Re: So 3.5k for car parts....
There comes a point in time when the majority of people in the world who are just trying to do their jobs and succeed in life get tired of those who thumb their nose at society's mores, act like the rules don't apply to them because they're special, pretend they're vigilantes working for the greater good of all mankind while simply vandalizing servers for "lulz", pontificate about the evils of public and private organizations while they're racking up charges with stolen credit cards, and believe that they themselves are the final authority of ethics and morals on this planet.
Do I want a sentence and punishment for this group of wannabees that is severe enough to "send a message" to others that are doing the same thing? Heck yes. I hope their sentence costs the US taxpayers a great deal more than 3.5k.
"Does law enforcement think that we rate the seriousness of the crime by the penalty?"
Uh, yes, that's a factor for most of us. That's why I'm perfectly willing to drive over the speed limit much of the time, but unwilling to steal, rob a bank, or use stolen credit cards to buy car parts.