Re: I agree
"In total, your 64 public posts have been upvoted 242 times and downvoted 19 times." You have been a member since 2011-11-22
64 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Mar 2012
Where did the idea for Recall come from? Follow the money...
"The Department of Defense is one of the largest purchasers of cybersecurity services," Wyden and Schmitt wrote. "Through its buying power, DoD's strategies and standards have the power to shape corporate strategies that result in more resilient cybersecurity services."
Visible is a new Verizon spinoff. They have two plans Visible and Visible+.
"Visible runs on Verizon's award-winning 5G & 4G LTE networks. Typical 5G & 4G LTE download speeds are 9-149 Mbps. Video streams in SD. In times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic."
"Visible+ gives you unlimited premium data on Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network, the fastest 5G network access we offer — up to 10X faster than Verizon’s median 4G LTE speeds. Premium data means no data slowdowns due to prioritization."
"Visible+ also gives you 50 GB/mo of premium data on Verizon's award-winning 5G & 4G LTE networks when 5G Ultra Wideband is unavailable. Premium data means no data slowdowns due to prioritization. Typical 5G & 4G LTE download speeds are 9-149Mbps. Video streams in SD. After 50 GB, in times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic."
"Have you hunted all the big game ON the planet? Do you have the predatory skills to LASER rogue satellites* moving at 7500 m/s! We will provide training for only >>6<< elite hunters worldwide.
* please avoid damaging the Endangered satellites on the supplied list"
Problem solved, easy peasy.
"An inode number just isn't a unique descriptor any more. We're not living in the 1970s, and filesystems have changed." -Linus
This is from Chris Down <lkml.org/lkml/2020/7/13/1078>
"In Facebook production we are seeing heavy i_ino wraparounds on tmpfs. On affected tiers, in excess of 10% of hosts show multiple files with different content and the same inode number, with some servers even having as many as 150 duplicated inode numbers with differing file content."
Interesting inode issues, also from Chris Down <unix.stackexchange.com/questions/642313/how-does-linux-assign-inode-numbers-on-filesystems-not-based-on-inodes>
Is any telcom working on security and blocking of fake phone calls? My discontinued 3G Verizon phone used to allow blocking of calls with phone number prefixes. My 5G Verizon phone no longer supports blocking by prefix. So, telcos congested bandwidth now carries the unwanted spam calls. Why do overseas phone calls appear to be from the US?
In the interest of providing some USA data: Currently have Verizon FIOS near Boston, Mass with 100Mb/s up and down for $40.00 month. Two other options are 300 Mb/s for $60.00 month and 940 Mb/s for $80.00. All prices are 1 year introduction rates not including taxes, fees, etc.
Copper line was *removed* more than 6 years ago, so DSL is no longer an option. Local competitors are Comcast and Dish Network.
RE: Anonymous Coward
"Tom Peters in one of his "Excellence" books in the 1980s gives an example of a complex missile project that was split between three companies. Instead of a rigid interface specification for the three components - it was deliberately left to be somewhat fuzzy. The result was the components were flexible enough to fit together without too much adjustment."
How fuzzy?
Re: Kubla Cant
In less time than it took you to enter your ridicule, you could have Google the answer.
French: campagne English: campaign
cam·paign kam'pan/ noun
noun: campaign; plural noun: campaigns
1. a series of military operations intended to achieve a particular objective, confined to a particular area, or involving a specified type of fighting.
Au Revoir
Hello Thomas and welcome to BA "Fly in Comfort & Style" recruiting.
Please have a seat. That's your computer science resume is it?
OK first question, how would you design a fail-safe messaging system to be distributed across 200 critical systems. [45 minutes later] Thank you for your time Thomas.
Shirley, please send in the next applicant.
You initially built a platform to meet women and make money, but as you age you realize the limitations of what was built.
Use your money and start fresh.
Bait and switch:
Or search for "Office Depot extended warranty fraud".
Being visited by the three ghosts of Christmas is viewed more as a training opportunity and not an ethics review.
> I've made it a habit to stop reading at the first mistake, since it casts doubt on everything that follows.
Found your habit to be a mistake.
Its easy to skip over what one believes to be false and continue reading for learning purposes. I submit errata for book typos and mistakes in published code samples.
Samsung does produce monthly updates. http://security.samsungmobile.com/smrupdate.html#SMR-OCT-2016
"Samsung Mobile is releasing a maintenance release for major flagship models as part of monthly Security Maintenance Release (SMR) process."
I have the S5-mini and 6 months between updates sounds spot on. Daughter's Verizon S6 was just updated on Sept 27 2016.
@Matt Brynat
"Google is selling a Porsche in a market where the majority are settling for a Ford Focus,"
Actually Google is Ford priced in a market that is Porsche priced.
Current Google Fiber Broadband pricing:
Broadband plan features
$15 per month *
25 Mbps upload and download speeds - that's fast enough to make video calls and stream HD content
No data caps
No application process or contracts
No equipment rental or installation fees
* $15 per month plus applicable taxes. If you cancel your service, you'll need to return your equipment to a Fiber Space within 25 days of cancelling to avoid a replacement fee (including any applicable taxes).
However, Boston area Verizon FIOS 15Mbps plan is roughly $75.00 month.
Used the IIS GUI to add a https web site with self-signed cert. First time using IIS, fumbled a bit but eventually completed the task. Trying to do that task by learning/writing PowerShell scripts from scratch would have been an adventure. Thanks GUI, a choice is nice for the noobs such as me.
For the past 2yrs FIOS basic internet access, with no cable TV, was $65.99 month. Now its bumped to $69.99 bundled with basic TV, which I can't see (no cable box). There is no copper in the apartment complex, so the only choices are Verizon or Comcast.
Used to have Verizon DSL for $30.00 month. Was cheap and sufficient for my needs.