taxes..companies don't really pay any tax at all.
In reality COMPANIES, never pay taxes. They ALWAYS pass along the extra costs, to the consumer. To PEOPLE. People pay taxes. You're at the end of the line , with no-one to pass along the tax to. If you have a company that makes widgets, for instance, what ever tax, fee, "carbon tax" you decide to levy on that company that makes the widget, will be passed along to the person who eventually buys the widget. Basic economics. It doesn't matter whether the widget is oil, corn, wheat, iPhone, Android phone, tablet or iPad. Go ahead, decide that iPads should have a carbon tax on it. Apple mearly will charge MORE for the iPad. You think your are free because you don't buy iPads? You are wrong, because you do buy food, and the companies that produce food who buy those iPads will charge more for the food.