I think it's worse than that - some of our customers domains seem to have been shifted onto their DNS overnight which may mean something nefarious is afoot...
4 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2012
Somebody kind of did do this already, with the Motorola Atrix - OK, so it was before tablets became all the rage but the idea was similar. It failed, but the laptop part lives on as a way to make a Raspberry Pi laptop - now if you can get hold of the tablet part cheaply once the hype dies down, might be a nice way to make a touchscreen Pi.... hmmm....
The worst film in the history of the universe is Legally Blonde 2. I was forced to endure it once on a transatlantic flight, and it's the only film I've ever watched which made me feel both mentally and physically sick to the very core of my being. Quite apart from the unimaginably banal storyline, horrendous characters, and the complete lack of anything even vaguely interesting on screen (at one point I resorted to playing the 'would you?' game out of sheer desperation and by the end the score was still at zero, extras included). The worst part was that someone somewhere decided to make that film, and some other people agreed with them and between them all they created something that if it was utterly erased from history the world wouldn't even be a better place, it would just dissipate like a fart in a gale, unnoticed and unmissed. Thanks for reminding me of that terrible experience El Reg, I thought I'd filed that one away with all the other bits of my wasted life but you've managed to drag it back out to turn my stomach anew.