* Posts by adminspotting

14 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2012

Isis crisis: Facebook makes Bristol lass an unperson


Charles ****ens

Yep, that's how one site rendered the author's name when I tried to mention him.

Calm down, dear: Woman claims sexism in tech journalism


What happened to the New Year's resolution?

"As an older and wiser publication, we've also come to realise that some of our more adolescent behaviours are starting to look a little inappropriate. Expect [...] a recognition that attempted self-aware hopefully ironic sexism is almost always indistinguishable from actual sexism"


So, does anyone in UK.gov actually know what G-Cloud is for? Apparently not


Men trying to look menacing

Works better if your rifle has a magazine in it...

And desert camo works better in the desert...

Are you a gun owner? Let us in OR ELSE, say Blighty's top cops


You are plain wrong when you say:

"The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has announced a legal tweak intended to allow police officers to turn up at the homes of gun owners, without warning, and demand to inspect guns stored on the premises."

They cannot "without warning [...] demand to inspect guns [lawfully] stored on the premises".

They can turn up at your door unannounced.

They can *ask* to check your security measures.

You can tell them to piss off.

Unfortunately, anyone who legally holds a shotgun/firearm probably wouldn't be best advised to tell the plod to piss off, but the plod can't turn up unannounced and *demand* to inspect your security arrangements or weapons.

Virgin Media blocks 'wankers' from permissible passwords


Re: We have always been at war with Eastasia

No, Citizen, they did not delete anything.

Nothing but those 4 ever existed.

Any belief otherwise is an erroneous thought.


We have always been at war with Eastasia

Virgin have now gone all 1984:

> var badPassArray = [

> "abc123",

> "password",

> "virgin",

> "welcome",

> ];


Re: Rogers!

I sent someone a message on an American website, and had to then explain that by ****ens, I meant the author of Oliver Twist.


El Reg reports you can't have any of those naughty words as any part of a password, so "canal" is right out?

This reminds me of twitter's stupid rules on usernames, which would ban you from having the twitter handle "leadminer".

The hoarder's dilemma: 'Why can't I throw anything away?'


You've just thrown out a PlayStation 3?

Amateur, I only just threw out my original PlayStation.

Burger-rage horse dumps on McDonald's: Rider saddled with fat fine


"motor vehicle"

If I owned one, I'd be tempted to take a steam traction engine (which is not a "motor vehicle") to the local drive-thru[sic] and see what they say...

Run for your (private) lives! Facebook's creepy Graph Search is upon us


Re: Optional

I haven't erased my profile, and I'm not going to.

Since I've never had a friendface account, there's no need.

UK data cops to Google: You've got three months to sort out privacy


Re: What's the problem?

ITYM "rein". Unless you're the Queen,.

Nuke plants to rely on PDP-11 code UNTIL 2050!


Re: 2038 and all that

I remember a couple of years ago Audi advertised their "space-age" aluminium cars.

I already have a "space-age" aluminium car, a 1967 Land Rover.

iPhone spontaneously combusts on CCTV



That's very shaky camera-work for CCTV...