As Tony Hancock said "What about Magna Carta ? Did she die in vain ?"
Posts by Ian Reissmann
14 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Mar 2012
Magna Carta mayhem: Protesters lay siege to Edinburgh Castle, citing obscure Latin text that has never applied in Scotland
We'd rather go down in Down Under, says Google: Search biz threatens to quit Australia if forced to pay for news
"Considering more than 90 per cent of the world uses Google Search, that would be quite a blow to Oz's netizens, who would have to turn to other search engines like Bing or DuckDuckGo."
I'm puzzled. In what way is using a different search engine a problem? I use a mix of google and duckduckgo on different systems. both seem to provide good search results. But google hides really annoying adverts in its results in a really annoying way. If Australia does have the courage of its convictions maybe we'd all realise that google is far from irreplaceable. End result : the world is a better place ?
Red Hat defends its CentOS decision, claims Stream version can cover '95% of current user workloads'
CentOS was exactly that IIUC - a one man band cloning RHEL.
I was surprised after reading this announcement how far CentOS has been assimiliated into the RH/IBM Borg. This will obviously kill CentOS in fairly short time. And that is obviously the intention. Sure - people can set up businesses and sell themselves. But the system can work badly against customers and users when competition is reduced and the market rigged.
I hope someone does come up with a new clone. We're watching the space.
(We used to be a vendor on Solaris, added in Windows. We adopted RHEL/Centos some time ago. Solaris we've now dropped - thanks to Oracle. Even more sadly the majority of our customers buy our products to run on Windows).
Start Me Up: 25 years ago this week, Windows 95 launched and, for a brief moment, Microsoft was almost cool
That's bang out of order: Threesome hookup app 3Fun leaked lovers' data, locations, pix – report
Facebook blames 'server config change' for 14-hour outage. Someone run that through the universal liar translator
Is Microsoft about to git-merge with GitHub? Rumors suggest: Yes
Android at 10: How Google won the smartphone wars
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don't understand encryption. So what?
In one sense Rudd is right. She does not need to understand cryptography.
What she does need is to listen to the advice of security experts who will explain to her what is feasible and what is not.
If she has an expert advising her who claims PKI can be weakened or outlawed, let Rudd put him/her forward to explain how this would work.
No. I thought not. cloud fave Amazon comes under fire for tax bill
Reports: NSA has compromised most internet encryption
Re: Backdoors in systems you say ?
Gosh: open source has bugs ?!
The point many people (such as Bruce Schneier) are making is that NSA are probably relying on things like back doors and poor security practices to ensure they can breach people's privacy. Open source is much less likely to be vulnerable to these as we know what goes into open source.
So, what IS the worst film ever made?
worst film
I got to watch this at a charity event. After a meal we went to the cinema. At about 10:30 I realised the ship hadn't even started to sink and I realised I had a long way to go. The scene where they start shooting in the hold had me laughing out loud - I was waiting for a car chase to start.
150 minutes of my life I'll never have back ...