Terror of the Autons
Was my first read of his as a kid while on holiday. Fab stuff. Thanks Terrence and RIP.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Mar 2012
For personal banking I'd agree, and most banks support multi browswer. However for busines banking, this is somewhat different. Switching business bank accounts for a large business isn't as easy.
Microsoft are again thinking with their head in the clouds, whilst banks who's main systems are coded in languages 30 years+ are hardly going to be swift to develop something that curretnly works just becuase the Redmond lads and lasses have have a brainstorming session around a table full of sweets and fizzy pop.
Apparently if you have signed up to the £36 a month 4 g EE network, you bill won't be going down.
The 4G network can be used for so much more than just mobiles on the move. Its a shame that this will be forgotten about in the midst of punters being shafted by suppliers and another Govermnet uction thats bound to go wrong, cost taxpayers a fortune, and requests for pointless enquiries to be started.
My Pioneer Kuro.
No 3D bollocks, no intenet connectivity. Just amazing picture quality only now being rivalled by TV panels being produced today.
Plug in the trust old Western Digital and I am good to go.
No doubt Apple will launch a very simple UI, state they invented it and everybody will fall for it. All other manufacturers have had more than enough time to get it right and failed everytime.
Paris - cos she likes a good bit of UI
With the recent announcement that the West Coast Mainline deal wasn't done properly etc, even though we have had weeks of "fair and robust process - blah blah blah"
How does essentially giving 4g capability to EE network before the bidding process has started stack up?
Horse and Bolt spring to mind.
Its got nothing to do with the fact that anybody with half a brain would wait a few months for the next all new and "shiny" revision on the iphone (5, new iphone, insert version name number here)???
Sales will probably tail off even further until the new model is available, and stall completely once an announcement is made. But I'll put a tenner down that people will queue for hours outside in the beautiful British sunshine.
Its interesting that the talk of 7" tablets and particularly the talk that Apple should/may/could make a 7" ipad, is to reduce the size of the screen for portability.
Whilst in another corner of the room, smartphones are increasing their size as if being pumped full of steroids.
So with one breath its "lets make em smaller" and the other its "make em bigger - bigger is much better"
I do carry my phone with me the majority of the time, becuase it fits in my pocket. I don't carry my tablet about much, not because of the size but because I don't need to. When and if I do, its not a huge ask to carry this about - hey what are Netto and Aldi carrier bags going to be used for?