Re: And from the crispy chrysalis emerged...
There is no FRY...
May The Fourth Be With You
(and the Firth, Fivetwoitously)...
764 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2012
No, this has NOTHING to do with "the cloud".
It has EVERYTHING to do with speed at any cost, poor design and/or poor coding (values not checked).
Other machines have had similar system data segment (base) exchange routines, for example the HP3000 with the EXCHANGEDB routine, which swapped the user's data segment base with a system data segment base in order to facilitate calls to Privileged system internal routines like DIRECTFIND (or if you're in a RISCy mood, ATTACHIO). Fortunately the system had checks in hardware to see that upon return, DB was where it should be (i.e. where it was originally).
Of course, if the parameters, calling sequence, or stack are gorbled, then all hell will break loose.
But, on the HP3K (and other machines) you would be rewarded with a system failure, or a system abort, BECAUSE you needed to be in Privileged Mode (aka ring zero) and "SETCRITICAL", which means "don't abort me, and if I crash, so does the system".
No RISC, no fun, eh?
Sometimes speed kills, if you've taken off all the safeties.
"a fun and vibrant team of marketeers" who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.....
And don't forget the telephone sanitizers, and the moodily-lit tubes of toothpaste.....
Closest I could find to Fenchurch ---------------------------------------------^^^^
"Even my small home network is hard to configure for IPv6 (router, firwall, VM host - they can all see each other but can't route IPv6 packets successfully..)"
You should give the firwall back to your cat, and put in a firewall :)
(Watch out for those hairballs, they're non-routable, and induce hacking).....
Scott McNealy would probably say "you can hear the sound of a garbage truck crashing into the night"...
Goodbye, and good riddance, Meg, or should I say Nit Whitman. I though Leo, Carly, and the flailing Hurd were the worst that could happen to HP.
You've eclipsed them all. And made a mockery of Bill and Dave and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of creative, dedicated, and hard-working employees that have walked the floors of HP.
You aren't even worthy to sweep them.
Just. Go. Away.
Carly was brought in to destroy the HP Way, nit Whitman is in the process of completing that. Some say that John Young was actually "the beginning of the end".
"Keysight" is neither Key, nor has any "sight". (fl)Agilent is only one of many failed remnants of HPs former glory. The profound lack of care they took of these documents is only representative of the lack of care they and their greedy manglement give to what was left of the HP Way, and what is left of the various instrument divisions, which were once innovative, creative, and great as well.
Digital documents are no replacement for the originals. Especially as they can be modified, or, worse, omissions made either by intent or carelessness.
Having said all that, I wish health and a quick recovery for those affected by the fires. Lives are much, much more important than things...