* Posts by Radlo

2 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2012

GAGA: Spinning blades, welding, wi-fi, what could possibly go wrong?

Paris Hilton

Stick in the ground

In the short term, you whack a stake in the ground and securely attach a popular petrol mower via a length of rope == the radius of your soon to be new circular lawn. Fire up and let it roll up. Later, a semi automomous triangular lawnbot with 3 auto feeding strimmers on the angles will tackle any edging issues. Orientation and navigation via any popular 9DOF IMU and a few coded IR reference LEDs around the estate for Wii mote positioning and then stand well back. Hours of fun working out the best cutting topology for a quality finish.

Paris as she loves a little triangle.

Ethics profs fret over cyborg brains, mind-controlled missiles



Boosting ones IQ is not for the feint hearted, at least it wasn't back in 56.