* Posts by Fred

6 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2007

€25k for an old Nokia handset?


The real reason

I heard they can do it because of the red mercury they contain.

Facebook spams social networkers with phishy email


Banks too

Even worse, I've had my bank (First Direct) call me and then ask for some security details to confirm who I am!

I know it was genuine as I recognised the voice of someone I'd recently been speaking to and was expecting a call. Obviously, I still insisted on phoning them back.

HTC S730 Windows Mobile smartphone



USB to 3.5mm Adaptor? I find my Sony Ericsson stereo bluetooth headphones work really well over A2DP.

Video drivers - same issue as the TyTnII.

Germans debut kitesurf-powered autonomous windjammer



Kites definitely don't have to drag you downwind. Kitesurfers can manage about 10 degrees or so upwind. A ship should be able to manage more.

I wouldn't count on it being trouble free though. Wind drops... kite in the water... ship runs over it...

It's hard enough when it's when it's just you, a board and a kite designed to be relaunched from the water. Foil kites (like this one) can be a nightmare.

Facebook in court over IP theft allegations


Stole THEIR idea?

If only it was so easy to claim ownership and protect an idea! I wrote the first ever social networking site - http://www.everyonesconnected.com - so I'm not sure what ideas they're claiming were theirs.

Yes - it was online and out to the public before Friendster, MySpace, Facebook and the all rest. We were amazed nobody had done something similar before and looked at whether you can protect an idea. Not possible though.

NZ couple fight to name kid '4Real'


Strange Kiwi name

I used to know a Kiwi whose parents had no problem naming him Brent Cross. It didn't seem so strange until he moved over here and lived in - you guessed it - Brent Cross.