* Posts by RegW

50 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Mar 2012

Five Eyes infosec agencies list 2023's most exploited software flaws


Is your surprise because you expect Microsoft to be higher up the list than Alassian, or that both are not higher?

Perhaps, the spooks (and everyone else) has realised that Confluence is only there as lip service to documentation. If its there at all, then it years out-of-date and the bad guys are welcome to it.

Microsoft netlogin vulnerabilities are only an issue if you use Windows and connect to the internet in some way, and who does that? What? Surely not!

Meta faces multiple complaints in Europe over plans to train AI on user data


Re: Go ahead.

> But who would trust or pay a penny for any 'AI' based on social media?

The Post Office prosecuted a large number of sub-postmasters because they trusted a software system called Horizon.

Nvidia rival Cerebras says it's revived Moore's Law with third-gen waferscale chips


Re: An unanswered question

Wot! Like a SCIS drive bad sector map?

Well isn't life just one big circle!

Twilio reminds users that Authy Desktop apps die in March – not in August


Re: Found a silver lining

When I first saw the suggestions, I looked into this and concluded KeePassXC was just a password manager. But you are right - it's there in the "Getting Started Guide" under "Database Operations" -> "Adding TOTP to an Entry".

The downside is that it has the opposite problem - its not available for phones! In theory if you can capture the original QR code then you could use it in combination with another authenticator app, but that seems painful.

Meta sued by privacy group over pay up or click OK model


Re: Not on FB


Unfortunately I installed it once because it was the only video call app that my mother's funeral director would comtemplate. It wouldn't work without access to my contacts list, so I carefully deleted everyone before giving permission. Friends were aware within minutes that I had signed up, because (of course) my number was in their contacts, and FB published it to the world without my permission. "What? - I thought you said you would never use WhatsApp!"

I deleted it within minutes of the call, but the damage was done. Oh the shame of it.

In the battle between Microsoft and Google, LLM is the weapon too deadly to use


Re: Define "intelligence".......so is the "artificial" kind really "intelligence"....

> (1) No fact checking on the HUGE "big data" databases which are used for training

I've got an idea, let's just check those facts ... tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Whirrrrrrr. Clunk.

No. It's OK. GPT-4 says it's all good.


Re: Pandora's Box, again

Oh well that's alright then. And if it isn't then we know: "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission".

Whoops, our bad, we may have 'accidentally' let Google Home devices record your every word, sound – oops


Hey Cortana, are you recording our every word?

Cortana? CORTANA?

Hey Google. What have you done with Cortana?

Aww, a cute mini-moon is orbiting Earth right now. But like all good things, it too will abandon us at some point


Dude where's my ...

Assange lawyer: Trump offered WikiLeaker a pardon in exchange for denying Russia hacked Democrats' email


We would probably never hear any such recording. President Trump is in talks with President Moreno "to explore new areas in trade, investment, and job creation".


Oracle staff say Larry Ellison's fundraiser for Trump is against 'company ethics' – Oracle, ethics... what dimension have we fallen into?


Re: You have (the right) to remain silent

I think we are all missing the point here. It's not about freedom of speech. This is about not doing something you told everyone you're not going to do (in your code of ethics).

However, on skimming though the document, it doesn't actually seem to prohibit what he is doing. It bands pressuring someone to vote a particular way or to contribute to a cause. You can't use company resources without running it past the legal department. You can't do politics on company time or expenses. You can't bribe a politician to win a contract.

So unless, I'm missing something, or Larry hasn't told his legal team - he is probably in the clear.

Judge Vulcan-nerve pinches JEDI deal after Amazon forks out $42m to pause Microsoft's military machinations


Windows for Warships

"...those who serve our country can access the new technology they urgently require,"

So they are not going to be stuck on Windows Server 2016 in 2030.

In the red corner, Big Red, and in the blue corner... the rest of the tech industry


Re: C

Interesting. Yes the Java API that Oracle is claiming copyright ownership of, does indeed copy names and ideas from other places, including the C standard libraries.

I'm pretty sure I first encountered the C "index" function for finding a character in a string in 1985 in K&R (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language). I always thought it was poorly named. Java's version (called indexOf) is here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#indexOf-int- and works in exactly the same way - returning -1 if the character is not found.

Google Maps gets Incognito fig leaf: We'll give you vague peace of mind if you hold off those privacy laws


I normally have GPS/location-services turned off and only turn it on when I want to use my choice of non-google maps software. When I do turn it on - my choice of GPS only location has been forgotten (again), and Google Play Services is the last app to have used location services (again).

The D in Systemd is for Directories: Poettering says his creation will phone /home in future


Re: passwd

Under the company policy it would expire before I have finished typing it.



> On resume, the same password will both log-in and decrypt the home folder.

... so if I change my password, my home folder will need re-encrypting?

