* Posts by jhudsy

6 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Mar 2012

NASA aborts third attempt at finally settling man-made CO2 debate


So what you're saying is that warming occurs, and then CO2 rises? Apart from the fact that Vostok (for example) stops around 1813, and so can't capture any modern warming (i.e. your argument is invalid in the modern regime), deniers need to find the warming necessary to cause CO2 levels to get to their present levels: "The highest pre-industrial value recorded in 800,000 years of ice-core record was 298.6 ppmv" (taken from http://cdiac.ornl.gov/trends/co2/ice_core_co2.html).

TL;DR: CO2 has been pretty much confirmed as the cause of AGW.

UK govt preps World War 2 energy rationing to keep the lights on


Re: Yup..

A quick google search shows you're emitting dangerous amounts of hot air if not CO2...



Re: Yup..

citation needed?

Low sunspot activity linked to rivers freezing: Mini Ice Age on way?


Re: Nothing to see here

No, that's not what I mean. Climate sensitivity is not a "modelling constant of arbitrary significance", and has very little if anything to do with the portion of the IPCC report I quoted.


Nothing to see here

"Climate scientists of the orthodox, alarmist tendency say that variability in the Sun has minimal effects if any on the Earth's climate, but Sirocko - like some others - believes it is an important factor."

Actually, no, Climate scientists say that variability in the Sun has miniaml effects on the Earth's climate after the middle of the 20th century unless there are unknown feedbacks - http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch1s1-4-3.html

In other words, nothing to see here except Lewis Page's generic preconceptions rolled out in public yet again.

UPDATE: GAGA team hunts down grass-smoking ROBOT


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