If you think you're free
try going down to the Walgreens and urinating on the cough drops.
</obligatory Vandals quote>
64 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2007
It's not that they're left behind. They're too lazy to learn anything new. I've seen it over and over. It's what happens when you stop learning. The mind shuts off and resists starting again. It happens to all ages. I've seen so many people refuse to think. They either screw things up royally or get frustrated when mindlessly clicking/punching buttons fails.
You have my permission to shoot me if I ever get into that state.
Moral is don't stop learning and thinking and you'll not be left behind.
If it actually worked it would kill your cell's signal, wouldn't it? I think if anything it might actually reflect the signal back given the placement in the picture. I think you'd be better off to wrap you cell in tinfoil.........
mine's the silver shiny one....
You fail to mention that the insane male obtained the weapons illegally. What about enforcing the existing laws?
@ anti Kel-Tec --> I agree out of the box it's a little rough, but with a little work it is excellent for times when you have no option to carry anything bigger. It's biggest drawback is that it requires a very firm grip to cycle reliably since it's so light.
@Anti gunners Banning one weapon just provokes a switch to another. Plus banning anything sets a dangerous precedent. How long before they start banning knives (Great Britain). Perhaps automobiles, look at how many deaths are caused by them. Pretty soon you will have the dark ages again with the privileged few oppressing the masses. It could happen easily because you let them take away anything that you could use to stop them. Just look at China and what happens to protesters there.........
When it comes down to it weapons = freedom always has, always will. We need to be able to protect ourselves from people who would oppress us.
Just the other day I walk outside to see why my dogs are going nuts. Cue two neighbor's bulldogs running full tilt after me. Absolutely no way to make it anywhere safe in time. If I hadn't had a gun, I'd be dog food.......
And no, I didn't kill them. Several rounds in the gravel caused enough noise and stinging rock fragments to send them packing.
Don't bother with kack about mace/pepper spray and etc. Try hitting a dog in the face.
You want to put a stop to it? All I have to say is we have ordinance that can follow a laser......
Mine's the one with the built in holster........