See? Steel-toed boots can be needed in the datacenter. Call HR and expense 'em
Posts by ssharwood
184 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2012
After we fix that, how about we also accidentally break something important?
AT&T claims VMware by Broadcom offered it a 1,050 percent price rise
On Call’s Greatest Hits, as voted for by you, the readers
ICANN reserves .internal for private use at the DNS level
Tape is so dead, 152.9 EB of LTO media shipped last year
IT infrastructure scared away potential buyers of struggling e-commerce site
Atlassian loses half its CEOs, but customers stay solid after Server products exit support
Japanese government rejects Yahoo! infosec improvement plan
Re: Surely you meant…
Coupla things here.
The! Apostrophe! Gag! is pretty old now, and also makes for pretty lousy readability IMHO. I like to nod to it, but not overdo it.
Also, Yahoo Japan is not Yahoo! and has tenuous lineage to the purple palace. The back story is complicated, but applying the apostrophe gag is therefore not entirely accurate.
And FWIW I try to slip in some linguistic delights to most of what I write, and to the headlines and subheads I edit.
Dave's not here, man. But this mind-blowingly huge server just, like, arrived
250 million-plus reserved IPv4 addresses could be released – but the internet isn’t built to use them
VMware's end-user compute products are for sale. Who might buy 'em?
Late to report? No. We reported the divestment plan DURING Broadcom's earnings call. If we weren't first, we were among the first handful to report this.
We then CHOSE to offer commentary on that decision at a later date. And did so without reading the TechTarget piece.
Commentary doesn't always need to follow events closely.
Doom turns 30, so its creators celebrate seminal first-person shooter’s contribution to IT careers
Techie labelled 'disgusting filth merchant' by disgusting hypocrite
Aaaah Clapham Junction ... I pased through in the first few days of my time living in London. Having previously only seen touristy and nice residential bits it was quite a revelation ... I later learned that the district was gentrifying. All the 20-somethings I worked with referred to it as 'Claaahm' to denote its upmarket shift.
Airbus takes its long, thin, plane on a ten-day test campaign
Re: in a 3-3 economy class configuration.
I once set my alarm to get up at 0500 to get a flight from LHR-BKK. But I had forgotten to change my alarm clock from French time so it went off at 0400. Then I had a middle seat and didn't get a wink.
Next, the 12 hour layover in BKK, which I spent being driven around in a TukTuk to see the sights.
On the BKK-SYD leg I fell asleep the minute I sat down, and woke up when the wheels hit the ground.
Best flight ever.
The iPhone 15 has a Goldilocks issue: Too big or too small. Maybe a case will make it just right
Florida Man and associates indicted for conspiracy to steal data, software
Re: The smell of desperation
So here's the thing. When a public figure says "Russia, if you're listening", later tries to induce a foreign power to interfere in domestic politics, tells a zillion lies about an election, and refuses to assist in retrieval of classified documents, I don't see investigations as attacks - I see them as necessary and appropriate. And just the sort of thing that a mature democracy with a strong rule of law encourages and can tolerate.
Re: The smell of desperation
OK I'll bite. I'll regret it, but here goes.
I just don't get the logic behind the "lawfare" argument. The defendant literally asked Georgia's governor to find him some votes, and has failed to produce any evidence that the election was "rigged". The Georgia indictment points out that his associates tried to mess with voting machines. How is that stuff NOT worthy of investigation? Or condemnation?
I gather another strand of the "lawfare" argument is that the timing of the cases is suspicious given campaigning season has commenced. Yet I suspect that if the indictments had been made earlier, critics would have dismissed them as the result of rushed investigations ... seems there's no way to win against this argument.
I say from a distance and without a vote to cast - but as an increasingly stunned observer of US politics which from down here looks to be dominated by ideology rather than a genuine interest in governance.
Microsoft to hike prices in Australia and New Zealand
Australia fines tech companies for exploiting foreign tech workers
WTF is solid state active cooling? We’ve just seen it working on a mini PC
Pixies keep switching off my morning alarm, says Google Pixel owner
IBM teases AI-infused hybrid cloudy upgrade to z/OS - Bingo!
Oh, 07734! Internet Archive debuts vintage calculator emulator
Twitter starts auction to flip the bird, furniture, pizza ovens, gadgets galore
Nope: We were first to cover this - - and this - - and this - ... and those are just the stories I know we were first with last week.
I could go on. But this Twitter story was written over the MLK day long weekend, and long weekends are always terrible times for news.
And FWIW I think this is real news: Twitter made losses for years and the fact it bought $4000 USB-charging bicycles might tell us why ...
Basecamp details 'obscene' $3.2 million bill that caused it to quit the cloud
Microsoft to move some Teams features to more costly 'Premium' edition
Elon Musk to step down as Twitter CEO: Help us pick his replacement
Japanese convenience store chain opens outlet staffed by avatars and robots
Australia asks FBI to help find attacker who stole data from millions of users
Ex-Googler Eric Schmidt's think tank warns China could win global tech race
Re: Explanation please
China doesn't need a backdoor. It needs someone who can describe networks to it and identify a weak point, or someone who "forgets" to patch a single server. That someone could be at a customer or a partner. Or a lucky vendor staffer posted overseas who is also a CCP member. The info they provide makes and attack, or seeking intelligence, far easier. Proper spooks know this. See for examples.
Retbleed slugs VM performance by up to 70 percent in kernel 5.19
France levels up local video game slang with list of French terms to replace foreign words
Accenture announces 'Accenture Song' – not a tune, but a rebrand
Will Chinese giants defy US sanctions on Russia? We asked a ZTE whistleblower
Review: ASUS dual-screen laptop may warm your heart, will definitely warm your lap
Oracle creates new form of free Solaris
New submarine cable to link Japan, Europe, through famed Northwest Passage
Reg scribe spends 80 hours in actual metaverse … and plans to keep visiting
Re: What? What flight sim people are doing for ages?
I think the word "Sim" undoes this argument. Zwift and its ilk measure the state of your body, and your real world body determines the outcome of the game, while the game places new demands on your body. But I certainly agree that the flight sim community has been social and networked for ages, and uses virtual recreations of the real world.