Re: RAID6 sucks
RAID10 will have better performance and better rebuild times than RAID6 but it won't be cheaper!
81 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2007
About BT. Live in a small village in Cornwall and have had infinity for 4 years giving me 76mb. Actually Cornwall has done pretty well (mainly EU money) and most of the duchy can get infinity.
Don't know why Virgin boast so much. Piece of piss to give 200mb in an urban conurbation that you provide cable TV too. How about the rest of the country Virgin when are rural areas going to get your service!? Yeah exactly!
but Loran-C isn't as capable as GPS or GLONASS or any other satellite based system and most of the stations have been shut down. The UK is putting some investment into eLoran but Loran is pretty much only used for maritime navigation. Bring back DECCA I say! far better than that American Loran rubbish!
totally agree! Our little girls (she's nearly 3) favourite thing is the cunningly named Cat Cat (Marie from the Aristorcats) she has had this since she was very young and takes it just about everywhere, so Cat Cat needs a regular bath, visit to the washing machine!
glad you cleared that up. I was a bit confused as to what was being suggested. So basically you can STILL play single player but you have to have a tinterweb connection to play The only hitch with this kind of thing is you WILL get times when the servers are down and you can't play. aka SimCity and Diablo III
yep we've just been saying the same in our office. BUT DVLA should have guessed that a lot of stupid people would come to the conclusion that how you renew your tax must be changing given that the disc is going and there has been a lot in the media about it so might have sort of expect this spike.
Saying that I don't have any sympathy for clowns like this (quote from the BBC)
Mike Dewsbury from Manchester was one of those who struggled to pay for his car tax - known officially as Vehicle Excise Duty (VED).
"It's a joke. I need to get to work but legally can't because my car isn't now taxed," he told the BBC.
I'll tell you what you're the joke for waiting until the last day to renew you t*$t
"The auditors said that the PCC was right to axe the SIREN project when he did, but pointed out that the situation never should have come to that in the first place"
Yep they should have used the package that the other forces were using, if they had to adjust how they did things then that's what they should have done!
And don't even get started on why we have 40 odd police forces in this country! Why just in the SW do we have Devon&Cornwall, Avon&Somerset and Dorset ,total waste of money.
But there again the national firearms database was a total cockup and took years to do just for a database that has a few hundred thousand firearms\shotgun cert holders on it.
the one company the bugs the sh*t out of me where WP and Windows 8 support is concerned are those robbing b'startds Sky if I could ditch Sky I would but not being in a cabled area (or ever likely to be I'm stuck with them) Despite a MASSIVE thread on their forums concerning WP and Win8 support there isn't any (well you can sort of fudge SkyGo to work on win8) but there in no app. Seems odd to me that when most PC's being sold come with Windows 8/8.1 they still don't have proper support for that OS let alone for WP.
But what is even worse is that Sky Italy DO have a WP8 app!
Hands up how many of you know they also do HPC's! I didn't know until a few months ago when we had an external IT review and the consultants brought in Viglen to review our current and future HPC requirements. Viglen and HPC words you don't expect to see in the same sentence!
And finally two words for Lord Sugar "Email Phone"
I think that you'd landed up with a bit of an half assed weapons platform if you did this. The Asute are hunter killer replacements for the S-boats (swiftsure) 5 boats and a couple T-boats (Trafalgar class), with the same ability as Trafalgar to lunch cruises missiles but their primary role is to hunt down other sub's so I think its a like for like replacement ie 7 Astute to replace 5 swiftsure and 2 Trafalgar. they're pretty big 2000T bigger than a Trafalgar at over 7000T but nothing like the size of the V-boats that carry Trident at over 16000T. I think the astute are about the same'ish size as the old Polaris boats.
Vengeance is currently down here in Plymouth being refitted
One that always sticks in my mind was one that one of our boffins (I work in a research Lab) came out with. We have a shared printer on each floor of the lab, the boffin came in and said the printer was low on toner on the 3rd floor and could we change it. Normally we don’t we just ask the user to give the toner a shake and it’s good for a few more hundred pages, anyway I said to the boffin “ok could you give it a shake, and got the classic answer “what the printer?” Now these printers are HP Laserjet 4300DTN (extra paper trays) so weigh in at around 30kg!
And that is really likely is it? I think not. As I said I don’t like paying the bleedy thing but if you want to watch TV you have to have one, pay up or don’t have a telly. It’s what £12’ish per month ( 2 packets of 20 fegs) Be interesting to know the personal circumstances of the “TV license” 74
news for you mate, I'm not in the Union so won't be going on strike, not all of us in the public sector are loony lefty pinkos. And on the issue of the strike, not very good timing this announcement, how to piss off public sector workers even more than they are already! I wonder how many will volunteer to cover boarder agency staff now!?
More news for you too, try comparing rates of pay within the professions in the civil service with the private sector (including us in IT) Think you’ll find private sector professionals do very nicely compared to their civil service colleagues. Bet your bolloxs that an HEO or SEO lawyer, accountant or IT Pro won’t be getting as good a package as a lawyer in law firm or an accountant or one of us in a private sector company. We might get a good pension but do we get other perks? health care, ermmm no, do we get nice bonuses, ermmmm no, do we get a company car ermmmm no, do we ever get large pay awards, errrmmmmm no, do we get decent expense allowances ermmmmm no, do we actually get much in the way of perks, ermmmm no. And how about career progression, my wife works for a large corporate (3M) in the past 6 years she’s had 2 promotions, I’ve had 1 in 14 yr’s and had to go through hoops to get that!
well this is the thing public sector job losses are also expected to hit over 700,000. I live in Cornwall so don't want to move (lived in the village all my life, one of the few these days!), but unless you want to work in a gift shop or a care home you need to commute to Plymouth for a better job, and the commute is 1.5 hours.
So after my pay freeze for 2yrs I'll be getting 1% for 2yr's then taking account of my increased pension contributions from April 2012 I think it'll work out that I won't have a pay rise for something like 5 yrs. And of course us civil service workers always had such BIG pay rises when the country was doing well, I don’t think I have EVER in 14yrs had a pay rise of over 3.5%.
Of course the pub beer garden next to my house full of p*ss heads drinking nearly all day, will still be full all year round while I go to work at 7am and get home at 7pm. The only difference is they’ll have their “pay rise” of 5.2%
we only have Xerox wax printers on site, always had them from the days of the 8200, we now have 3 8560's. Always found them to be cheap to run (you'll need to program the power saving to suit your needs) and very easy to use, no big toners in multiple colours to store, just a few small boxes of ink and the maintance kits are also small. Print quality beats lasers in to the ground. We use papercut to bill our users per page.