mac is business, gaming better elsewhere...
The last few messages have tried to sell the mac for "gaming", this is obviously a stretch -- the mac is not the best machine for gaming. If you primarily are interested in games, a game console (PS3 or Xbox 360) is the best way to go. The next best is the Windows platform, then last is the mac. EA announcement was a sham, they won't be porting the games, they will be running them through an emulation layer (that is two layers of performance draining - emulation, and OpenGL which is not optimized for games).
If you use the computer for business, then the mac is the best way to go. If you use it for business, but also a little for gaming (and you don't want to shell out the money for a console -- which is a better investment than getting a high-end graphics card just for gaming) -- then probably an intel mac with a dual boot to windows.
As far as Vista? It took them 5 years to go from XP to Vista -- and that release reminds me of MS DOS 4.0 -- a failure in the worst way. The computers at work are primarily windows machines right now (working on resource management software off of windows -- which should allow development should be able to migrate off of windows completely. The company has refused to update to Vista. What is in-store for the next release, based on prior history -- they will try to fix Vista in Vienna in 2 years time, the next major revision will follow 2 or 3 years later.... that is five years from now..... That leads me to believe that the code base for windows is so bad, that it is currently strangling Microsoft -- which is why they feel the need to scare people from using Linux.
Microsoft would be better off doing what Apple did, take their windowing environment and replace the core with Unix.... that would allow them to focus on two areas -- graphics optimization for games, and the User environment (and quicker releases).