Loss-making $15bn hipster chat biz Slack suddenly less appetising to investors as it predicts deeper losses


Re: My new business venture

I'll take all you've got for £8.75

Public disgrace: 82% of EU govt websites stalked by Google adtech cookies – report


Re: Oh no

I'm not sure I follow your argument.

Yes, it is your prerogative as an informed individual to not care which private details are collected about you and who they are shared with. But this is the reason why others might feel alarm.

And yes, cookies do make the web more useful. Although the role of governments in this story is that the outside organisation mentioned above, has found some government websites are riddled with cookies unrelated to their function. Making the web less useful by incompetently coding their own sites seems unlikely - but I could be wrong.

However, the bit I don't get is: why is your use of an ad blocker relevant? Especially as you seem to imply that ad tracking cookies make the web better.


Re: Oh no

Hmm. Not seeing the ads is not really the issue.

Suppose you go to a site to get information about abortion. Using cookies these companies will detect this and add that to your profile. Later your profile may be leaked, leaving you the target of anti-abortionists.

Suppose that in the future, we do not have such a benevolent government. Perhaps, our reading of The Register at that time will be seen as dangerous, and we all get sent to the gulag.

My browser tells me that on this page there 2 cookies from doubleclick, 2 from google, and 2 from regmedia, even when the 3 ads are blocked.

Just Android things: 150m phones, gadgets installed 'adware-ridden' mobe simulator games


Hmm. Doesn't seem to be open source and available on F-Droid like AFWall. Of course that's not a worry for everybody.

WLinux brings a custom Windows Subsystem for Linux experience to the Microsoft Store


Re: Why?

Because obviously I want to use Linux for everything I do - but still need to have my movements tracked and recorded for in/security purposes.

Due to Oracle being Oracle, Eclipse holds poll to rename Java EE (No, it won't be Java McJava Face)


Re: Lame name options IMHO

> Call it 'Joe', and you can keep the 'J' in every potentially affected acronym.

J0ee surely!

Google faces $10k-a-day fines if it defies court order to hand over folks' private overseas email


Re: Mail held overseas probably belongs to a non-US citizen

> If the US government starts using US companies to extend its jurisdiction to other countries ...

The article says:

> the messages can be accessed remotely from Google HQ in Mountain View, California, USA, so, basically, you can bet your ass it's under US jurisdiction.

Which would imply that it doesn't have to be a US company, just that the content is accessible from somewhere in the US. Of course, if this is deemed to be legal, then the opposite could also be assumed to be true. That content on servers within the US, which could be accessed from elsewhere (say Google's Moscow office), would be legally accessible in those jurisdictions.

It's been two and a half years of decline – tablets aren't coming back


Open OS

Personnally, I still don't have a tablet. I was waiting for someone to launch one with a well supported Linux option. Or pehaps some other open OS where I get to say what runs on it, and who it reports home to.

Still waiting.


What is this bullsh*t, Google? Nexus phones starved of security fixes after just three years


Re: Why is this shocking?

> Please cite, as Google NEVER said that. If you actually believe that you need to unplug from the internet, as you are clearly too thick to use it.

OK, always like a challenge ...

> ... Always new ... You're always among the first to receive software and security updates ... And you'll have the freshest, fastest version ...

https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/nexus/5x/ (as of today).

Hmm. That wasn't much of a challenge.

Why Oracle's Larry Ellison shelled out $9bn for NetSuite


Hopefully with all the extra cash, netsuite can fix their UI.

"Damn you - dancing AJAX button. Hold still a while, so I can submit my timesheet."

Microsoft's paid $60 per LinkedIn user – and it's a bargain, because we're mugs


Re: Ignorance is not bliss

Now I'm worried. I'm fine with the blue pill, but who is behind the curtain?

China to set up its own virtual currency


Re: Blessing

> Because the US government does not control the banks in the way China does, by a long shot. Roughly the same in Europe, really.

You assume that China is making its central bank do this. Which may be true, but wasn't stated in the article. However, the headline does seem to imply it.

I'm not sure whether it is the Federal Reserve or PBOC that you are likening to the various European central banks, but is theory they all play the same role. The central bank is supposedly independent, sets base rates and issues the money supply. So adopting a digital currency would seem to fit within the remit of the Peoples Bank of China, the US Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Danmarks Nationalbank, the European Central Bank, ... if they really wanted to do this.

Then yes, lending banks would probably feel forced to add it to all the other currencies they handle.

How TV ads silently ping commands to phones: Sneaky SilverPush code reverse-engineered


> I sometimes mute the sound when ads come on, since they obnoxiously increase the sound level to annoying levels.

Well that's one way for your ad blocker to know where to skip forward to :-)

Google, didn't you get the memo? Stop trying to make Google+ happen


> average 1.2 million new joins per day

Yes, well, I've joined a few times by accident. Got lost looking for an option that had been moved again.

