are not legally binding if they are unfair - this practice should be deemed unfair.

Climate-change scepticism must be 'treated', says enviro-sociologist

Churro Joe

So she flew to London to tell us that?

Funny how some of the people who are most vocal about how everybody should change their habits think that this should apply to everybody but them. If we're really causing apocalyptic warming, then why is the solution always to force the poor to make sacrifices (by way of green taxes)? If you really believe it's going to be that bad, why not start setting a good example by riding around in a horse and cart?