Slander-as-a-service: Peeple app wants people to rate and review you – whether you like it or not


Bizzzt bizzzzt

Perhaps these people are really genuine about helping society identify good and bad people. Perhaps they simple don't understand that the bad people have access to the internet as well. There are some really unpleasant people out there that are going to abuse their efforts.

I think that's really sad.

Anyway ...

Igor. IGOR!!!! Fire up the random person generator. Attach it to www.fakenamegenerator.com and let's get this database full of crap. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hurrh. Hurrh. Hurrh. Hurrrr.

UK Scouts database 'flaws' raise concerns


Re: UK Scout Database

Would that be: "not a happy parent" ?


Zuck: Web drones, not balloons (cough, cough Google) are way forward


Send in the drones

Is it me or is everyone avoiding the word Skynet?

US to strengthen privacy rights for Euro bods' personal data transfers


Re: "We've already siphoned off...

Hmmm, nice bone.

(quick, keep pumping)

ANYONE on Google+ can now email you, with or without your Gmail addy


"I guess none of these things are intrinsically bad, ..."

Until you discover that friend$ are matched up with their credit scores and the gaps filled in by association. You really shouldn't have friended that bloke who did a runner with the church collection.

Yes, I know you ticked the privacy option, but that doesn't apply to finance company who pays good money for the data set.

And yes, I know you don't believe this happens. I wouldn't have either until I talked to the developer whose was writing the code.


Re: Ral Name

I take it you don't have your real name on your credit card then :-)

Microsoft now using next-gen Roslyn C#, Visual Basic compilers in house


Re: RE: I just did a test with a "Hello, World" executable, and it was 5K in size

Quick! Embed it in a web page and enter the 5k contest [the5k.org] ...

Oh wait. Seems they don't run that anymore. Perhaps, no one cares how much bandwidth programs take. Never mind, let me have a go...

echo "Hello, World"

Wow, 21 bytes

You gotta fight for your copyright ... Beastie Boys sue toymaker over TV ad


VW Badge

Let me get this right: the Beastie Boys are upset that someone has stolen from them?

French data cops to Google: RIGHT, you had your chance. PUNISHMENT time


Re: Fines are fine

<quote>Jail is better.</quote>

Perhaps an IP address blockade would be more effective :-)

The French would have to learn to use TOR to get around it. But first they would need to find out how - without using Google. So they would need to use another search engine - bingo.

Google submits YET ANOTHER offer to fix 'search dominance' in EU


Re: More unwanted interference from Europe

... hook, line and sinker.


More unwanted interference from Europe

Help Google by using DuckDuckGo

Tor usage up by more than 100% in August


Re: TOR users beware the 'Enigma effect'.

... and Room 40 obviously.

Given that The Onion Router relies on the user encrypting the traffic for each node along the selected route, each node should be unaware of what lies beyond the next node. The dangers are:

+ the traffic leaving the exit node is transparent to the exit node if HTTPS hasn't been used.

+ that the complete series of selected nodes has been compromised, and your destination can be determined.

+ that your ISP or some agency detects you connecting to a TOR IP address and determines meaning from this.

+ that the encryption algorithms we use today have secretly been broken.

"You know Old Boy. We've got a load of those damned Enigma machines that we captured from the Jerries. The Germans swear by them, and I believe the Ruskis are giving them a go now. As a friendly power would you like a few? Got to keep those communications hush, hush - wink, wink - what, what?"

Fooling the AppStore one code-chunk at a time


Re: @jeremy 3 (Um...)

I've read the permissions list and thought: "WTF are those?". You don't know what you are letting it do, so you let it pass. The alternative is to have no apps that do anything.

Snowden's secure email provider Lavabit shuts down under gag order


> host your own [mail server] where? It wont stop them knocking on the door and grabbing your servers due too "unspecified terrorism charges"

Well Yemen is proving to be popular. The USA only approaches by drone, and when they do - they generally kill the neighbours' kids. So a little money into the benevolent fund that Al-Qaeda runs for the widows and orphans (in lieu of compensation or even apology from the US government) and you should be pretty safe.

Oi, Google, you ate all our Wi-Fi keys - don't let the spooks gobble them too


I thought Android was open source. Doesn't it mean we can change it to do what we want? Or is it not quite that open?

US Congress proposal: National Park will be FOUND ON MOON


Re: Damnit

Well someone has to empty the bins.

IT design: You're not data, you're a human being

Thumb Up

Re: The blind

> How do you accommodate people with severe physical handicaps?


Google's cloud dumps custom Linux, switches to Debian


Re: User E%$^&#nce?

Yes - it is a bad sign. The correct term is 'UX', which is more properly baffling.

Sitting down all day is killing you


You don't scare me

Get your own bloody tea